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Daycare Associations...

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  • Daycare Associations...

    Do you have an association of daycare providers in your area? If so, is there a fee to participate or no? How do you function, does the association provide trainings or is it more social? Trying to reconfigure ours and wondering how to go. What do you like or not like about yours? If you don't have one, would you like to and what would you expect out of it?

  • #2
    We do. It's called the Child Care Providers Resource Network.

    CCPRN is a non-profit, membership organization driven to empower, support, and connect individuals who seek or offer child care in a home setting.

    There is $25.00/year membership. They run workshops for caregivers, and events for kids. The children's events and the 'make and take' craft ones have a usually material fee.

    I just joined, so I don't even know all the things they offered.

    I like that they have telephone services, so if you ever have a question you can call and ask. Whethe it's about a child, or income tax, etc.


    • #3
      We have one as well. It's called ABDC....association for better daycare. I've gone to two meetings so far. It's about two hours long and the first hour is the meeting and the second hour is the training. Children do not attend and I'm not sure if they do events or not. I know we do fund-raisers, but I'm not able to participate in those at this time. It's a $20/year fee and you get 10 hours of training if you go to the meetings, I've already earned 3 hours of training during the two times I've gone.

      People bring treats to eat, but we all sit in chairs and I wish we had table to sit at the feel more comfortable and have note-taking space or space to set our food and drinks. I think it's a great idea. I know they have meetings in people's homes who are providers, but since I'm not currently an in-home provider I will not attend those meetings. I work at a group daycare so I feel like I wouldn't be able to offer my home for a meeting space. I don't think trainings happen at those meetings though, I think it's more business stuff for the associate. It's wonderful having a local group though, keep yours up!


      • #4
        We do. It's $25 a year and then a fee if you want to be listed on our website. (I think it's $10 a year). We all take turns using our homes for meetings. It's nice to see other daycare setups.


        • #5
          We have one. I have been involved in it on and off. They have a yearly fee seems like it's about $40. They provide referrals, put an ad in the paper and have referral people take calls and give out provider's info to prospective parents. They have 2 yearly all day trainings ($80ish each) and then monthly trainings ($5-10 each) in each suburban area (it's a big county). They have a newsletter that comes out, I think, quarterly. They do a yearly banquet to recognize providers that have been providing for 5,10,15, etc. years and they have a provider of the year award. I'm sure they do other stuff, but that is the main things.

