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Annoying Girl Told Dad......

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  • Annoying Girl Told Dad......

    that i forced her to go outside, yup, I did force her to go outside, she is 5.5yr old and it was 60 degrees here. Everyone else went outside. Oh the best part was that she told my dd (she's 10) that her dad told her that she didn't have to go outside. So as she's leaving and telling her dad how I made her go outside, she started blaming my dd that she made her go outside too. Too bad girly, homey don't play your game!!

  • #2
    I would have sent her out too - and given her notice that she'd be going out again tomorrow LOL. Why didn't she want to go:confused:

    Did the Dad say anything to you? My kids can't get enough of outside. It's going to be 75 tomorrow yay!


    • #3
      What's sad is that she already KNOWS that her Daddy won't make her DO anything the little princess doesn't want to do. Ick. My kids wouldn't bother to tell me someone made them go outside, eat their lunch, or clean up after themselves. They wouldn't bother because they know my answer would be GOOD!


      • #4
        If he says anything you can tell him that as a provider by law you have to get the kids outside. It is true they need outside time when the weather allows and if you can do so. Then have the paper printed off to give him, LOL.


        • #5
          It was a beautiful day. There is no good reason a healthy 5.5 year old shouldn't be playing outside after being cooped up all winter. In addition it isn't fair to the other children to all stay inside just because she wants to. Majority rules especially with something as silly as this little girl's dislikes for me.

          I have 2 dropin kids that HATE outside. The 4 year old whines constantly and asked to go in. His little sister is 17 months and hates her snowsuit, being up, being down, slides and fun if its outside. After asking a few questions I realized that these kiddies DON'T play outside unless they're with me. They play at home in a playroom loaded with toys and a tv on all the time. No wonder its boring outside here!


          • #6
            I had a family pull their son because we went outside daily and he didn't want to go. This was summer time and the dcm though it was abusive to MAKE someone do something they did not want to. I asked her what she thought I should do with her son if we all went out and he didn't want to? Her answer was "just turn on the TV and he'll be fine!" Ummmmm...he was 3 and I was not about to leave a 3 yr old inside alone and unattended while the rest of us soaked up the sunshine and fresh air.

            She eventually pulled her kid and decided to start her own daycare because she knew she could do it much better than I. She wasopen and closed wiht in 90 day.


            • #7
              A kid that does not want to go outside is a kid in sad state indeed.

              My 3.5 yo DD routinely tells me, "Mommy, I need to go outside. I need fresh air!" and if we can't go out that minute for whatever reason (too cold, too wet, time for bed...) she asks me to open a window so she can get her fresh air.
              Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


              • #8
                um wow! I made my 4.5yo DD go out with us. She get so at me. But no one gets to stay inside. Too dangerous. We're supposed to take the kids out weather permitting 30 mins daily. It's so nice out finally here. 50s yesterday, 60s today with high winds unfortunately. I don't know if I'll be able to get them outside after the bus comes. 60mph winds + 2yos = not good!

