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Is There A Time Of Year When Biz Picks Up?

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  • Is There A Time Of Year When Biz Picks Up?

    Perhaps not an accurate title for this thread, but I'd like to know from those doing child care for many years...have you noticed any pattern in terms of a time of year where a lot of people seem to be looking for child care? I always have my ads on craig's list, facebook, biz cards at the stores, and sometimes it seems I get a lot of inquiries and other times it's quiet. I'm in my third year and trying to pay attention to whether or not there is a rhythm to the responses...are more people apt to be looking at certain times of the year? And btw, I only take school age kids.

  • #2
    It seems for me I get more calls in the spring and around the first of the yr. I have been doing this for almost 11 yrs.


    • #3
      Last year, my first year doing this, I got a lot of responses in the Spring, and a lot more in the fall. I also do not take school agers.
      Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


      • #4
        I take infants and SA's. For me, things always pick up in August and January (right after the school's Winter break).


        • #5
          It used to be "approximately 9 months from the last long term power outage" for infants ::

          I guess there is some truth to it since all 6 of my DCK's were born in Dec. and Jan.... (our area gets hit with severe storms alot in March )
          - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Catherder View Post
            It used to be "approximately 9 months from the last long term power outage" for infants ::

            I guess there is some truth to it since all 6 of my DCK's were born in Dec. and Jan.... (our area gets hit with severe storms alot in March )
   may have something there catherder. Both of my kids were born in December! ::::


            • #7
              Oh, and btw, I really hope you guys are right about the spring thing. I STILL haven't gotten any bites on any of my ads so I still have just the one family. Thank God we can pay our bills with the income I've got but I'm getting a little nervous here.


              • #8
                I find I get the most calls in the spring too although alot of that business ends up being new clients for the fall. People tend to look for care about 6 months in advance here.

                I don't take new clients between June 1 and Sept 1 though. Our summers are too busy with outings and the lake for me to integrate a new little one into the mix. They need to learn the everyday rules first before we venture into outing protocal.


                • #9
                  I'm hoping that spring brings some new clients as well! One of the providers in my town said she gets a lot of calls in the spring and fall, so I'm hoping the same goes for me!!


                  • #10
                    I've always found January, May and late August, early September to be the times that I get the most calls. I've been in the business for 19 years.

