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Payment For Services ...

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  • Payment For Services ...


    I am new here and a fairly new daycare provider. I recently had a father pull his kids from my care - basically I am taking a short leave (maternty) and he indicated he probably wont bring his kids back after I reopen ... he owes me some money for services already rendered and hasn't been able to pay me for about two weeks. He "claims" he will pay me on his next pay day ... however, I have a feeling he wont. Is there anything I can do? It's a huge amount of money, so I don't think taking him to small claims court would be worth it ... but maybe I'm wrong. Can I turn him into a collection agency?

    Thanks in advance for your help!
    Last edited by Michael; 03-27-2011, 04:03 PM.

  • #2
    If it above $50 you can us a collection agency. I suggest you go to small claims. It is inexpensive and should get your the results you want. Here are some other threads related to small claims:


    • #3
      I would suggest that you notify your remaining families that you will be changing you policy to being paid before they stay....starting after your maternity leave. Your maternity leave will give them a chance to rearrange their payment schedule.

      Congratulations on the upcoming birth.


      • #4
        If he doesn't pay you on the agreed upon date, I would go ahead and send him a certified letter with the balance due and a date by which it must be paid before you take him to small claims court. Let him know that you will be asking for the money due, court fees, and any late payments that apply per your contract.

        That may be enough to get him to pay the bill!

        Good luck and Congratuations!


        • #5
          I agree with others. Send him an "invoice" stating how much he owes and which days the services were provided that created your invoice. Give him 1 week from the day you send it to pay in full.

          If you don't hear or see him in one week, then send another letter through certified mail and give him only one week before it goes to small claims. Make sure you know where he works or where the mom works if they both signed a contract with you.

          Then, if that doesn't work go to small claims the day you said. It costs very little. I would hold off on collections because they take half the money they owe. If this parent is so far behind in payments, I wouldn't want them back in care after your maternity leave.

          I would also create a letter and update your handbook that you now (after a date that is a month down the road) will require to be paid in advance.


          • #6
            No pay... No stay....

            I don't give one second of care before I have been paid. Payment is always up excuses....ever. It saves soooo much heartache later on.

