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Meal Count Question

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  • Meal Count Question

    On the meal count forms it has the option to record two servings per meal.

    We are required to offer seconds.

    I don't remember having the option to record extra servings before. To add that option would have been a lot of planning, meetings and work. I don't believe it was "just because".

    Does that mean that they are working on getting us funding or tax write off's for that required second serving, now?

    We all know the current reimbursement rates don't cover two servings per child. I am tier 2.

    Tier 1: Breakfast $1.39,Lunch/supper $2.61, Snack $.78.
    Tier 2: Breakfast $.50, Lunch/supper $1.58, Snack $.21.
    - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.

  • #2
    I haven’t seen that on the forms yet. I’d better check the website and print myself some new forms.

    That would be wonderful if we could get something more to help out with food expenses.

    It really seems that the kids are getting so much more than the recommended serving sizes at home. I have little ones that have a meltdown if I pick up their plate after they’ve had the equivalent of 4-6 servings. Even if I have some kids that despise vegetables, there’s other kids that will happily eat every last bite I have on the stove.

    Having so many school-aged doing remote learning and eating meals at daycare has increased my food expenses greatly. I rarely have any leftovers. It blows my mind they don’t have a graduated scale of reimbursement, since the older one’s serving sizes are so much more than the younger kids’.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Sunshine69 View Post
      Having so many school-aged doing remote learning and eating meals at daycare has increased my food expenses greatly. I rarely have any leftovers. It blows my mind they don’t have a graduated scale of reimbursement, since the older one’s serving sizes are so much more than the younger kids’.
      I had not even considered that. Excellent point.

      The whole thing really needs a common sense overhaul.
      - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


      • #4
        I record and submit claims entirely on line and I've never seen a place to record second servings or anything that said we can claim seconds.

        Can you e-mail your sponsor or are they worthless?


        • #5
          Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
          I record and submit claims entirely on line and I've never seen a place to record second servings or anything that said we can claim seconds.

          Can you e-mail your sponsor or are they worthless?
          I don't have a sponsor. Tier 2 isn't worth the effort for me.

          I use KidKare and meal counts will record up to two servings. My state paper form (if I used it) look similar. My food program also uses KidKare.
          Attached Files
          - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


          • #6
            I submit my menus and claims online and there is nowhere to record 2nd servings. My kids eat like Vikings...2nds and 3rds are a given here.

            This was in my inbox A bill for emergency funding for CACFP. Seems like they too are under financial duress...


            • #7
              Oh, I am sure most programs are under duress right now. I was curious about upcoming previously planned changes (pre-Covid).

              Typically, when we start getting new options, forms or "optional" free training = changes are on the horizon. Usually within in a few years.... (Like QRIS, Lowered Ratios, etc.)

              Serving seconds used to be a "Quality" indicator but has now (July 1st 2020) become mandatory. Typically, (over the past 25 years) funding for that extra serving would have come first, then the "mandatory". I hope that made sense?

              I was hoping someone had maybe heard or read something, somewhere, that I have not found, yet. I like to plan ahead. ::

              * I don't expect them to increase any form of subsidies for quite a while after COVID because of the amount they (Federal/State Programs) have gone negative. I would like to know if there was consideration given and if, at some point down the road, this is something they were/are working toward.

              Licensing is hiring a lot of "auditors" right now. Not "consultants" (= inspectors). Auditors. :confused: I would like to let that weird tingle of suspicion and dread go. Sadly, it has been correct too many times....
              - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


              • #8
                Got it! I'm curious to know that too! Let me know what you find out.
                Up until 2 years ago my sponsor used to host a mandatory CACFP training every year with everyone to go over all changes, updates, provide new forms, answer questions etc. And, if changes occurred before meeting they would call to inform. Can't even get anyone on the phone now to answer a question. The good ol' days...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Cat Herder View Post
                  I don't have a sponsor. Tier 2 isn't worth the effort for me.

                  I use KidKare and meal counts will record up to two servings. My state paper form (if I used it) look similar. My food program also uses KidKare.
                  I questioned 2nd serving before and FP rep said that it was for when you have two mealtimes for the same meal.

                  Example would be if you fed snack to the younger ones and then clean up, then 30 minutes later the school agers got back and you gave them a snack.

                  My rep doesn't like me to have two times so now my meals are set to far apart for licensing rules just to please her. Haha, I have adjusted my pm snack schedule and seating that they all eat within the window time but not 100% at the same time.

                  Because of the bus time, she never comes at pm snack or breakfast. Of course the pandemic, I never see her any more.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by 284878 View Post
                    I questioned 2nd serving before and FP rep said that it was for when you have two mealtimes for the same meal.

                    Example would be if you fed snack to the younger ones and then clean up, then 30 minutes later the school agers got back and you gave them a snack.

                    My rep doesn't like me to have two times so now my meals are set to far apart for licensing rules just to please her. Haha, I have adjusted my pm snack schedule and seating that they all eat within the window time but not 100% at the same time.

                    Because of the bus time, she never comes at pm snack or breakfast. Of course the pandemic, I never see her any more.
                    I considered that, but the instructions say:

                    "Click each participant name to mark them as present for the meal. If you provide two servings of a meal, click the participant's name again to mark them present at both servings. Both 1 and 2 should be highlighted. You can also click the number to indicate the serving at which the participant was present."
                    - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                    • #11
                      As I recall, it says we must provide second helpings. But it does not say seconds of every food. Or 3rds, or 4ths. Seconds are offered here only after they've eaten everything I served. And sometimes there isn't enough for seconds of every food for every child. Personally I think this develops a habit of eating seconds all the time, creating a habit that ends up with over eaters.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by grandmom View Post
                        As I recall, it says we must provide second helpings. But it does not say seconds of every food. Or 3rds, or 4ths. Seconds are offered here only after they've eaten everything I served. And sometimes there isn't enough for seconds of every food for every child. Personally I think this develops a habit of eating seconds all the time, creating a habit that ends up with over eaters.
                        Yours sounds similar to ours. Not all foods, but everything considered "nutritious".

                        "Compliance with USDA Nutritional Guidelines. Meals and snacks with serving sizes dependent upon the age of
                        the child shall meet nutritional guidelines as established by the United States Department of Agriculture Child and
                        Adult Care Food Program. Meals and snacks shall be varied daily, and additional servings of nutritious food shall be
                        offered to children over and above the required daily minimum,
                        if not contraindicated by special diet.

                        Non-nutritional Food. Foods and drinks with little or no nutritional value, i.e., sweets, soft drinks, etc. shall be
                        served only on special occasions and only in addition to the required nutritious meals and snacks. Powdered nonfat
                        dry milk shall not be used except for cooking purposes."
                        - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Cat Herder View Post
                          I considered that, but the instructions say:

                          "Click each participant name to mark them as present for the meal. If you provide two servings of a meal, click the participant's name again to mark them present at both servings. Both 1 and 2 should be highlighted. You can also click the number to indicate the serving at which the participant was present."
                          I wonder what Tom would say about claiming the second serving. He does say, serving a child one cracker counts as a snack, so logically a second serving should count as a meal.

