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New Carpet

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  • New Carpet

    I am finally getting new carpet throughout my house! I am very excited and cannot wait. My current carpet is builders grade and way past it's prime!

    The problem: I do not want dck's or dc parents tracking mud and whatever else on my new carpet. I live in a a split level house, and was thinking I could either tell the parents they need to remove their shoes if they want to bring their child up the stairs or they could remove their childs shoes and send them up the stairs without coming up the stairs with them. All of my families have been with me at least 4 years and I have always allowed them to come up the stairs and then remove their childs shoes and coats etc. Consequently my stairs are always disgusting and dirty and I have to run the carpet cleaner on them at least every two weeks.

    Do you think parents will have a problem with this? I thought I could just move the shoe bins and coat hooks down by the door and the parent really won't need to come up the stairs at all.

  • #2
    You'd think parents would understand that dirty shoes don't go on carpeting, but it's not obvious to some people who didn't grow up that way. I would come straight out and tell them no shoes on the steps...OR if you have a gate, put it at the bottom of the steps by your entryway along with the coat hooks, and then either you can go down and grab the child or junior could be plopped over the gate and can walk up them alone (depending on their age of course). good luck! and congrats on new carpet - love new carpet smell


    • #3
      I don't think parents would mind. Especially when you mention:
      "to reduce the cost of professional carpet cleaning cost, please remove your shoes before walking on carpet!".

      I have this posted on my front door and everyone so far abides by it.


      • #4
        I can relate . . .

        I go through this all the time as we do not wear shoes in our home anywhere. We have hardwood and area rugs in the bedrooms? I was raised this way and this is all I know. When I go into someone's house I automatically take off my shoes and my children do this as well. my advice is that you will have to be stern and repetitive reminding your daycare parents of this. Some will be annoyed but remember that this is YOUR home. Ultimately, what I finally did was send home a letter talking about the benefits of not wearing shoes in the home and how that makes for a healthy daycare environment and child. Then I attached a study done by the shoe company Rockport which gave the following data (I do not remember the specifics but this is close): the company gave new shoes to 2000? people to wear for two weeks. After the two weeks they took the shoes and cultured the debris from them and found over 5000 different forms of bacteria including the presence of e.coli and other very harmful bacteria. Then they went into these peoples homes and cultured locations such as sinks, Doorknobs, toys, beds and cribs and found these same bacteria. Yes, they found e.coli in CRIBS! Which means your BABY is slepping eith this stuff! Anyway, the point is to show how easily the stuff gets from your shoes to your child's environment. Let's just say they got the point after that. I will find the study and attach the link for you . . . Stay firm and do it for the benefit of all.


        • #5
          I used to let parents come in my home with their shoes on, well that changed a few months ago. I have a few fathers that work in greasy environments and get blakc grease on my carpet that takes a lot of work to even TRY to get after it happened a few times we got our carpets steamed cleaned and I put signs on the front and back door saying please take shoes off.....The I started to think about some of the mothers that work in medical offices/hospitals and all the germs that can be on their shoes...( You would think that these nurses would think about that, but no) They come upstairs in my child care rooms with infants crawling on the floor they are walking on with their shoes...I got so fed up with it so I now have the parents take their shoes off NO MATTER is my home, if they want to bring their child to me they need to respect that I want their shoes taken off....

          When you go to someone else's home, do you take you shoes off out of respect for that persons home? I know I always do. I wouldn't care what the parents thought, it only takes an extra minute or so to put their shoes back on, it not worth the mud/grease/germs that get on your carpet..

          We plan on getting new carpet this summer so I am glad I enforced this early


          • #6
            I would post the sign and tell them verbally before the new carpet is installed. Start practicing and move those items to the entry way now.

