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MOST Kids Stick Things In Their Mouths...

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  • MOST Kids Stick Things In Their Mouths...

    ...and that I can live with. But ugh, I find myself saying several times a day to this one DCB, "B, get that OUT of your NOSE!"

    Bleh...mouths are one thing but noses are WAY grosser! It's not just his finger--I rarely have to tell him to get his finger out of his nose. He sticks toys up there!

    Is this just a variation on "everything in the mouth" or is he really weird? (He's almost 2)
    Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!

  • #2
    I have one little guy who does this, and I think it's just to get a reaction out of me. I don't even say anything, I just silently take the thing away and put it up, while continuing whatever I was doing. He gets tired of it really quickly ::.


    • #3
      I agree, I think it is for the reaction.. last night my son wanted my attention and so he decided to stick his hands down his pants and then came up to me and said mommy my hands smell bad. I said let me see and I almost puked.

      I asked him why he did that and he said becuase you would not look at me and I needed you. he is 3.

      He tried it again later in the night and i ignored it. He has not tried it again..


      • #4
        My cousin's son ate the grossest thing

        At tick....she found blood on his mouth when they were in their dining first she thought he bumped his lip, but then further investigated and found it......YUK.,..she was terrified.


        • #5
          I don't think he's doing it for a reaction...I've watched him and he does it sort of absentmindedly the way many kids suck their thumb or stick stuff in their mouth to chew on. He always takes the object straight out of his nose and hands it to me with no trouble.

          Still...blech! Hope this is one phase he outgrows soon.
          Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


          • #6
            I don't think it is for attention all the time either. I think it is simply the discovery of a new part of the body and children experimenting what they can do with it. I've had a couple nose stuffers and most recently, I have a dcg who likes to tear up her food and stuff it in her ears!


            • #7
              There was a kindergartener absent today from the school I currently teach at... The mom called to let us know he was in surgery to remove two watch batteries that he had shoved up his nose... And they had corroded!!!!


              • #8
                my little sister (10 years younger then me) would stick anything up her nose that would fit. green beans, barbie shoes, the bingo markers to my bingo game, dog food, you name it.

                but 3kidzmama, the watch batteries take the cake!


                • #9
                  i could tell you a really embarassing story too....

                  when my son was 2 1/2, we were at walmart shopping. i wasn't paying attention to him in the seat, i was pulling the cart from the other end through the store. some cute little old lady said "excuse me, but do you see what your son is doing?"

                  i turned around and he had taken two tampons from my purse, and shoved them up both nostrils, and only the little strings were hanging out. who knows how long i had dragged him around the store like that.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by melskids View Post
                    i could tell you a really embarassing story too....

                    when my son was 2 1/2, we were at walmart shopping. i wasn't paying attention to him in the seat, i was pulling the cart from the other end through the store. some cute little old lady said "excuse me, but do you see what your son is doing?"

                    i turned around and he had taken two tampons from my purse, and shoved them up both nostrils, and only the little strings were hanging out. who knows how long i had dragged him around the store like that.
                    :: Oh my goodness! This gave me such a good laugh! Thanks!!!!

