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Cologne on boy

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  • Cologne on boy

    DCK sibs came to dc today reeking of Axe or something similar. I have asthma, started wheezing. I have lots of little ones. Why would a parent douse their child in cologne? I had them remove their clothes and change into their backups and put the "smelly" clothes in a bag and tied it shut. If it wasn't pouring rain I'd throw it outside. Anyone else ever encounter this? Am I in trouble for making them change? I have never encountered this before and I know that the dcps are going to be highly annoyed with me. Please tell me something I want to hear because I am going to be worried all day now.

  • #2
    Originally posted by MARSTELAC View Post
    DCK sibs came to dc today reeking of Axe or something similar. I have asthma, started wheezing. I have lots of little ones. Why would a parent douse their child in cologne? I had them remove their clothes and change into their backups and put the "smelly" clothes in a bag and tied it shut. If it wasn't pouring rain I'd throw it outside. Anyone else ever encounter this? Am I in trouble for making them change? I have never encountered this before and I know that the dcps are going to be highly annoyed with me. Please tell me something I want to hear because I am going to be worried all day now.
    they probably just didn't "think" are not wrong. The should understand once you explain especially about the asthma.


    • #3
      IMO, if you have sensitive allergies to things like that, you should have that in your PHB or something. otherwise no one knows. kwim? i think what you did was fine. why would they get mad? just kindly explain your issues with allergies and ask to not bring dcks with cologne again. i dont see whats worrying you. it will be fine


      • #4
        Why would they be annoyed??? That's what a change of clothes is for....if something happens and you need to change his clothes, that's what they're there for. You're allergic to the nasty cologne, so it was imperative that you change his clothing...they'd want you to do the same if he was allergic to something.

        As far as the cologne wearing goes....he was probably in the bathroom with Dad and just had to have some, LOL!!! It was silly, but probably innocent....he probably got some shaving cream too!!!


        • #5
          First thing in my policies:

          General but important information:

          Due to a very serious allergy to most perfumes and fragrances, parents and children may not enter the day care at any time wearing any kind of perfume, after shave, lotion, or scents. PLEASE make sure your child does not have perfume or scents on them when coming to day care. If we notice a scent upon arrival we will request the child be taken home to remove the scent. Parents are requested to avoid using scented detergents, lotions, or soaps on the child or the child's clothing. Johnson and Johnson baby products and Equate baby products are allowed. Tide, Dreft, All, Cheer, and Whisk are also okay for laundry detergents. If you can use the "Free" scented laundry soap it would be best


          • #6
            It was probably a case of getting ready with daddy and asking for some. Or just being in the line of fire...that stuff is strong smelling. My girls used to ask for deorderant, makeup and perfume when they were little and getting ready with me. I used to deorderant them with the cap still on it.

            I would just mention that his clothes were strong smelling and that you have asthma so could they not spray him before he comes to your home.


            • #7
              my son likes to wear "colomb" because he sees his dad do it. he doesn't wear it every day, but there are days when he asks for it. i don't think it's a big deal, but i also wouldn't care at all if someone changed his clothes. i'm not a psychic so i can't predict if he'll be around someone with allergies. the parents aren't wrong for letting him wear it and you're not wrong for changing clothes. not a big deal.


              • #8
                I am a worry wort :-) Plus, they are a high-maintenance family, question everything I do. The kids tell me they get their "colomb" (love it!) everyday, I just have never noticed it before I guess! I will add this to my novel (I mean phb) as well! Thank you for making me feel better about how I reacted.


                • #9
                  Honestly, I noticed there is a great rise in allergies to scents. Probably because they are becoming cheaper and cheaper products (by cheaper I mean cheaply made). And a lot of people OVERDO it!

                  I'm not allergic, but there are some scents that really make me nauscious. They remind me of old stale cheap cologne. Hubs used to wear it when I was still in the morning sickness stage, and I cannot tolerate it at all now. Not one bit. So it's really disturbing but at the same time, for me, I would never say anything.

                  In my home, I would just mention that please, due to allergies (dont' even have to name names) it is best to refrain from using fragrances.

                  I wouldn't ask moms/dads to not wear them, that means they'd have to apply in the car after dropping off, seems silly to me. But I would ask the the children please do not. It's fair. They can fragrance up the children before special outings. But not for daycare.


                  • #10
                    I hope this isn't too off topic but I have a similar problem and I wrote to Dear Abby but never got answered, you gals have any ideas?

                    I have a dad who wears 'essential oils' and oh boy, he is a hugger! Every time I see him (at least 3-4 times a week) its a giant bear hug. Nicest guy, known him forever....but I come away from the hug smelling hideous. ALL DAY. Cannot get the smell off of me. Yukk-O-Rama.
                    Ideas??? Please?!?!? (I signed the Dear Abby letter as Smell Ya Later:


                    • #11
                      I would just be honest with him,.. kinda,.. tell him you noticed a rash,.. ask what kind of soaps or oils he uses,.. then become reactive to it,..=-)

                      Originally posted by missnikki View Post
                      I hope this isn't too off topic but I have a similar problem and I wrote to Dear Abby but never got answered, you gals have any ideas?

                      I have a dad who wears 'essential oils' and oh boy, he is a hugger! Every time I see him (at least 3-4 times a week) its a giant bear hug. Nicest guy, known him forever....but I come away from the hug smelling hideous. ALL DAY. Cannot get the smell off of me. Yukk-O-Rama.
                      Ideas??? Please?!?!? (I signed the Dear Abby letter as Smell Ya Later:


                      • #12
                        I have my SA boy who colognes it up when he doesn't get a bath. He is 11

