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  • Wwyd

    My 8 week old dcb has colic (I think)...she has a lot of tummy troubles, is on a special formula, has terrible gas, etc....the only time she isn't crying is when she's eating, and she'll only sleep when held. I know there isn't anything more I can do for her other than hold her so she'll sleep, so for small periods of time, I let her CIO in the swing or bassinet so I can diaper the toddlers, make lunch, give the toddlers some quality play time, set my older son up with school papers, etc...i've tried baby wearing and she HATES it, once she's asleep, if i lay her down she wakes up SCREAMING like someone is trying to kill her...any suggestions on what to do?

  • #2
    swaddling? Have you ever read Happiest Baby on the Block?
    Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


    • #3
      Have you tried Dr. Brown's bottles?

      Also, here are some other posts on colic:


      • #4
        she only uses dr brown's bottles, and she's on alimentum formula for colic...she hates swaddling, in fact she hates any kind of restriction, even if you're just holding her close to your body, if she can't kick or flail her arms about, then she freaks out and cries so hard she'll stop breathing or choke on her own spit!


        • #5
          What about an out facing carrier where she can "dangle" and kick and move, see what's going on, etc.? My son loved being carried this way. GL


          • #6
            I'd diaper, lay on tummy for a couple min. While you are right there. Let her Flail around for a bit. Try to burp her, tummy again, burp, feed, burp, and lay her on her back. Give her a minute, burp, lay back down. "rinse and repeat". For a few hours to days. If you honestly can't get her calmed, I'd tell mom you are stumped as to "how" to care for her and suggest a doctors advice on how to best care for her. If that's no help term her. There is no reason to put everyone through the stress of group care with a screaming newborn.


            • #7
              I agree with PP that suggested a carrier that he can see out...

              Just saw that he's only 2 months, so probably not ready for that. My daughter was very much like this (has unresolved belly issues to this day and she's over 2 yrs old. We have a gastro appt next month). My daughter was absolutely miserable-it was awful! Things got much better for us when she was able to sit upright. She had always hated laying down and would scream whenever we even laid her on her back in our arms (like, cradling her). But when we would sit her up so she could see the world, she was much happier. She was on meds for reflux, which didn't really help so we stopped them.

              Has this little guy been seen for reflux? Or been put on probiotics? I hear some people have success with those things, but my DD didn't.

              Good luck, I'm sorry you have to go through this, it can be sooo wearing on you to have a little one with colic.


              • #8
                You've gotten some good advice! I don't have anything to add other than to wish you lots of patience & strength & if things don't improve I would have to term. Definitely talk with the mom & discuss what they do at home to help.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by momofboys View Post
                  You've gotten some good advice! I don't have anything to add other than to wish you lots of patience & strength & if things don't improve I would have to term. Definitely talk with the mom & discuss what they do at home to help.

                  I would only add that Alimentum is not the end of the road formula for tummy troubles. I'm going to assume that it's been prescribed by a dr and they didn't just go this route on their own. 8 weeks is pretty young to have tried all the formulas out there and they may just have to talk to their doc about finding the right one. With DD1 the right formula happened to be plain old Carnation Good Start with no added DHA or stuff like that.

