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I've Been Insulted

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  • I've Been Insulted

    I was putting my belt on this morning and my 5 year old dcg told me I needed to lose some more weight, walk on the treadmill and eat less. I have been dieting and lost 20# and have more to go, but dang it's tough when they put it right out there .

  • #2
    Twenty pounds.

    Nannyde bows to morgan24

    It's cool the kid gets the connection between exercise, eating, and weight. That's great.

    Don't take it personally just be glad you got a smartie to take care of.


    • #3
      Gotta love it! Kids repeat what they hear...I was scolded by my 3 yo nephew once for biting my fingernails. "Now memember aunt A, we don't chew our fingernails!"

      I thanked him for reminding me and I think it was 3 or 4 days before I did it again...he was absolutely right! And really stinking cute.
      Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


      • #4 sure do tell it like it is, don't they???

        Every now and then I call my daycare boy by his older brother's name (I had his older brother in my daycare 10 years ago and they look a lot alike). Anyway, I called him by his brother's name one day and he says "My name is're just like GRANDMA!" HE'S TWO YEARS OLD!!!

        One more year and he'll be doing my daycare taxes...YIKES!!!


        • #5
          My DS is like that. I'm pregnant, and when I first started to show, he said, "Mommy, why is your belly getting so fat?"

          He's 5. He doesn't realize yet that it hurts others feelings (Well....he didn't then, and we have discussed it now).

          DS also said the other day, "Mom, I don't want to eat junk anymore. I need lots of fruits and vegetables and milk and cheese so I can grow big and strong!" He then went on to list all the foods his Aunt lets him eat at her house and said that he was going to tell them he didn't want to eat junk anymore. LOL

          I would just politely tell DCG that it hurts others' feelings when she says they are fat.


          • #6
            don't be insulted - it's obvious that she's heard you say that you need to lose weight, wanted to lose weight, were trying to lose weight, etc.

            my daughter has grown up watching me on the treadmill and hearing me talk about losing weight and eating right - mostly bc she'd ask why i didn't/don't eat the same meals as everyone else most of the time. she always says, "you are NOT fat!" bc she's heard me make comments about myself and she's witnessed my weight fluctuate over the years, but it's funny that instead of repeating the things she's heard me say she tells me the opposite -kids are so funny.


            • #7
              One of my 3 yr old dcg's said the other day (while trying to lift her mommy's blouse up....) "My mommy doesn't have a baby in her tummy; she's just fat!"

              We have a pregnant mom here so all the kids are talking about it....

              My own son told me when he was 3 or so "Mom, since you can't see behind you, I just want to tell you that your butt jiggles when you walk." Gee...thanks for noticing! LOL! ::


              • #8
                as QualiT stated, she's heard it somewhere before. So maybe dcm says it at home all the time about herself? Soemtimes kids like to feel like they are smart and learned something good (she may think, "Miss _ will be proud that I know that eating healthy, using a treadmill will help her get skinny" if she knows you're already working out and losing weight. So she is probably pretty proud and hoping you see it too.

                One thing I'd like to throw out there, is look up hemp seeds. NO NOT MARIJUANA, hemp seeds as a nutritional source (you can eat them alone, put them in foods, shakes, etc.) They are EXTREMELY good for you, have properties known to help increase metabolism, help you stay fuller longer (approx 2 tbsp/day), disease prevention, skin care, excema, packed with folic acid (great for those trying to conceive), blood pressure, and they dont have much flavor so you can put them literally in anything. I put them in scrambled eggs and hashbrowns just this morning. My kids gobble them up. I don't give them to daycare kids though. But they have no allergens in them, even though they have a nutty flavor alone.

                One of the best producers is Manitoba Harvest, and they have one of the best prices too. Shipping and handling is flat rate of $10 under 100 and free over 100.

                Might be worth just checking it out. Do some research on why hemp seeds are nutritional. They are packed with omegas, iron, B vitamins, and many many many more. There is 0 to 0.0001% of THC in it so no you will not be high, and it DOES NOT create a false positive for a drug screen. Just in case you were wondering.

                Manitoba Harvest prides itself on the quality of hemp-based foods, oils, and supplements; a great addition to any meal. Hemp seeds, protein powders & bars.

                With a rich, nutty taste and amazing versatility, these amazing little seeds can be an important part of any meal! Each serving of Hemp Hearts offers 10g of plant protein, 12g of Omegas 3 & 6, all 9 essential amino acids. Manitoba Harvest takes only the freshest, highest quality hemp seeds from field to table.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by dEHmom View Post
                  as QualiT stated, she's heard it somewhere before. So maybe dcm says it at home all the time about herself? Soemtimes kids like to feel like they are smart and learned something good (she may think, "Miss _ will be proud that I know that eating healthy, using a treadmill will help her get skinny" if she knows you're already working out and losing weight. So she is probably pretty proud and hoping you see it too.

                  One thing I'd like to throw out there, is look up hemp seeds. NO NOT MARIJUANA, hemp seeds as a nutritional source (you can eat them alone, put them in foods, shakes, etc.) They are EXTREMELY good for you, have properties known to help increase metabolism, help you stay fuller longer (approx 2 tbsp/day), and they dont have much flavor so you can put them literally in anything. I put them in scrambled eggs and hashbrowns just this morning. My kids gobble them up. I don't give them to daycare kids though. But they have no allergens in them, even though they have a nutty flavor alone.

                  One of the best producers is Manitoba Harvest, and they have one of the best prices too. Shipping and handling is flat rate of $10 under 100 and free over 100.

                  Might be worth just checking it out. Do some research on why hemp seeds are nutritional. They are packed with omegas, iron, B vitamins, and many many many more. There is 0 to 0.0001% of THC in it so no you will not be high, and it DOES NOT create a false positive for a drug screen. Just in case you were wondering.

                  Manitoba Harvest prides itself on the quality of hemp-based foods, oils, and supplements; a great addition to any meal. Hemp seeds, protein powders & bars.

                  I heard the same thing(s) about bee pollen. I wonder hw much truth there is to all of this superfood stuff?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                    I heard the same thing(s) about bee pollen. I wonder hw much truth there is to all of this superfood stuff?
                    problem is the availability of bee pollen, plus the risk of allergens.

                    I do agree that some of this stuff could be questionable, I for one swear by the hemp.

                    We stopped taking it for a while (it's a little bit on the expensive side when you're buying it for 5 people), and we have spent out winter sicker than dogs. I lack energy due to anemia and b12 deficiencies, and when I use this in my breakfast, I have energy to go all day. If I start feeling low I whip up a smoothy or shake if I have the stuff to do so, or I throw it in with my granola in my yogurt.

                    And I use spirulina (blue/gree algae) sometimes in sauces and stuff, because other things it turns dark green and kids know I've put something in it but hubs has no idea about this stuff, hehe, otherwise he wouldn't eat it, and he swears he's just super man cause he NEVER gets sick and if he does, it a cough cough and he's better, usually.


                    • #11

                      wanted to add this website about the superfoods.


                      • #12
                        take it with a grain of salt and laught it off..

                        I akm 5'7 118 lbs, all of my kids tell me I have the biggest butt in the world.

                        the other night I came home from the gym. My 3 yr old says to me MOM you lied. I thought you went to the gym. I said I did go to the gym.. His reply....." well then where are your muscles?" UGH I cant win.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by daycare View Post
                          take it with a grain of salt and laught it off..

                          I akm 5'7 118 lbs, all of my kids tell me I have the biggest butt in the world.

                          the other night I came home from the gym. My 3 yr old says to me MOM you lied. I thought you went to the gym. I said I did go to the gym.. His reply....." well then where are your muscles?" UGH I cant win.
                          That sounds like daddy set that up, .

                          My hubs teaching my kids bad things. Especially throwing peas and mashed potatoes at mom during supper time.

                          hubs deserves a good kick in the donkey.


                          • #14
                            Thanks for the links. I'll have to read about the hemp seed and super foods later. I been making the minute muffin with gound flax seed meal, I could add hemp seed to that.

                            I forgot to add that she told me how much she loved me after she said that. That made it all better for me and we had a good laugh. She gets it from her Mom, who is Military police and works out a lot and she is very obsessive about food. Eats a very healthy diet, but still feeds dcg junk. I don't get that part but dcg eats healthy for me.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by morgan24 View Post
                              I was putting my belt on this morning and my 5 year old dcg told me I needed to lose some more weight, walk on the treadmill and eat less. I have been dieting and lost 20# and have more to go, but dang it's tough when they put it right out there .
                              Dont feel bad just 2 days ago my OWN Son says to me Mom are you gonna still lose weight you are still kinda big Ive lost 70 pounds and still have a ways to go but it does hurt to hear that.

