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  • #16
    I don't want to wear a mask and don't want to be forced to. Especially in my home I don't want to force my kids either. I seriously might end up homeschooling this year because of it and I'd really rather my kid socialize and learn in a school setting


    • #17
      Originally posted by Jo123ABC View Post
      I don't want to wear a mask and don't want to be forced to. Especially in my home I don't want to force my kids either. I seriously might end up homeschooling this year because of it and I'd really rather my kid socialize and learn in a school setting
      I feel like home providers will be exempt, they are here in my City. Who can enforce someone wearing a mask in their own house?!


      • #18
        I agree and I feel if kids are required to wear masks in a daycare setting especially among younger kids they will touch and play with it more and touch face more than when not wearing it and other kids will be attracted to other kids masks so I think it would be worse if they wore them in daycares with small kids.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Ariana View Post
          I feel like home providers will be exempt, they are here in my City. Who can enforce someone wearing a mask in their own house?!
          Unfortunately, here in NY, we are not exempt and forced to wear them.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Jodik View Post
            Unfortunately, here in NY, we are not exempt and forced to wear them.
            This is craziness!


            • #21
              Originally posted by Jo123ABC View Post
              This is craziness!
              Cuomo. What can you do?
              - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


              • #22
                That will be the day when the government will tell me what I can and cannot do in my own home. Virus or no virus....that's just pure BS


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Jodik View Post
                  Unfortunately, here in NY, we are not exempt and forced to wear them.
                  Yup. Makes no sense at all.

                  Daycare kids and parents don’t have to, just the providers and people that live in the homes of the in-home providers.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by CeriBear View Post
                    We may have to start wearing them. I don’t think the kids will be required to ( except those 6 and up which doesn’t apply to us) but staff likely will.

                    I don’t like to wear them. I’m allergic to a lot of fabrics and my nose runs and my face itches while wearing it. I do bear it while going into a store to get groceries but it’s going to be hard to wear one 8+ hours a day.

                    Are the disposable paper ones less irritating? Anyone else seem to have allergic reactions to cloth ones?
                    I am SUPER allergic to the disposable ones. I can wear the cloth ones (one I made myself) for short periods of time, but still have a reaction. Ironically, the main place I wear a mask is to get my allergy shot ::
                    I am not required to in my home, nor are the kids.
                    I am required to wear one when teaching for church, but was told a face shield was ok instead


                    • #25
                      My state just implemented a state wide mask requirement as well but daycare's in-home and centers have options.

                      Kids under 2 should NEVER wear one due to suffocation hazards and kids under 5 can wear them but don't have to.

                      Kids over 5 must wear them UNLESS the provider cares for a mixed age group and then we can have the 5+ yr olds forego wearing a mask if we notify all parents and include it in our written COVID plans.

                      Parents MUST wear one when on the child care property.

                      Providers and staff do NOT have to wear one.

                      I wrote up my plan and handed it out to parents. My plan includes the above but I did require ANY kid over age 2 to wear one IF the child has any interactions with family/friends in a social setting outside of care (ie birthday parties/family reunions/etc) or if the child travels outside of our community.

                      Too many of my families are having huge birthday parties still and going to mommy and me groups at parks etc.. They are traveling to water parks, zoos and other places and it kind of freaks me out a bit so I added the last part to my COVID plan...just a small safety net that makes me feel a bit better overall.


                      • #26
                        In my state all home providers are required to wear one along with all kids in the daycare over two. This also includes my husband if he is in our home. I’m also required to provide all mask per my licensing rules (after the state shut me down for 2.5 months to all “nonessential” parents and I went without a paycheck). It’s craziness to me, my kids don’t tolerate it, especially when they see toddlers running around with them not wearing one. The only times we’re not required to is when we eat, sleep, or go outside.

                        I definitely do not wear a mask any other time in my home. If my husband or I have Covid the daycare kids will be exposed whether I wear a mask or not during work because it’s my home and I do live here. If another child has Covid the other kids will be exposed to it during meals, outside time, or from the children under 2. Unfortunately that is just the risk of it, and in a home setting a mask will not stop that.

                        I will wear a mask in public when I’m required to, but I don’t understand how they will enforce providers wearing a mask in their own home. My state has also had very strict laws since the beginning.

