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How Do I Respond?

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  • How Do I Respond?

    At church on Sunday, a parent came up to me and said she heard I did child care and wanted to know if I had any openings for next school year. She told me what days she was looking for and I told her I did have openings, I just needed to make sure the ages all worked and asked if I could get back to her. She said that would be fine and that they were interviewing others as well. I haven't gotten back to her yet b/c DH found out on Monday that his work is going to have to lay off some people and he was going to meet with his boss today (he's on paternity leave right now & he missed the meeting about it at work). We found out today that DH's position is being cut. He'll get the official notice by May 1st and then his position will be cut July 1st. So now that we've been slammed with this news, how do I respond to the parent at church? Things are so up in the air now...I don't know if I can afford a part time family, which they would be. I don't even know if I can keep doing child care...if DH can't find a new job, then I'll have to look also. I'm so confused right now on how to handle this! What should I tell the parent?

  • #2
    I'm so sorry,... I have been where you are. You have to keep positive and hold to your faith. I would take them. Part time is better than no time and let her know that full time has priority over part but that you will give her the option of full time prior to terming. I know it's not easy. My dh has been laid off 4 times in 13 years. Daycare has gotten us through layoffs. Keep faith.


    • #3
      I'm sorry about your financial setback. This person is asking about next school year right? I would contact her and give her your business card or other contact information and simply tell her it's too soon to interview that far out in advance. You don't have to bring anything else to the table and don't add any un-needed stress. I'm sure she'll understand.


      • #4
        I am so sorry for all your going through. I know it's easier said than done but just take a deap breath and relax. I'm sure things will be fine. I am a single parent and I am able to get by on just daycare money so I'm sure with the right budget you will also!

        Have you considered meeting the parent in the middle? I don't like part time families because as soon as I take one I get a call for full time . I do what I call a guarenteed fee. I charge $130 for full time or $30 daily for part time. So with a guarenteed rate I charge $100 per week and they are able to come when they need care. Some weeks I make out better, some weeks they make out better. I have never had a problem with a parent abusing this or coming full time instead.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Abigail View Post
          I'm sorry about your financial setback. This person is asking about next school year right? I would contact her and give her your business card or other contact information and simply tell her it's too soon to interview that far out in advance. You don't have to bring anything else to the table and don't add any un-needed stress. I'm sure she'll understand.
          Ditto this!
          Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


          • #6
            Originally posted by laundrymom View Post
            I'm so sorry,... I have been where you are. You have to keep positive and hold to your faith. I would take them. Part time is better than no time and let her know that full time has priority over part but that you will give her the option of full time prior to terming. I know it's not easy. My dh has been laid off 4 times in 13 years. Daycare has gotten us through layoffs. Keep faith.

            I second this. Been in the same boat.


            • #7
              I agree that you respond with a business card and "I cannot interview that far out. We are about to make some adjustments, and I will gladly revisit the idea when the time frame is a little smaller."

              I would not dismiss them at all... they might be the first in a series of untapped resources (church family referrals) that you'll need if you want to keep doing daycare. Stay strong, sister!


              • #8
                Originally posted by missnikki View Post
                I agree that you respond with a business card and "I cannot interview that far out. We are about to make some adjustments, and I will gladly revisit the idea when the time frame is a little smaller."

                I would not dismiss them at all... they might be the first in a series of untapped resources (church family referrals) that you'll need if you want to keep doing daycare. Stay strong, sister!
                Agreed. Hold on to your faith. I will be praying for you.

