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Daycare Parents and Parties at Daycare

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  • Daycare Parents and Parties at Daycare

    Do you allow parents to attend parties with covid happening? Our center didn't allow parents to attend parties last year with covid and now all of a sudden, they've decided to allow parents to attend. My thoughts on this are:

    1. Don't know who the parents have been around or had their kids around.

    2. Have the parents been vaccinated completely.

    3. If they have covid or symptoms of covid would they still attend or bring their kids?

  • #2
    I don’t really feel like it’s my place to tell dcps what they can or can’t do with their personal lives. All I can do is screen the kids when they get here and ask that the parents not be the ones to drop off/pick up the child if they are under quarantine.

    Any more reeks too much of the state’s over-reach into our homes/personal lives as licensed providers or any parent telling us how to run our business.


    • #3
      I run an in-home Preschool and only have 6 families and parents never come into my home anymore. The pandemic is not over. I feel like people are getting too comfortable.
      We're almost there, just wait a few more months everyone!

      My opinion: The kids can have the party. The parents should just go to work....

      Eta: I don't consider it my business what parents do on their own time. It is my business to protect myself and my children when they are in my care.


      • #4
        As a home daycare I've never allowed parents to attend our parties. We tend to activities throughout the day for holidays. While birthdays are kept to a eating time (mostly at snack time though I do my kid at lunch cause it's also vastness day). I don't need a parent in confusing the kids about pickup and whatnot. Neither do I want parents in my play room.

        I do miss having parents enter for dropp off and pickups. They only get to enter threw my backdoor which leads to my downstairs kitchen and daycare space. The kitchen cut off from playspace by a gate. Parents got to see a little more of what their kid was doing in day but still feel the need to get going because of the gate separating us.


        • #5
          I'm in-home. No daycare adults come in my house.
          Parties have always been a daytime thing for the kids anyway. So, no.

          Schools aren't letting adults come in to celebrate anything either! I don't see why adults would need to in a center. Just seems weird and stupid- because if one of those adults were around the kids for 15 min+ and tested positive, the whole darn class would have to quarantine here.


          • #6
            I've been replying and making threads as an unregistered guest because I can't reset my password. Thanks for your opinions about this, im so worried that anyone there will get sick


            • #7
              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              I've been replying and making threads as an unregistered guest because I can't reset my password. Thanks for your opinions about this, im so worried that anyone there will get sick
              What's your member name? I can send you a password reset link so you can reset it.


              • #8
                @blackcat: springvalley


                • #9
                  I don't advertise our "parties" to anyone including parents. We do our own thing and if I want to throw in some holiday crafts and snacks, and small gifts, I do so without adding stress to parents or from parents. Today, we are going in a bounce house after snack to celebrate Easter, my kid turning 1, and my niece turning 7. Send me a prayer that the wind doesn't take my kids in their bounce house over my 6 foot privacy fence like it did my tarp shed a couple of days ago :: Also, I'm sick of stressing about covid. I disagree with mask effectiveness and face covering. I also don't trust the shot. I don't give a crap what anyone else does but leave others alone to do as they choose. I do believe people should stay home if they're sick.

