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Keeping Connected

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  • Keeping Connected


    What kinds of things are you doing with or for your families that are staying home to keep connected during this time?

    Are you posting any activities?
    Reaching out through video?
    Playing it day by day?

  • #2
    Originally posted by Snowmom View Post

    What kinds of things are you doing with or for your families that are staying home to keep connected during this time?

    Are you posting any activities?
    Reaching out through video?
    Playing it day by day?

    I send out a weekly update with any changes but for those families staying home, I got nothing.

    Between maintaining a stress free environment for those attending AND upping the hand washing and disinfecting I don't have time to post activities or entertain them from afar...kwim?

    Life is changing day by day here so just the fact that I am open and operating for those that need me is all I can manage right now.


    • #3
      We were told we'd be closed until April 6. I told parents I would keep them updated on any change to that date but otherwise, I'm not sending activities or videos.

      I have been in contact with some families. Most of the time, they initiate it. I do appreciate and enjoy hearing from them; I just don't want to intrude on their time with their families unnecessarily.


      • #4
        We have been closed since last week and thus far did two 30 minute Zoom classes- a music and a yoga class with our families/kids. We are planning to continue that weekly until we reopen and are also thinking of other Zoom programming we can do i.e. circle time, reading, cooking, art etc. Our kids are 2yo to 5yo and enjoy seeing their school friends online. It has been a hit. We're looking into Seesaw app. Would love feedback from those who use it.


        • #5
          I have no plans to.

          I care for their kids on my time.

          I expect them to do the same on their time.

          I always post weekend family fun ideas and local opportunities on our webpage on Fridays. That won't change.
          - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


          • #6
            I am not getting paid so NOTHING happyface


            • #7
              Well, I guess I won't feel guilty that I haven't done or planned anything over the past week. ::

              99% of my enrollment has stayed home. I should be grateful but I honestly feel strange about it! Like, I should be doing more.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Snowmom View Post
                Well, I guess I won't feel guilty that I haven't done or planned anything over the past week. ::

                99% of my enrollment has stayed home. I should be grateful but I honestly feel strange about it! Like, I should be doing more.
                One of my clients older children has a "exuberant" teacher, DCM's words. This teacher is the bane of DCM's existence right now because she is doing all these online group activities (storytime, yoga, sing-song dancing) passively demanding DCM's time and energy when DCM is already trying to keep house, work from home full-time and care for a high needs senior.

                DCM said "she is a doll but I wish she would get a puppy or something". ::::::

                It does seem to be more about the teacher's needs than the children at this point. I think you are good....
                - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.

