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2.5 Year Old Cries For EVERYTHING!!!! PLEASE HELP Before I Completely Lose It!!!!!!

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  • 2.5 Year Old Cries For EVERYTHING!!!! PLEASE HELP Before I Completely Lose It!!!!!!

    I have been providing childcare for several years. I have never had a child who has stressed me out the way this new kid is. I have NEVER in over 20 years had a kid like this. I am so ready to lose it! Before I do I thought I would come here to ask for any advise at all!

    This little boy has been here for almost 2 weeks now along with his baby brother. Baby brother is a year old. I expected to have problems with the baby having separation issues etc but he was completely fine after the 3rd day here.

    Both kids come in the morning and are all smily and happy, mom leaves for work and all is well. No problems with drop offs at all no tears both come in and are ready to start their days.

    The problem I am having with the 2.5 year old boy is this! He cries for EVERYTHING and once he starts he will not stop! I can't take it! If someone else has a toy and he wants it, he cries! He does not stop! If I were to give him the toy he would stop but I won't do he cries and he cries and he cries until I have had enough and put him in another room. He will cry for a very long time. I go in each time he seems to stop slow down and I ask him if he is done and he says yes so I bring him out. He immediately begins to cry again! If I give him food that he does not like he sits and cries, if I ask him to pick up toys before he can choose another toy he cries, if he wants something and I tell him no he cries.....and on and on and on, He cries for everything.,

    If I don't get some good advise that works I am either going to term!

    Thanks for reading sorry this is so long.

  • #2
    At my house we have a 'whining' spot that is used for when we are getting too whiney or when we are crying because we aren't getting our way. Its not a time out... its just a spot they get sent too until they are ready to calmly be with the group again. The child totally determines the amount of time they spend there... if they start to cry/whine again immediately after joining the group they get sent right back.

    Just be consistent with should start to register soon that this behavior won't get him far at your house.

    Good Luck.


    • #3
      I have one like that and he started a month ago and he still does the crying bit when he DOES NOT get his way but it's much better then when he first started here. I thought I was going to go insane as well so I understand what you are going through.

      What I did was exactly what the other poster described , I have a spot that is called our "whiny" spot and when he started to cry because he didn't get his way I would direct him to the spot and I would tell him that when he is through having his fit then he could join us again .

      It is not an instant fix especially if the child is used to getting his way at home but soon he will figure it out and will know that you won't tolerate it in your home. The key is consistency so every time he cries then he should go to a designated spot until he stops. The little boy I have here is also 2.5 years old and he is an only child that is spoiled rotten and that is the reason for his crying , even mom told me this AFTER she enrolled him , of course!

      I hope you can find something that will work because I know all to well how stressful a day can be with a child that cries all day!!


      • #4
        He is like this at home too! I did not know this. Now I feel better.

        I spoke with mom today when she picked up and she says he does this ALL of the time and she gives in often because its easier!

        Now that I know this and she is on my side I do not feel so bad.

        I will fix! :-)



        • #5
          I don't know if this helps but I tell my kids "I'm sorry I can't hear you or help you when your voice sounds whiny or your're screaming. When you calm down and say it in a nice voice then I can hear you and can help you out."

          Maybe after saying that you will feel calmer and after hearing it a dozen times he will calm and try to work things out with you.


          • #6
            If he was crying that much, I'd separate him too. It's a stress on the other kids having to hear that all day just as much as it is you. Have you addressed this at all with the parents? Basically you put up with it and hope it changes or give the parents some sort of time limit for your own sanity. It would be hard to lose two kids but I don't do cryers either. I have had a few and only one ever changed with time.


            • #7
              Originally posted by MN Day Mom View Post
              At my house we have a 'whining' spot that is used for when we are getting too whiney or when we are crying because we aren't getting our way. Its not a time out... its just a spot they get sent too until they are ready to calmly be with the group again. The child totally determines the amount of time they spend there... if they start to cry/whine again immediately after joining the group they get sent right back.

              Just be consistent with should start to register soon that this behavior won't get him far at your house.

              Good Luck.
              What do you have in the Whine spot? I so need one of these.


              • #8
                I also have a "crying corner" (tears). It is one person soft seating on a small rug with a wicker basket of cardboard books. I also use a "Boo-Boo Bunny".

                The "crying corner" was planned with ceiling mounted hanging "canopy" tent (ALA Public Library Kids section), but that was a huge FAIL when they ripped it down and tore the netting.

                It is out of the way, the child can be alone and still see everything in the room.

                There is also a small folding/pop-up tent that some of the boys like to hide in when they are feeling "overwhelmed".

                I do change it up a bit from time to time depending on the overall age group I have. Right now they are all 2 and under.

                Tantrums are another story (no tears, kicking, rolling, screaming)
                - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                • #9
                  He is crying out of commnication frustration. Have him evaluated by early intervention or even take him for a hearing test.


                  • #10
                    We have a cry corner but it only works if the kid gives up and can eventually adjust to the activities without crying. Its no help to have that same kid crying for hours only now he is all of two feet away from you. You all still have to hear it all day.

