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no undies

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  • no undies

    Today, a dcg came here with no underwear! In the morning, I always ask her and her cousin if they have a diaper on, normally the cousin will be in a wet diaper from all night. the girl said no underwear, "andy" couldn't find them. Andy is boyfriend of mom. I was like what? So I checked. Lo and behold, she was naked under her pants. I told her to come to the bathroom I will give her a pair to wear.
    This is the same girl who doesn't always have shoes on when she arrives.
    I"m sorry. There is NO EXCUSE for this. I don't care how busy the mom, boyfriend or whoever are. You don't send a child without undergarments.
    Some people really shouldn't be parents.

  • #2
    I insist on an extra set of clothes here,... or I would tell mom that she can reimburse you for them and get a pack. Tell her, if your inspector comes in that day and sees no undies, they are going to want her name and addy. That should get her on the ball, good luck.


    • #3
      Oh my, that is just so sad. Thank goodness for people like us, who take that extra step to be a guiding angel to these little ones. That is just so wrong. What the heck was he thinking. What did the mom say when you told her.


      • #4
        This reminded me of my daughter's 5th brithday. When she was little, she loved party dresses. So the morning of her birthday, she would find a new dress waiting for her when she woke up. On this birthday, she was supposed to be with her daddy. (We're divorced) She woke up and dressed herself, brushed her hair and then came down stairs to see me. This was the first time she had ever dressed herself without help and she was so proud! She sat down at the table for breakfast and then her dad showed early while she was still eating. I grabbed the brush and finished her hair while she finished her food and then she ran out the door. WITHOUT UNDIES! She was so excited about the dress she forgot and I didn't think to check.

        Anyway, she got outside to her dad and a breeze blew up her dress. Her dad just about had a heart attack and I couldn't stop laughing. She totally looked like a mini marilyn monroe standing there trying to push down her dress. I don't think she realized she forgot till that moment. Her dad looked at her and said, Honey, did you forget something? She ran back in the house laughing cause the wind "was tickling her butt". Then I got screamed at by him and his girlfriend. SIGH . . . My point is, sometimes these things happen. I wouldn't worry unless it was everyday.
        Last edited by Michael; 09-12-2009, 01:10 AM.


        • #5
          Seashell that is the funniest story I have heard in a long time! I can see one of my dcg's doing the same exact thing!


          • #6
            I do have them bring in at least 1 extra outfit. However, if they have an accident on Mon, and need that outfit. I won't get another one until at least Friday. When I put in down on their bill slip along w/othe supplies needed. I mean, you go home with soiled clothes, you would think the parents would know, hey, I have to get another outfit ready to take back to dc.
            The mom just laughed and said, yeah, what happened that she didn't have any undies on. She said she read my note, and was like, What?
            I said that dcg told me that Name of boyfriend, couldn't find any.

            This boyfriend isn't the greatest. Yesterday, I was supposed to have mom's nephew by 6:30 but nobody showed up. I knew mom's 2 were coming by 1:30. I did call and got a hold of mom. boyfriend was supposed to drop off dcb wthen he dropped his daughter off with mother of his daughter. But never did. There I was w/my 2 kids up at 5:30 to be ready for him to show up. Finally at about quarter of 2 did everyone show up. They were only here then for 3 hours. Thank goodness for my flat daily rate. boyfriend is father of mom's youngest) I don't feel one bit guilty for making almost $60 for 3 hours. Normally, they are here 11 hours, for as long as I'm opened.


            • #7
              Our state licensing has a policy. No child can be in care longer than 10 hours per day. I am so glad that they have this!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                Our state licensing has a policy. No child can be in care longer than 10 hours per day. I am so glad that they have this!
                Sounds like a great law. I know that one single mother whose child is in our DC would be forced to leave her job for a minimum wage position or go on welfare.

                Most hospitals nursing staff (which she is) work on 12 hour shifts, with rotating days of work and off (4 on, 4 off). Similar hours and schedule for prison guards.

                Too bad for those families, instead of having a chance at a good job and a future, the wisdom of legislators would put them without child care, thus unable to continue their career.

                Yay for big government!
                Spouse of a daycare provider....which I guess makes me one too!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Chickenhauler View Post
                  Sounds like a great law. I know that one single mother whose child is in our DC would be forced to leave her job for a minimum wage position or go on welfare.

                  Most hospitals nursing staff (which she is) work on 12 hour shifts, with rotating days of work and off (4 on, 4 off). Similar hours and schedule for prison guards.

                  Too bad for those families, instead of having a chance at a good job and a future, the wisdom of legislators would put them without child care, thus unable to continue their career.

                  Yay for big government!

                  Exactly one of the reasons why I feel government needs to STAY OUT!, another reason why I would change careers if forced to be licensed.


                  • #10
                    There are exceptions for family day homes who do shifts like you do. But for regular family day homes who work a regular shift with no night shift, the limit is 10 hours.


                    • #11
                      How is the state going to know how long the child is in your care unless you or the parent tell them? Another stupid law! Licensing is such a joke. That's why I will never again have one!

