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Sensory Table

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  • Sensory Table

    Those of you with sensory tables - do you set aside time for using them or just have them available during free play. I just set one up with corn for our farm theme and I'm thinking no more than two at a time at the table but I was trying to decide if I want it open all the time or not.

    Also what are your kids favorites that you put in the sensory table?

  • #2
    I just made two sensory tables; but I only use them outside b/c of the mess. If I choose to bring them inside during the winter, I will probably purchase a small plastic pool to keep them in when they use them. I will not leave them out, they will have a specified time every day.

    One has rice that I colored; and one has sand (now you see why I keep them outside!). The colored rice I LOVE, except that it leaves a white powder on their hands and clothes (it washes right off). The sand for odvious reasons I don't like so much, but it does allow them to build sandcastles and such and they love it.


    • #3
      mine is available during much of the day. its pretty small, so they know its only one at a time. i do put the lid on right before lunch, and right before we leave for the bus, just to keep it a little under control. ive had kids dump a handful of sand on the dishes while i was trying to set the table for lunch. and ive had a few get into it on our way out the door to pick up the school agers, and have to clean them up again before we could leave. (i close it up about 1/2 hr before pick up too.)

      for the most part, its sand and water, but i will change it up, depending on what we're learning about at that time. ive done corn, birdseed, rice, mud, clean snow (toilet paper and ivory snow), instant mashed potato flakes, flax seed, ice cubes, flubber, gak, and that magic molding sand.

      i use mine indoors. the kids all know the rules, and how to clean up. i put little broom and dustpans on hooks by the table, and they do a great job cleaning it up when they are done. its usually the under-2 crew i have to keep a close eye on


      • #4
        When I get our sensory table out, it's out all day/morning, so long as it is being used appropriately.

        melskids has a great list of materials to put in it.

        I hope to add an outdoor sand/water table this year...if I can find one I like at either Once Upon a Child or Craigslist. I'm picky.
        Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


        • #5
          The Counting Coconuts blog has some REALLY nifty sensory tub ideas:

          Sensory Tubs
          Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


          • #6
            Originally posted by melskids View Post
            ive done corn, birdseed, rice, mud, clean snow (toilet paper and ivory snow), instant mashed potato flakes, flax seed, ice cubes, flubber, gak, and that magic molding sand.
            I love these ideas!

            I currently have packing peanuts in mine. My table is out all day for the kids to play as they want and have been pretty good thus far. I have that one dcg that eats/chews on everything so I always am making sure she isnt around it but I dont let that hinder my DS and dcb (both 20 mo) free play. Right now I have cars, spoons and cups in the table with the peanuts. Once summer rolls around Ill take it outside for water/sand play.
            "Being a parent is wanting to hug and strangle your kid at the same time".


            • #7
              Originally posted by SilverSabre25 View Post
              The Counting Coconuts blog has some REALLY nifty sensory tub ideas:

              Sensory Tubs
              How cool! Teachers like this always make me want to be a better provider and mother!
              "Being a parent is wanting to hug and strangle your kid at the same time".


              • #8
                Originally posted by E Daycare View Post
                How cool! Teachers like this always make me want to be a better provider and mother!
                omg I know! I aspire to that level of greatness. I'm working on it, .
                Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


                • #9
                  I have mine set up right now with rice in it (funnels, cups, pots and pans, spoons, etc and a few dinosaurs/cars that have been tossed in). I use a large, underbed storage bin (6" deep, I put in about 2" of rice = 20lb bag), so that all 6 of my kids can fit around it at once, without crowding or fighting.

                  I have been leaving mine out all the time, as we've been stuck inside for weeks, and I find playing with the rice really helps them stay calmer. I have not had any problems until this morning - someone dumped rice all over the inside of my castle playhouse (and in the drawers, cupboards, etc! in the playkitchen!) AND all over the floor. They did it quietly enough that I didn't notice it until it was too late. Anyway, it will not be available for play this afternoon after nap, and we'll talk about how we play in the rice table.

                  I pulled out the vacuum and let the kids vacuum it up. They loved cleaning it up - I hope it doesn't encourage them to dump it more!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by SilverSabre25 View Post
                    The Counting Coconuts blog has some REALLY nifty sensory tub ideas:

                    Sensory Tubs
                    Wicked cool site! Thanks for linking. My daughter goes to a Montessori preschool and will be in Kindy there next year too. I have always had a dream about getting Montessori trained. After I pay off my 2 other degrees

