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Getting Kids to Sleep in One Room

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  • Getting Kids to Sleep in One Room

    I have a kid in over room during nap time. I would like it if I could have them all sleep in my downstairs daycare area, but I can't figure out how to make that happen.

    Any suggestions?

  • #2
    Repetition. :hug:

    I am required to have them in one room. Naptime is supervised time.

    We follow the same lunch, potty/diaper, handwashing, closed curtains, fans, sound machine, and tuck-in routine every day. I have zero pushback or naptime problems. Haven't for years.

    That said, those under 12 months have no nap schedule. They sleep at will. If they are not going to sleep or asleep, they are down in the floor with toys. Easy, peasy.
    - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


    • #3
      When I first transitioned to same room nap I stayed with them.I put a radio station on a little louder than normal.More than background music.I found it drowned out each other and any doorbells or phones.I often brought my lunch and ate it while they drifted off.Then I read or crocheted until they were well asleep. I could sneek to use the bathroom but mostly just stayed for the two hours.Always felt they were the fastest hours of the day.By sitting there I got some down time and eventually everyone fell asleep.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Cat Herder View Post
        That said, those under 12 months have no nap schedule. They sleep at will. If they are not going to sleep or asleep, they are down in the floor with toys. Easy, peasy.
        Your under-ones must not be as loud as mine!

        ITA about repetition. Also, try to really tire them out the first week or so, so they fall asleep right away. And don't be afraid to use the "evil eye" as needed. ::


        • #5
          Do you have everyone on a mat or are your kids under 2 in pack and plays?

          I have an 18 month old that doesn't do 2well with change. I had a hard enough time getting him to sleep in a pack n play. He's a creature of habit. I think he'll start screaming. That's what happened when I tried to transition him from pack n play to a bed.


          • #6
            twos teacher here in a center.
            My "good" sleepers go on the edges of the room, my early leavers( between 130-230) go by the door. The rest (5 of them) are naughty naughty nappers. Two need patting, one needs "Stop moving" and the other needs "Im right here" at nap. I basically end up sitting in the middle of the 5 of them.


            • #7
              My 12 are all in one room, too, per licensing rules. I run two fans and lullaby music. Similarly to other posters, I just space them out according to their "nice" or "not so nice" napping skills.::

              Consistency is my best friend. I don't change anything once I find that niche!


              • #8
                I move them to mats at 12 months, literally the day after their 1st birthday. It frees up so much space when the cribs go back to storage. I look forward to it with each new group. happyface No confinement equipment, other than a high chair for meals that collapses and is stored away after each meal. No pacifiers, spoon-feeding or bottles after that, either.

                I don't have any issues with nap because they are all physically active the majority of the day. 12-month-olds transition easily because they want to be on mats near the bigger kids instead of in the gated infant areas, alone. I sit at my desk and read or work online. They can all see me at all times. They have fluffy fleece blankets, flannel sheets and their own 3-inch mattress. I cool and darken the room as well as use the box fans and sound machine. The kids like nap time.
                - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                • #9
                  One of the best tips I got was this app
                  Sound Sleeper - White Noise Its free. I have one child that the mom jokely calls EL diablo. Shes a handful everyday and makes me nuts but the SHHH SHHH SHHH sound on there gets her to sleep with no patting.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by flying_babyb View Post
                    One of the best tips I got was this app
                    Sound Sleeper - White Noise Its free. I have one child that the mom jokely calls EL diablo. Shes a handful everyday and makes me nuts but the SHHH SHHH SHHH sound on there gets her to sleep with no patting.
                    On the App Store there is sound sleeper: white noise as well as sound sleeper: white noise for baby. Which one do you use?


                    • #11
                      the little picture is a pacifier on stripes sound sleeper white noise. parets2 parents app. I mean you can only set it for 30 mins in the free version, but if your in the room with the kids, its not so bad to hit play again


                      • #12
                        White noise and separate them by bookshelves etc. Blackout curtains.

                        I typically put new kids in my kitchen area until they get used to my schedule and have been sleep trained. Then they move out into the bigger room with the other kids. I remind everyone before bedtime that if they wake up there is no noise. If they make noise I go over, plop them on their bellies and shush them. They typically fall in line after a few weeks.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Ariana View Post
                          White noise and separate them by bookshelves etc. Blackout curtains.

                          I typically put new kids in my kitchen area until they get used to my schedule and have been sleep trained. Then they move out into the bigger room with the other kids. I remind everyone before bedtime that if they wake up there is no noise. If they make noise I go over, plop them on their bellies and shush them. They typically fall in line after a few weeks.
                          Folding science boards are also easy to use to separate certain kids....

