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2 1/2 Year Old Mom Says No Nap

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  • 2 1/2 Year Old Mom Says No Nap

    I have a 2.5 year old and he is the only one is his class that doesn't nap. (mom prefers him not to nap so he can go to bed at 7 btw he leaves our care at 5). Problem is all the others are napping for 1.5 hours or more and he is bored and getting into trouble. We have tried books, puzzles, coloring (typical quiet time activities). Now he's bored and getting up off his mat walking around talking loud and telling the teacher NO NO NO. What can we do to keep him busy???

  • #2
    my rules,.. EVERYONE in care naps, from 6 weeks to 6-10 yrs. my guess is, she will never know,.. may not need him in bed until 8 if he has one. I dont leave it as an option. If your here, you nap. period.


    • #3
      I would explain to her that he is incredibly disruptive when he's not napping and much better behaved when he does. Maybe try a compromise, say you'll wake him after 45 mins or something. I've found that works with my parents who don't see that their kids need a nap.


      • #4
        It is low in my state ,children under 5 must take a rest.Just tell mom that state lady said...all kids under 5 should lay down for nap and if he falls asleep,you should let him sleep.
        I do not understand parents who puts child to bed that early,when they spend time with him?


        • #5
          EVERYONE takes a nap!


          • #6
            Oh! I do remember those kind of parents! TX law requires ALL children regardless of age must be allowed to have a "rest period". They do not have to sleep but they are required to lie down. After 30 mins, if they are not already sleeping, then they must be allowed to do the quiet activities.

            My take 1: Depending on the parent, (and child!) I may or may not have honored this request. I have had parents tell me not to put the child down because they would be picking the child up early (that NEVER happened!) I have also had parents tell me, like you, because they wanted them to go to bed early. Without sounding rude, but IMO, I was not going to make things convenient for THEM and let my day go to heck. If the child is tired, esp. at that age, I let them sleep.

            My take 2: In all honesty, again depending on the child, if a child was awake, sometimes I would let them just lay there without the quiet activities. Sometimes with the quiet things it got worse because the child would get louder. Then you would have the whole room get up. The only time I would do the quiet thing at all would be if state was there.

            My take 3: If I was in your situation, I would explain to the parent that all children are required to have a rest period. Show your Minimum Standards. Explain to her that if the state came for an inspection and saw her little one running around, out of control, etc you would be written up. Tell her that to make things better for all around, that you would wake the child up earlier then the other children so that should you be inspected, so and so would still be involved in the quiet things.

            Good luck!


            • #7
              I have a question about this. Now, I'm a new provider and also a new parent. I haven't been "around the block" so to speak. I have education, and babysitting experience, but clearly that's a lot different than being a parent for many years.

              It seems to me that 7:30 is far too early for a kid to be going to bed, unless of course, they're tired and need to go to sleep. However I hear a lot from my parents of 4 year olds that they don't want their child napping because when 7:30 rolls around, little Johnny doesn't want to go to sleep. I'm sorry but my 15 month old doesn't even get her bath until 7:30. It seems crazy to me to expect a child to go to bed that early!!! Am I wrong with that?

              I don't force naps in my daycare, but I do force quiet rest time, as a rest period is required by licensing. If a child falls asleep, I have a really hard time justifying waking him up. If he fell asleep, he clearly needs the sleep. And my compromise is that if they fall asleep, I wake them up after an hour of rest. In one case, the child is miserable when he wakes up and I feel bad about that, but dad knows that if he falls asleep, he gets an hour nap. It was agreed upon and that's that.


              • #8
                Originally posted by AmandasFCC View Post
                I have a question about this. Now, I'm a new provider and also a new parent. I haven't been "around the block" so to speak. I have education, and babysitting experience, but clearly that's a lot different than being a parent for many years.

                It seems to me that 7:30 is far too early for a kid to be going to bed, unless of course, they're tired and need to go to sleep. However I hear a lot from my parents of 4 year olds that they don't want their child napping because when 7:30 rolls around, little Johnny doesn't want to go to sleep. I'm sorry but my 15 month old doesn't even get her bath until 7:30. It seems crazy to me to expect a child to go to bed that early!!! Am I wrong with that?

                I don't force naps in my daycare, but I do force quiet rest time, as a rest period is required by licensing. If a child falls asleep, I have a really hard time justifying waking him up. If he fell asleep, he clearly needs the sleep. And my compromise is that if they fall asleep, I wake them up after an hour of rest. In one case, the child is miserable when he wakes up and I feel bad about that, but dad knows that if he falls asleep, he gets an hour nap. It was agreed upon and that's that.

                Amanda, I agree with you. 7:30 is way to early. I am more for the reasoning that when is there quality time during the week with the child? Once years ago I had a baby (she was about a year and a half) and while the parents took care of her basic needs, I felt as her primary caregiver, she lacked the attention needs. Anyway, mom came in one morning and told me how wonderful the baby slept etc. She said she got home, put her to bed at 7:00 (yikes!!) woke her up at 9:00 to give her a bath and dinner and then put her back down to bed. She apparently slept the night. I was SO upset by this mainly because this baby stayed at the daycare until at least 6:15 p.m. Whether this was a nightly thing, I don't know. Then again on the flip side, this baby was sleeping her 1 nap at the center. So I don't know what the deal was haha. Like I said it just upset me because she really was a sweet and good baby.

                Again I totally agree with you!!!


                • #9
                  Part of group care is taking a nap. If mom doesn't want her child taking a nap, then mom needs to hire a nanny or stay home with the child.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by [email protected] View Post
                    my rules,.. EVERYONE in care naps, from 6 weeks to 6-10 yrs. my guess is, she will never know,.. may not need him in bed until 8 if he has one. I dont leave it as an option. If your here, you nap. period.
                    You make 6 to 10 yr olds nap?????


                    • #11

                      If it's your daycare rule, then be firm! 7pm is not too early a bed time though depending on when the child arrives at dc, I have 2 little ones that age that arrive at 4am They need to be in bed by 7pm but they still get a nap!

                      I would however offer to meet her in the middle, time is quiet time and if he falls alseep I will be sure to only let him sleep an hour. That way you both get what you want....sort of!


                      • #12
                        Napping at 2 1/2 yrs old here is not an option either. You will lay down and you will be quiet and not be disruptive, and 99% of the time, the child will fall asleep. Until you are in school all day here, you are required to lay down and be quiet. Once you reach full day school age, I put them at the kitchen table to do quiet activities, and if you become disruptive then, you will get a nice soft blanket to lounge on.

                        I gotta love those parents who always want to blame the child not sleeping or not falling asleep at night on a nap.

                        I currently have a 2 1/2 yr old who is an absolute handful. He is on time outs frequently throughout the day. Mid morning, if he is on time out, sometimes he will lay down on the floor and go to sleep. The poor kid can't even make it till nap time. I course I wake him up, as I want him to nap when the others nap. Mondays are usually the worst. Parents will come in and say that he hasn't had a nap all weekend, well on Monday, he is an absolute monster child. Tired as hell. Then they say, well we are lucky to get him in bed by 9:30, he won't go to bed. WHAT ???? The kid is 2 1/2, who is the BOSS??? Whatever happened to putting your young child to bed and they stay there?

                        I have a 4 yr old that mom says she won't go to sleep at night, then goes on to tell me how she got out of bed 3 times, was hungry, wanted to sit with mommy, so mommy lets her come to the couch and watch tv, and then needs a drink and then.......Parents need to be firm about naps and bedtime instead of blaming us providers on the whys their child is having issues.

                        And putting your child to bed at 7 is rediculous when you pick them up at 5. Why did you have a child anyways if you didn't want to be a parent. Some parents, gees, I will never understand. Good luck on this.


                        • #13
                          I agree that the child is going to bed to early. Dont have kids if you don't want them around! I would put the child down for a nap and not mention it to mom. It seems purely selfish on her part. Our job as caregivers is doing what's best for the kids in our care. If he's tired, let him sleep!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            You make 6 to 10 yr olds nap?????
                            yep, in the summer when my kids are out of school, they nap. By naptime they are exhausted. They dont nap as long as the little ones, but they do nap. Our schedule is so full during the summer that they need a break in the day,.. to be honest, my teens still do it sometimes. In our house it is very quiet and dark at naptime, you can either nap or read. We only have one computer so that is a limited activity. We dont playoutside at nap because I dont like the doors slamming at nap. Our day starts between 4 and 5 am,... by 5:15 am everyone is up, lights on, its a busy house. So by noon they are ready. Through school they have a early bedtime but in the summer they are up until 11-12. Since I work 13-15 hours a day we have family time in the evenings. Its nothing for us to be out swimming at 10 pm. Ive done it since my kids were born and it works for us. The sleep in the day helps keep them happy. If clients dont agree with my schedule they dont enroll.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by tinytotzdaycare View Post
                              If it's your daycare rule, then be firm! 7pm is not too early a bed time though depending on when the child arrives at dc, I have 2 little ones that age that arrive at 4am They need to be in bed by 7pm but they still get a nap!

                              I would however offer to meet her in the middle, time is quiet time and if he falls alseep I will be sure to only let him sleep an hour. That way you both get what you want....sort of!
                              Well, yeah ok if the kids are getting up at 3-4 am of course they're going to bed at 7. But I mean in situations where the parents drop the child off between 8-9am and know that their child takes a nap at daycare. It seems a little silly to me to expect a 4 year old who took a nap to go to bed at 7.

