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Lent...When You Don't Observe It

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  • Lent...When You Don't Observe It

    but you have daycare families that do, do you cook like normal on Fridays, or do you make an effort to not serve meat on Friday? I know that at least one of my families is Catholic and follows (observes? I don't know what to call it) Lent because it got mentioned in passing yesterday. It hadn't even occurred to me since my family is not religious. I don't know if any of the other families care about Lent, but knowing that at least this one does makes me feel like I'm obligated to make something meatless on Fridays during Lent, kwim?
    Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!

  • #2
    I personally would not.


    • #3
      Taken from a Catholic website. I am Catholic and we serve pizza on Fridays...than is ALWAYS served on Fridays!! LOL

      [For Catholic children, fasting and abstaining from eating meat during Lent are not yet requirements. ]

      [Abstaining from eating meat on Fridays during Lent should start at age 14.]


      • #4
        I serve typical lunches bc children are not required to abstain and fast.


        • #5
          My best friend is Catholic and she was over at my house yesterday for a playdate. She brought McDonalds for everyone. She had a fish fillet and her kids ate Chicken McNuggets. So I don't think you have anything to worry about. Like others said, it doesn't start until they're older. Kids need nutrition from the meat.

          If you feel obligated, why don't you ask her? That way you're sure!


          • #6
            I would do it if the parents came to you and asked, or if you asked if that is what they wanted and they said yes. The only change you would have to do is on Friday's serve fish or some other protein other than meat. It is really not too hard and it's only for 5-6 weeks.


            • #7
              Abstaining from eating meat on Fridays during Lent should start at age 14.[/QUOTE]

              I was just about to post that! We are also Catholic and observe this anyway. We'll do pizza, scrambled eggs or omelets, mac and cheese, pb & j, etc. I think it would be a nice way of showing respect to your DC family, but if you'd rather not, I don't think they'd think negatively of it.


              • #8
                I am Catholic (that is what my mother told me) and we eat anywhere we want or cook the dinner on Fridays. Honestly, I don't know nothing much about Catholic.

                You dont have to worry about that.


                • #9
                  Ok, thanks everyone! I appreciate the input. It was just something that had never occurred to me before, . Just not on my radar! I'm glad I wasn't committing a huge faux pas or anything.

                  Learn something new everyday!
                  Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!

