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Income Loss Due to Virus

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Cat Herder View Post
    Wow. That's new. Most people forget EMS exists. Here firefighters/police no longer have to run the calls with us, they might get exposed. They won't let us carry firearms to clear scenes or protect ourselves, either. It's awesome.

    Usually, each shift covers for the others. 24/48. It runs like an extended family. Pretty cool of Minn.

    “Gov. Waltz said the executive order still requires schools to provide care for elementary-age children of health care professionals, first responders and other emergency workers during the closure to help ensure first responders and health care professionals can stay on the job.”


    • #17
      Our state is just closed all restaurants and bars and said daycare is next. Everyone is complete panic mode, including myself at this point.


      • #18
        Our state just announced that they will still pay for tuition and lead teachers/assistant salary of the free preschool programs and for subsidy kids if they close. They really seem to want them to close, now.

        No help for private licensed providers, though. They wish us the best of luck with our decisions.
        - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Ac114 View Post
          Our state is just closed all restaurants and bars and said daycare is next. Everyone is complete panic mode, including myself at this point.
          Why would they close daycare? Children don’t seem to be contracting it.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Michael View Post
            Why would they close daycare? Children don’t seem to be contracting it.
            Because many centers are taking in a lot of school-aged kids. Kids are carriers of this, not necessarily showing severe symptoms.
            - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


            • #21

              Originally posted by Ac114 View Post
              So now that everyone is in full panic mode due to the virus and schools being closed for the next 3 weeks, I’ve already had my first message of dropping a day of care and possibly more because their hours are being reduced at work.
              Another parent will probably also follow suit since there season has been cancelled. That is 2 full time spots.
              I’m am starting to panic because of the potential loss wages.
              Anyone else dealing with something similar?
              I'm in the exact same position. Most of my dkp's work in the school system and are getting PAID! I see no reason why they wouldn't continue to pay us. Although they'll expect our doors to open pronto the day that is lifted. Hoping that someone would mention to the other parents that it would be the right thing to do by paying me. I know I would pay!!!!

