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What Is A Good Price For Weekend Or Date Night Care?

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  • What Is A Good Price For Weekend Or Date Night Care?

    Right now I charge $45.00 a day for the day per child. These are siblings so she pays $90.00 a day for both.

  • #2
    I'd probably charge $50-$75 for two, depending on when the drop off and pick up time was.
    sigpicA characteristic of the normal child is he doesn't act that way very often. ~Author Unknown


    • #3
      Originally posted by cherryhill View Post
      Right now I charge $45.00 a day for the day per child. These are siblings so she pays $90.00 a day for both.
      I charge 50 a day, for normal weekday care. night care is $10.00 per hour per child. I dont offer weekend care, it would just be baby sitting, no teaching would be offered so I would charge less. maybe $8.00 an hour per child..

      I know you are in CA too I think it depends on your area.


      • #4
        Originally posted by cherryhill View Post
        Right now I charge $45.00 a day for the day per child. These are siblings so she pays $90.00 a day for both.
        Rates for weekends or should create a contract for "outside normal hours care" and have a fee for night hours and day hours. YOU set which is which. Day hours may be from 7:00 am-7:00 pm and night hours may be from 7:00 pm-7:00 am to keep it even. Have a set rate per hour for each of these because obviously while the child is sleeping should be less or else they're going to have a neighbor come to their house to watch the kids instead, kwim?

        If you charge $45 for 9 hours that is $5/hour. I would raise it to make sure you're getting more than minimum wage since you have to pay taxes on it and feed them your food instead of what a babysitter would be required to offer in their home. For night time care hours I would have a lower than $5/hour rate because they are sleeping and you will be too.


        • #5
          In CA you can't have a 24 hour child care because you legally need time to take a break and sleep. You also can't sleep at all when you have kids even if it is night care.

