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Nap Time - Advice Please

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  • Nap Time - Advice Please

    I just started childcare in my home on Wednesday. My DC children are ages 4 & 5. I originally planned a nap/rest time for them, meaning they don't have to sleep, but must lie quietly in a dim room with quiet cartoons for an hour. I do this at the same time everyday, so that my home is structured and consistent for them.

    Their parents have requested that I no longer allow them to lie awake, and that they actually sleep during nap time. I have no idea how to accomplish "making" them sleep. I provide a quiet and dim room, comfort items (blankets, pillows, a cushy place to sleep) and tell them that they have to close their eyes and try to sleep. However, they won't sleep. Personally, I'm not sure that they haven't outgrown nap time. The five year old will play, bug his sister, wiggle, whisper, etc. throughout the whole time that I have assigned as nap time. I think the four year old would be willing to take a nap, but her brother is causing a disturbance and keeps her up. I don't want to go against the parents' request, but honestly, I can't make him sleep. And when I try, it interfere's with his sister's.

    Any tips, constructive criticism, or suggestions would be welcomed. Thanks in advance!

  • #2
    We are a no TV child care and for nap/rest time we do audio books. Most kids will lay quietly to listen (if you get the volume level not too loud and not too quiet) and if they are tired they will sleep, if not they still had rest time.

    You can't MAKE them sleep. You can only offer the quiet restful area that you mentioned and let nature take it's course.

    In the case of the sibling bugging the other...separate them from each others reach. Get mats or cots and make a rule that everyone stays within their own area. Good luck!


    • #3
      I am also a no tv at DC.

      I require each child regardless of age to set up a sleep mat with their personal items, blanket, pillow, stuffed animal and etc. They are NOT expected to sleep, but they must stay on their mats during the times of 1-3:30.

      After 45 min if a child has not fallen asleep, I will offer them a book to read quietly as they lay on their mat. 99.9 % of the time they all fall asleep.

      If they cannot lay quietly then they will not get a book. I don't offer my serives for children that don't nap.


      • #4
        I have 2 little ones that like to talk to each other and they are on seperate walls and they still talked to each other. So i went to the dollar tree and bought 2 black foam boards, I lean them against the daycare chairs and I have an instant divider. Now they can't see each other and they both fall asleep within 5 minutes. I also use a nice Soft Sound CD, and I have one song on repeat and they listen to it the entire nap.


        • #5
          We don't do TV either and just have the windows darkened, everyone lays on their mat, we read a story and then the sleep CD is on and I have it pretty loud. I sit in the room with them until they fall asleep (never takes more than 15 minutes) and they all sleep 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 hours. My dcks are older too...3-5 yrs old. I have to wake the 5yr old up every day or he'd sleep 4hrs.::

          Since the arrangement is new for you and your dcks I just say pick a routine, be consistent, and in no time they'll be snoozing away.


          • #6
   have the opposite problem with parents and naptime then most posters! I think cartoons, even if they're on quiet, might make falling asleep harder. I would try reading a story together, and then having them lay down. The physical atmosphere of your room sounds great, maybe add some soothing (lullabye type, not "active" type) music to help set the atmosphere.
            If after all this they're still awake, you're can't "make" anyone sleep. Although I wish someone would try to make me sleep!!!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
              We are a no TV child care and for nap/rest time we do audio books. Most kids will lay quietly to listen (if you get the volume level not too loud and not too quiet) and if they are tired they will sleep, if not they still had rest time.

              You can't MAKE them sleep. You can only offer the quiet restful area that you mentioned and let nature take it's course.

              In the case of the sibling bugging the other...separate them from each others reach. Get mats or cots and make a rule that everyone stays within their own area. Good luck!
              I agree with this. Personally i do classical music, but audio books are a great idea.


              • #8
                Originally posted by DCMomOf3 View Post
                I agree with this. Personally i do classical music, but audio books are a great idea.
                I do music sometimes too, but I have found that with the current group I have, they seem to get bored with it and so if I do a story on CD then they have to really lay still to listen and concentrating so hard seems to make them sleepy....


                • #9
                  Original Poster

                  Thanks for the wonderful suggestions, ladies. I had to separate them today. I have a 9 month old that was keeping the boy awake (they normally lay down in the living room), so I had him and his sister lie in my bedroom. Like clockwork, DCB started picking on DCG and she asked to come back to the living room. They are now both sleeping...phew!

                  I normally wouldn't do TV at nap time, but the boy is a handful and that was the only way he would lay down without throwing a horrible tantrum for the next hour (literally) . Today, I let them know as soon as they got here that I wouldn't be doing TV at nap time, and he seemed to respond better, just having the knowledge ahead of time.

                  I knew that I couldn't make them sleep, so it was more a question of how to handle the parents if I couldn't get them to. The dad seemed pretty annoyed to find out they were just having a rest and was pretty intent that they actually sleep.

                  Thanks for the tips so far!
                  sigpicA characteristic of the normal child is he doesn't act that way very often. ~Author Unknown


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by krystamichelle View Post
                    Thanks for the wonderful suggestions, ladies. I had to separate them today. I have a 9 month old that was keeping the boy awake (they normally lay down in the living room), so I had him and his sister lie in my bedroom. Like clockwork, DCB started picking on DCG and she asked to come back to the living room. They are now both sleeping...phew!

                    I normally wouldn't do TV at nap time, but the boy is a handful and that was the only way he would lay down without throwing a horrible tantrum for the next hour (literally) . Today, I let them know as soon as they got here that I wouldn't be doing TV at nap time, and he seemed to respond better, just having the knowledge ahead of time.

                    I knew that I couldn't make them sleep, so it was more a question of how to handle the parents if I couldn't get them to. The dad seemed pretty annoyed to find out they were just having a rest and was pretty intent that they actually sleep.

                    Thanks for the tips so far!
                    If he is motivated by TV/cartoons, why don't you try to use it as a reward? Tell him if he has good behavior at nap/rest time and does not disturb others that he can earn 30 mins of TV time AFTER nap/rest is over?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                      If he is motivated by TV/cartoons, why don't you try to use it as a reward? Tell him if he has good behavior at nap/rest time and does not disturb others that he can earn 30 mins of TV time AFTER nap/rest is over?
                      So simple, yet BRILLIANT!! I can't believe that didn't occur to me. We usually do arts and crafts and a snack right after nap time, but there is free play at the end of the day, in which time I could offer cartoons.
                      sigpicA characteristic of the normal child is he doesn't act that way very often. ~Author Unknown


                      • #12
                        welcome to the board by the way!!


                        • #13
                          Thanks, DCMomof3!
                          sigpicA characteristic of the normal child is he doesn't act that way very often. ~Author Unknown


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by SunflowerMama View Post
                            We don't do TV either and just have the windows darkened, everyone lays on their mat, we read a story and then the sleep CD is on and I have it pretty loud. I sit in the room with them until they fall asleep (never takes more than 15 minutes) and they all sleep 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 hours. My dcks are older too...3-5 yrs old. I have to wake the 5yr old up every day or he'd sleep 4hrs.::

                            Since the arrangement is new for you and your dcks I just say pick a routine, be consistent, and in no time they'll be snoozing away.
                            This is what I do as well...


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by DCMomOf3 View Post
                              welcome to the board by the way!!
                              Sorry...I am sometimes not a quick as my dog is with introductions....

                              Welcome to the board! Stay, share, and laugh!!

