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Random Drug Testing on Child Care Workers

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Yvonne View Post
    So be it.
    If someone has random drug testing to drive a truck for the Dept of Transportation to ensure public safety ...

    Don't kid yourself on this. It's not for public safety, they just paint it that way. This is for the insurance companies who are trying to protect themselves.

    The others have posted on your other ridiculous points, but this was just laughable.
    And...they ya' have it!


    • #32
      My privacy may not be important to you, but its very important to me. Its something that my government protects. I won't have anyone take away my privacy without a fight.

      Can someone find me a study of drug addicted, alcohol abusing caregivers and their effects on children? BC it would seem to me most parents would notice if your child's caregiver were high or drunk.

      And last time I checked, commercial drivers are not childcare providers so why bother comparing job requirements. Do they have their trucks childproofed? Do I need a CDL to take care of babies? The comparison of one job to another is pointless.


      • #33
        If you care so much about your child's safety then you should care for him yourself.

        Good luck!


        • #34
          Originally posted by Live and Learn View Post
          If you care so much about your child's safety then you should care for him yourself.

          Good luck!
          yeah, but statistics say that is not the safest place for him to be.....unless she is randomly tested.


          • #35
            Recent reports say that 73% of statistics are made up anyway. Lol


            • #36

              OP, when you initially started this thread, were YOU high??? Your post was incredibly offensive and you've come to the wrong place to get support for your agenda. Do you realize how much money it would cost to do random drug testing? It's not a financially sound plan. As far as drug testing goes when it comes to home daycare providers, you have the freedom to find another provider but you DO NOT have the right to try to force drug tests on home daycare providers! Please don't compare it to the random drug testing that happens with drivers because it is not the same in any way, shape or form. If this agenda is so important to you, then by all means, pursue it but don't do it on a provider forum! What did you think that you were going to hear? Did you think that all of the providers would be on board with your cause and support you? I can't speak for anyone else here but for me, I don't think that anyone has the right to force me to take a drug test without probable cause. It's a violation of my rights. Your post was insulting and condescending. You need to spew your garbage on a parents forum where you'll find more support.


              • #37
                If you are SO concerned for the well-being of your child.....and seem to believe that most child care workers are raging alcoholics or junkies (or both)....I am baffled as to why you would even CONSIDER leaving your child with someone else.

                How about tightening the belt and taking care of him/her yourself? Now there's a concept........


                • #38
                  Randon Drug Testing

                  You know almost all employers require that their employees submit to a drug test and even random drug testing, so as a parent, though I am a private employer, I am still an employer and my children are the most important product no matter what. Why shouldn't I be able to drug test my babysitter or nanny? I was searching for information about the subject, because my husband and I are both in the Military and I think as long as I state my intentions in the interview and have the babysitter sign a consent form it is my right as a parent to want the best for my children while I'm at work. I did find a website that had some useful information for parents and even helped my find a full time babysitter as i just became resigned to a new base. It also provided me with a website to download a basic consent form and really good information about drug testing.
                  You can just never be to careful
                  Last edited by Michael; 03-28-2011, 06:17 PM.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                    You know almost all employers require that their employees submit to a drug test and even random drug testing, so as a parent, though I am a private employer, I am still an employer and my children are the most important product no matter what. Why shouldn't I be able to drug test my babysitter or nanny? I was searching for information about the subject, because my husband and I are both in the Military and I think as long as I state my intentions in the interview and have the babysitter sign a consent form it is my right as a parent to want the best for my children while I'm at work. I did find a website that had some useful information for parents and even helped my find a full time babysitter as i just became resigned to a new base. It also provided me with a website to download a basic consent form and really good information about drug testing.
                    You can just never be to careful

                    You, like many others have this notion that you are your day care provider's employer. You are not. (Unless you take care of all their tax requirements.. supply a W2 etc?)

                    If you use a child care provider in their are NOT their employer! They are self-employed. They are their own boss.

                    All they do is offer a service, which you are free to purchase if you wish. But it comes according to HER dictates.

                    It is HER home. HER rules. The point of an interview is for BOTH parties to see if the arrangement will be a good fit. She is interviewing YOU too! I interview several parents for the same spot and then choose the one I want in my day care. I am choosing a client...not an employer!

                    If you want to be an employer, get a nanny to come to YOUR home and make sure you take care of all the employer tax requirements.
                    Last edited by Michael; 03-28-2011, 06:17 PM.


                    • #40
                      I don't have a problem being tested. Test me if you want to, but you will need to pay for it and provide back up care for the children while I go.

                      And, I agree, I am the employer. I am governed by my state through my county, and I am required to follow their rules and laws. I am not required to follow my client's rules. If they would like my services, then they can follow my rules. If not, they can find another child care situation. That is fine with me. If they would LIKE me to take a drug test (as opposed to REQUIRE me to take a drug test which they do not get to make that decision), then I will as long as the above requirements are met.

                      It's probably time to start testing all elementary, middle, and high school teachers and school employees as well, as surely your (OP) child will someday be in school. You'd better test all coaches, swimming instructors, music and dance teachers, etc. as your child may someday want to do an exracurricular activity. Heaven forbid if you are religious, you'd better start testing all clergy, church staff, high school/college and parent volunteers as your child may want to attend a church activity or class someday. And, let's not forget about all of the parents of your child's friends because your child might want to play at a friend's house someday...they may even want to sleep over in which case you'd better do all siblings/extended family/etc. that may visit the friend's home. Oh, and don't forget about all college employees and students, because surely your child will be in college someday. And once your child is 16, you'd better do all people on the road because he/she will be driving. Then, once your child is allowed to go places alone or with friends, you'd better do all mall employees, restaurant workers, movie theater employees, and all people who ever go out to a public place. Am I missing anyone?

                      The fact of the matter is that someday, somehow, somewhere your child IS going to be away from you. While I don't mind taking a drug test like I allow a background study, it will be impossible to cover drug testing for every person your child may encounter while you are not there directly supervising. In order to parent, you are going to have to let go a little bit. I understand being a cautious parent, but I don't think you can let it get in the way of allowing your child to grow up. If you can't let go a little bit, you will have to limit your choices to people who will meet your demands, or put your child in a bubble. Otherwise you'd better just plan to spend the next 18 or more years of your life directly supervising your child and not allowing school or any other activities.

                      I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just trying to be practical.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                        You know almost all employers require that their employees submit to a drug test and even random drug testing, so as a parent, though I am a private employer, I am still an employer and my children are the most important product no matter what. Why shouldn't I be able to drug test my babysitter or nanny? I was searching for information about the subject, because my husband and I are both in the Military and I think as long as I state my intentions in the interview and have the babysitter sign a consent form it is my right as a parent to want the best for my children while I'm at work. I did find a website that had some useful information for parents and even helped my find a full time babysitter as i just became resigned to a new base. It also provided me with a website to download a basic consent form and really good information about drug testing.
                        You can just never be to careful
                        If you pay unemployment insurance then you can decide to drug test as a condition of employment. I doubt too many self employed people would agree to what you believe is "best interest".

                        I'm wondering if you came just to promote that site?

                        The biggest drug problem in child care is infants, toddlers, and preschoolers being brought to child care with advil or tylenol to mask fevers. If you want to go after "best interst" go after that one first.
                        Last edited by Michael; 03-28-2011, 06:17 PM.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by nannyde View Post
                          If you pay unemployment insurance then you can decide to drug test as a condition of employment. I doubt too many self employed people would agree to what you believe is "best interest".

                          I'm wondering if you came just to promote that site?

                          The biggest drug problem in child care is infants, toddlers, and preschoolers being brought to child care with advil or tylenol to mask fevers. If you want to go after "best interst" go after that one first.
                          Whoa there! I want more that just unemployment insurance!!! I no longer want to pay SELF EMPLOYMENT tax...

                          Heck, I will be her provider and she can call me her employee, and as such I want no less than $20/hour, I want sick pay and vacation, health insurance, don't forget to pay your portion of my social security benefits.

                          OH! And it is a legal requirement for you to pay me overtime and paid breaks. When she does ALL of that, then I will pee in a cup on demand!


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by nannyde View Post
                            And most accidents happen in parental care due to negligence.
                            So true. If you think of how many kids we have at one time.. for 12 hours a day, for several years, and most of us never have a child injured in our care.

                            I've taken care of hundreds of kids since 1982, and the only child injured in all those years on my watch, was my own child. (other than minor bumps and scratches)

                            But, a few times a year, I have someone walk in with a child in a shiny new cast, or stitches. I've never even considered asking or assuming it was neglect or drug abuse. (ok.. once, but if you knew those parents you'd agree)

                            All employees should be drug tested. Not just those in education or early childhood.

                            If a parent doesn't trust the childcare providers, that parent should stay home with their kids. No provider or center wants to work with that type of parent.

