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A Dollar A Minute

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  • A Dollar A Minute

    When you have a dollar a minute late fees, do you have them pay it that day or do you add it onto the next weeks payment? If they pay it that day, do you write a separate receipt for the payment? If they drop-off early, do you ask up front for the payment or wait until they come to pickup for the day?

  • #2
    At pick up or in the morning when they drop off the child.

    If it is an arranged early drop off they pay it in advance when they come early.


    • #3
      I have them do it at the end of the week...I only have one Mom who is habitually late. Last week her late fees were over $50. I just keep track and charge her on Friday when she pays for the following week...


      • #4
        We have it cash only paid to the staff member at pick up or in the morning.


        • #5
          I'm thinking about using receipt least for the first year to see how it goes. I plan to buy one book per family so it's all in one place. This would keep late payments organized and I would give a receipt each day they paid a late fee. Hope it doesn't happen to often.

          Besides having a late fee in writing, what do you have in writing about multiple-days being late. Sure you will not provide care without payment, but how long do you hold that spot? A week before it needs to be paid? Do you have it become an automatic termination? I'm wondering what I need to say if a parent doesn't pay or bring their child for a week or two, yet says they'll have payment tomorrow, etc.


          • #6
            Originally posted by nannyde View Post
            At pick up or in the morning when they drop off the child.

            If it is an arranged early drop off they pay it in advance when they come early.
            This is what I do too but my handbook actually says that late fee is due at pickup. It has been my experince that that when parents are already running late, it makes them even LATER when they have to stop to get money to pay me. For this reason, I just allow them to pay me the next morning.

            I send one receipt at the end of the year for tax purposes. Any other receipt is available upon request.

            My handbook just says something like habitual lateness may result in termination.


            • #7
              My policy:
              "Late Pick-up Fees (after hours): Parents picking up children after 6:00 p.m. will be charged a late fee of $1.00 per minute, per child with no cap. Late fees are payable in cash to the closing teacher upon pick up. Unpaid late pick up fees will be billed to the child’s account balance. Upon three or more late pick ups, a penalty of $30 will be billed in addition to applicable per-minute fees. "

              The bolded part keeps it from happening repeatedly.

              Fees are due on the spot preferrably, but I will attach it to the next bill if they don't have it right then. And I don't let them forget.


              • #8
                If fee's are due upon pickup, what happens if the parent doesn't have enough cash or a checkbook on them? Do you really go cash it that next day anyways?


                • #9
                  Do you really go cash it that next day anyways?

                  confused about your question?

                  If a parent did not have the money on them at that time and they were due back at care the next day, I would just ask them to pay it in the morning at drop off. If they don't have the next day they don't stay.

                  If they don't have DC the next day, then I expect them to pay it the next day before closing.


                  • #10
                    I kind of mean why not just tell them it will be added to their next weekly bill because we're not going to make two trips to the bank in a week anyways.


                    • #11
                      I do this but depends on the families habits. Those that do it once in a blue moon I will but those that do it all the time I won't. Depends I guess. So case by case basis.

