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Really Struggling

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  • Really Struggling

    I hate to bother everyone again. I was on here earlier last year after having a negative experience with my center I "swore off" ECE for good. Well, I ended up finding a new job but, unfortunately, I got laid off from it after 2 months due to COVID-19. My director said I could go back but that center was really small and only went up to age 2. It was not the right fit for me.

    I also found myself constantly nervous and unable to trust my co-workers because of what happened prior to this. It was also hard for me to be around kids because I couldn't let the past go. I really don't want to feel this way and I don't want to let a bad experience ruin my passion. I want to overcome.

    I now work at Chick Fil A. It's not too bad I just miss working with kids. I've only been at CFA for a month. I really wanna leave. I've been talking to a director at a center who says I can be a lead while enrolled to get my CDA. I think being a lead is a lot better than being an assistant. I also know I would be nice to my kids.

    I'm just afraid how all the job hopping and short term jobs I have on my resume will look. I would put in a two weeks notice at CFA and tell them I just miss being a teacher. I guess I'm just struggling to decide whether or not I should get back into the field.

  • #2
    You need to settle into a job and stick with it a couple years at least. Find the job that is most appealing and work on it. You will not work your way up the ladder if your coworkers and superiors can’t rely on you as a reliable team player.


    • #3
      Is there an opportunity to take any early childhood classes locally while you stick it out for awhile where you are? I understand you'd like to be working with children again but maybe if you work towards that goal and stay at Chick-Fila while you do that, it'll show more intention on a resume? IDK. Or maybe talk with the director and tell her your concerns and see if there is a way to work part time to get your foot in the door? Working towards a CDA is a great goal but I wonder if they'd feel confident you'd stay and accomplish that. KWIM? I hope I don't sound snarky or anything but it seems to be what your fear is if you leave your new job now.

      Good luck and hope it all works out for you!!


      • #4
        In this particular moment in time (pandemic), I'm sure a lot of people will be "job hopping".
        I personally know of several that have worked in high paying professional fields that are now working exclusively for Shipt or Instacart due to lay offs.
        I don't think it will reflect on your overall resume right now.

        Go with where your heart leads you. Make a plan, then work the plan.


        • #5
          do you think centers will close down again in 2021?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            do you think centers will close down again in 2021?
            Yes. Many of ours are shutting down right now. Public schools are closing again until the 25th, they were supposed to go back today. Pre-K also closes when the schools do.

            Many are also closing for good and having open house sales, here. The family providers seem to be OK, but the centers are crashing.
            - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              I hate to bother everyone again. I was on here earlier last year after having a negative experience with my center I "swore off" ECE for good. Well, I ended up finding a new job but, unfortunately, I got laid off from it after 2 months due to COVID-19. My director said I could go back but that center was really small and only went up to age 2. It was not the right fit for me.

              I also found myself constantly nervous and unable to trust my co-workers because of what happened prior to this. It was also hard for me to be around kids because I couldn't let the past go. I really don't want to feel this way and I don't want to let a bad experience ruin my passion. I want to overcome.

              I now work at Chick Fil A. It's not too bad I just miss working with kids. I've only been at CFA for a month. I really wanna leave. I've been talking to a director at a center who says I can be a lead while enrolled to get my CDA. I think being a lead is a lot better than being an assistant. I also know I would be nice to my kids.

              I'm just afraid how all the job hopping and short term jobs I have on my resume will look. I would put in a two weeks notice at CFA and tell them I just miss being a teacher. I guess I'm just struggling to decide whether or not I should get back into the field.
              It sounds like the negative ECE experience traumatized you. The break from that kind of job might have been a good thing for your state of mind. And, since you've stepped away you've realized that you liked working with kids and have identified the size and age group you would like to work with. Bravo!

              Don't worry too much about how the short term jobs would look on your resume. I wouldn't even put CFA on it as its just been 1 month. And, you lost prior job due to covid which any employer will understand. Focus now on finding something you like that you will stick with.

              If you are considering the CDA, I suggest also looking into an Associates degree in ECE to see which offers you more options. Good luck to you!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Cat Herder View Post
                Yes. Many of ours are shutting down right now. Public schools are closing again until the 25th, they were supposed to go back today. Pre-K also closes when the schools do.

                Many are also closing for good and having open house sales, here. The family providers seem to be OK, but the centers are crashing.
                Centers are closing from mandates or lack of enrollment?

                All childcare (centers and in-home) have all remained open through everything so far in MN. All our local schools went 100% distance learning. But the preschools inside the schools stayed open. The before/after care program also stayed open.

                It’s so strange how each state, even counties do things so differently.

                Daycares here will likely never close. Our governor puts strong emphasis on us remaining open through it all. Even the grants we got were dependent on us remaining open.


                • #9
                  AFAIK, all our local centers have remained open throughout also. There are essential workers that need care everywhere. I know a couple providers who had less dcks for a bit but never heard anything about lack of # with centers. Maybe if are in touch with the center, you could ask that question of how they've held up through the pandemic?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Snowmom View Post
                    Centers are closing from mandates or lack of enrollment?
                    Issues in order of discussion.
                    1. Paying unemployment & insurance is too much.
                    2. Lack of employee's willing to work.
                    3. Lowered Ratios.
                    4. Maintaining large buildings are no longer profitable.
                    - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Cat Herder View Post
                      Issues in order of discussion.
                      1. Paying unemployment & insurance is too much.
                      2. Lack of employee's willing to work.
                      3. Lowered Ratios.
                      4. Maintaining large buildings are no longer profitable.
                      This^^^Is going to be an issue for alot of businesses. My brothers company has sold many buildings this year!


                      • #12
                        Have you considered Nanning? A lot of families want to use a nanny right now instead of day care due to Covid-19.

