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Is this legal? - Daycare Parking Lot Seems Dangerous

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  • Is this legal? - Daycare Parking Lot Seems Dangerous

    Hello, I know of a licensed child day care center, in Lackawanna County PA. that has a parking lot that is blacktopped as well as the sidewalk ditch and road. there are no painted lines for parking spaces, sidewalks, entrance and exit, and handicap parking spaces. there is nothing painted whatsoever in this lot. it is very difficult to determine where the sidewalk, ditch and parking lot are, it all blends in. People park where they want to. This seems dangerous. Is this legal? if not legal, Thanks alot.

  • #2
    As long as the children are supervised by their parents, I dont see a problem. I doubt that licensing would have a rule about the parking area, as it is not considered part of the usable daycare space. Parking would fall under the direction of the town planning and zoning agency. I am sure they would have addressed the parking lot when giving approval for the facility if they thought it was a problem.

    It is the parents responsibility to watch their child in a parking lot, daycare or otherwise.


    • #3
      Do your children attend daycare there??? If not, leave it to the parents whose children do attend to make the call as to what is safe and what is not. If your children attend, and you don't like the parking lot, find another daycare.


      • #4
        Originally posted by jen View Post
        Do your children attend daycare there??? If not, leave it to the parents whose children do attend to make the call as to what is safe and what is not. If your children attend, and you don't like the parking lot, find another daycare.
        I totally agree!! I have also decided not to respond to posts that are listed as guests. I think these, along with unregistered, are just posts to get us wound up.

        Besides this one sounds like a spam


        • #5
          I don't think he sounds like spam, though I do think he reminds me of the people who reported that lady who watches the kids before they get on the bus. Essentially too much time and not enough other things to worry about.

          I'm sure the parking lot is perfectly legal. If the parents of the children in that care center had an issue with it they could take it up with the center or leave. I'm sure if the city/county had an issue with it they would not have allowed the center to open for business.
          Give a little love to a child, and you get a great deal back.


          • #6
            Is and Unrgistered Post a Serious Post?

            to Former Teacher: This person (John) also wrote to us via email. We scrutinize every post and we get spammed a lot from around the world. It's a fulltime job! We also see some great questions from some that just will not register. We of course will allow them if they are deemed relative and appropriate.

            To those of you that have not registered.......register! It makes our job a lot easier and also allows for ummoderated conversation. Once an approved member, you can pretty much post as you please. Those that are not registered will have to wait for an admin or mod to approve and review. So take the time to register and join in the conversation!
            Last edited by Michael; 10-14-2009, 01:53 PM.


            • #7
              Originally posted by michael View Post
              to Former Teacher: This person (John) also wrote to us via email. We scrutinize every post and we get spammed a lot from around the world. It's a fulltime job! We also see some great questions from some that just will not register. We of course will allow them if they are deemed relative and appropriate.

              To those of you that have not registered.......register! It makes our job a lot easier and also allows for ummoderated conversation. Once an approved member, you can pretty much post as you please. Those that are not registered will have to wait for an admin or mod to approve and review. So take the time to register and join in the conversation!

              Please allow me to rephrase my post. I don't think it was spam like you and I know spam. I think it was just one of those odd posts that doesn't quite make sense. Thus, wanting to start a posting war.

              It's hard to put in words what I am really thinking haha. But hey at least Michael is rooting for us to get these people registered! Yippy!


              • #8
                Originally posted by John View Post
                Hello, I know of a licensed child day care center, in Lackawanna County PA. that has a parking lot that is blacktopped as well as the sidewalk ditch and road. there are no painted lines for parking spaces, sidewalks, entrance and exit, and handicap parking spaces. there is nothing painted whatsoever in this lot. it is very difficult to determine where the sidewalk, ditch and parking lot are, it all blends in. People park where they want to. This seems dangerous. Is this legal? if not legal, Thanks alot.
                It's only dangerous for those people who are like cattle, and need "fences" to constantly guide them through their day, lest they wander into the road.

                A little common sense (which is not that common any more) should get a person through this business's parking lot without getting seriously injured.

                As for the handicapped thing, they may have to have a spot designated and marked, but I know there is a certain threshold of "business" definition before this applies.
                Spouse of a daycare provider....which I guess makes me one too!

