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Kicking Myself....

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  • Kicking Myself....

    Yup. I do NOT allow pickup during rest time but allowed it JUST for today and specifically stated that this would be the one and ONLY time the babysitter could p/u during rest as she just happen to have another appointment and needed to p/u early. She was supposed to be here b/t 2-2:30. It is now 2:54 and no call/pickup yet. SO DONE! I am studying for my teaching exams when the kids sleep and I just lost studying time. Would you write a note to DCM, tell the babysitter or tell DCM tomorrow am that you were highly upset?

  • #2
    I would maybe say "in the future when special requests are made for pick up, and pick up is not made on time late fees will be applied.. this disrupts our day and normal scheduling.
    Thank you


    • #3
      I would tell the babysitter that you tried to work with her and she completely disrespected your time. Going forward she will follow the policies like everyone else. Peer to peer.

      She is also being paid and needs to get her act in gear. Unprofessional of her.
      - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


      • #4
        I don't know if she is paid or not, I do feel for her as she has the baby often-even weekends. I just told her (showed up at 3:00) that this will not happen again. I had things to do, etc. She says, "You're the only daycare I've ever seen that does not allow pickup during rest time." I said, "Centers allow it typically because there is a director who takes the child to the parent so that the others are not woken whereas home care does no have that option. She said that DCM is going to have to find another daycare then because she lives far and cannot continue to do this.


        • #5
          Originally posted by WBee View Post
          I don't know if she is paid or not, I do feel for her as she has the baby often-even weekends. I just told her (showed up at 3:00) that this will not happen again. I had things to do, etc. She says, "You're the only daycare I've ever seen that does not allow pickup during rest time." I said, "Centers allow it typically because there is a director who takes the child to the parent so that the others are not woken whereas home care does no have that option. She said that DCM is going to have to find another daycare then because she lives far and cannot continue to do this.
          I would just let that hang in the air. :: I'd not do or say anything until DCM says something to you personally. Let babysitter kick that hornets' nest.

          My bet is DCM will find another solution for pick-ups before coming to you. The less you are involved from here, the better. Stick to your policies going forward. 100%. It will become much more peaceful that way.
          - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


          • #6
            Ugh! How annoying! It really is disrespectful and a disruption.

            I would tell both sitter and DCM. You changed your program to accommodate and the sitter has snubbed you.

            I get this too and there’s no easy solution. It’s not like you can block access to someone’s child because you are actually conducting business during those hours, even though it is nap time.

            I also got sick of parents telling me they needed to pick up their child during nap, only to have them be up to an hour late. So here I am, keeping the child awake, who is making noise and keeping other kids awake and preventing me from using the rest room and eating my lunch. I finally got to the point where I just put all kids in nap time as scheduled and parent can text me when they get to my driveway. I will then wake their child, get them ready and meet them at the door with their child. That makes them wait for me, not the other way around. They are not allowed any further than the door because other kids are sleeping.

            It’s not perfect. Sometimes the child is cranky and crying and wakes others, but it has eliminated me pacing by the window getting angrier by the minute and the parents are not as late as they don’t expect to show up and have the child ready to go. They need to plan their appointments with the expectation that they’ll wait when they get here.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Sunshine69 View Post
              Ugh! How annoying! It really is disrespectful and a disruption.

              I would tell both sitter and DCM. You changed your program to accommodate and the sitter has snubbed you.

              I get this too and there’s no easy solution. It’s not like you can block access to someone’s child because you are actually conducting business during those hours, even though it is nap time.

              I also got sick of parents telling me they needed to pick up their child during nap, only to have them be up to an hour late. So here I am, keeping the child awake, who is making noise and keeping other kids awake and preventing me from using the rest room and eating my lunch. I finally got to the point where I just put all kids in nap time as scheduled and parent can text me when they get to my driveway. I will then wake their child, get them ready and meet them at the door with their child. That makes them wait for me, not the other way around. They are not allowed any further than the door because other kids are sleeping.

              It’s not perfect. Sometimes the child is cranky and crying and wakes others, but it has eliminated me pacing by the window getting angrier by the minute and the parents are not as late as they don’t expect to show up and have the child ready to go. They need to plan their appointments with the expectation that they’ll wait when they get here.
              She was supposed to call when near but stated she couldn't due to driving....??? I guess she doesn't know how to pull over either. Luckily, I didn't wake the child early. I guess I will speak to Mom in the a.m. As it is, DCM takes an Uber to get here. She's on state assistance. No vehicle. I just posted an ad on my business page also, just I case, as I have an open spot anyways. Maybe DCM will get the hint that I'm not happy.


              • #8
                There ones you wish would leave never do.


                • #9
                  It is against the law for me to not allow a pick up. I can encourage pre-nap pickups but not stop them from picking up at any time. With that said, if it were a regular thing, the family would not be a good fit for my program.

                  I refuse to keep children awake though. A parent can text me upon arrival, at which time I will quietly wake the child and bring them to the door.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by LittleExplorers View Post
                    It is against the law for me to not allow a pick up. I can encourage pre-nap pickups but not stop them from picking up at any time. With that said, if it were a regular thing, the family would not be a good fit for my program.

                    I refuse to keep children awake though. A parent can text me upon arrival, at which time I will quietly wake the child and bring them to the door.
                    Is it against the law for you to not allow ANY pick up, or PARENT pick up? I know we can't keep a child from a parent unless there's a court order, but IDK if we could say no to a non-parent pick up.


                    • #11
                      We can't legally stop them from picking up (or their chosen pick-up person) but we can refuse drop-off ever again for breaking our policies.
                      - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                      • #12
                        “I will wake them when you pull in the drive. Please wait for me to come out of the garage door. Do not walk to the door and knock. They will need a blanket for you to wrap around them as I grab them from their cot and will have their outerwear bagged for you. “


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by WBee View Post
                          I don't know if she is paid or not, I do feel for her as she has the baby often-even weekends. I just told her (showed up at 3:00) that this will not happen again. I had things to do, etc. She says, "You're the only daycare I've ever seen that does not allow pickup during rest time." I said, "Centers allow it typically because there is a director who takes the child to the parent so that the others are not woken whereas home care does no have that option. She said that DCM is going to have to find another daycare then because she lives far and cannot continue to do this.
                          Or another nanny that can stick to her word and come when she said she would

