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How Do You Do This?

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  • How Do You Do This?

    How do you conduct your daily health check questions before child comes into care? do you post it then they knock, do you verbally ask each person? An app?

  • #2
    For now I have emailed a screening question list to them. Each morning they text or email me that they pass prior to arrival. I double check temperature and keep a log. Looking into getting an app.


    • #3
      I do a quick head to toe assessment and temperature. I am not required to do forms everyday. I do log their temps into Daily Connect which keeps a running record. I take temps upon arrival and after nap.

      I know Daily Connect has a survey you can post questions to. You can have them answer them before arrival. It only takes a few clicks, super easy. $1.25 per child, no contracts. I don't know why I waited so long to use it, it has been a great addition.
      - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


      • #4
        DD school has me complete a form online. They use google form but there is also not form and wufoo. I use both of those for other dc forms, such as a contact me form.


        • #5
          Per EEC, parents are required to complete an "attestation" form stating their child doesn't have the typical symptoms of COVID, hasn't been given fever reducing meds and hasn't been exposed to anyone with COVID. I created a form that allows parents to check off the boxes (yes or no) to each piece of info EEC is looking for. Parents print out the form and each day, check yes or no, sign it, date it and bring it with them at drop off. I use a copy of the same form when the child arrives at day care. I do a quick check of the child and verbally ask the parents if they noticed any symptoms. If the child is old enough, I ask how she/he's feeling. We aren't required to take the kids' temperatures but I would take it before the parent drove off if the child looked "off" to me.


          • #6
            Our city health department and the CDC don't recommend taking temps as screening, so I don't do it anymore.

            I sent home an email with a copy of our DCF screening sheet and told the parents it was their responsibility to read through it every morning. We're not required to keep records of screenings so instead of making them fill one out I printed and posted a copy on the entrance door with this in BIG letters:
            "Dropping your child off today indicates that you have read this checklist and affirm that your child does not meet any criteria that require exclusion from care."

            I know another provider has a sign-in binder for each family with a copy of the screening for them to complete every day. She's in another state where that may be mandatory.


            • #7
              We ask each family 4 screening questions verbally at the door each morning as well as temp checks. We aren't required to. But we are a small center full of healthcare workers children so I'd rather not risk it.
              We opted to ask verbally each morning to make sure that parents aren't faking it with us. Like I said we're very small and these parents know that we have a large waitlist so they dont want to lose their spots. happyface

