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Medication Authorizations/Thoughts

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  • Medication Authorizations/Thoughts

    Dcb has been with me p/t over a year now. I recently received an updated medical report and learned child is now prescribed EpiPen for allergy and Ventolin rescue inhaler for asthma. I printed out the appropriate Medication Consent forms required by my state for dcd to have pediatrician complete.

    FF a few weeks, I have repeatedly asked dcd for forms. He said he lost them so I reprinted. Another two weeks later, no forms. I asked dcd again and informed him I would not continue to accept dcb without completed forms. He informed me that dcb’s mom ended up picking up forms from pediatrician and he had to make arrangements to get them from her.

    When he finally gets forms from her, it is another updated medical report with same medications noted. He claims pediatrician told him that report was the same as the forms I gave him. Absolutely Not. I know what I printed twice and they were Medication Consent forms.

    He claims he doesn’t know what happened to the forms, is blaming the pediatricians office for losing them and wants me to print them a third time.

    Everything I ask of this dcd turns goes the same way. I feel like I’m nagging my teen kids.

    I left a message for my licensor asking where my responsibility lies in getting the correct forms. Licensors record of returning my calls isn’t the best either.

    I can’t really contact the pediatrician directly as it’s not my child.

    There is a history between dcd and dcb’s mom going back and forth and blaming each other for every little bump, scratch and bruise on the boy. To me, it’s all been basic boo boos that happen to all kids that age, but I document everything in my health check to be safe.

    I don’t really want to be involved if this child has a reaction or asthma attack on my watch and I don’t have the medication to help him. What would you all do? I’m thinking of terming.

  • #2
    It would be one thing if you had to administer his medication/EpiPen but it appears that there is a lot more to the care of the child and also managing his parents than maybe you would be willing to put the time into. I would terminate.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Sunshine69 View Post
      FF a few weeks, I have repeatedly asked dcd for forms. He said he lost them so I reprinted. Another two weeks later, no forms. I asked dcd again and informed him I would not continue to accept dcb without completed forms.
      If it were me, I would do exactly what I said I would do if he didn't get the necessary paperwork to me.

      If I don't have that paperwork in my file during a licensing visit, I get written up. That's bad for me but it's a minor thing compared to what would happen if the kid had an asthma attack on my watch and I didn't have the medication he needed or the permission forms that would have allowed me to administer it. No medication/proper paperwork=no child care from me.


      • #4
        You don't necessarily need to term right away unless you'd rather do that. Just say sorry, I can't care for dck until I have the appropriate paperwork. Close your door to them until they do it. That should get dcd moving.


        • #5
          I'd employ my exclusion policy. No attendance until I had both the forms and the medications in my hands.
          - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


          • #6
            Wrong thread. So sorry.
            - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


            • #7
              Thank you all for your advice.

              I was also confused that there is no mention of the use of benedryl on the child’s medical report.

              In my experience, there has always been benedryl used in conjunction with an EpiPen where there is an allergic reaction. I asked dcd and he just shrugged.

              I have never encountered such resistance and confusion on a parent’s part when it came to treating a child’s allergy.

              Isn’t benedryl usually used with the EpiPen?


              • #8
                Benedryl is too slow for anaphylaxis. It is unnecessary if you give the epi pen and call 911.
                - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Cat Herder View Post
                  Benedryl is too slow for anaphylaxis. It is unnecessary if you give the epi pen and call 911.
                  Thank you.


                  • #10
                    It may be the pediatrician too. I know our pediatrician has a form that says this meets state standards for all daycare and school needs. They more or less refuse to fill out anything different.


                    • #11
                      We shall see. I gave dcd forms again and put in writing that child cannot return to daycare without completed forms and the medication in it’s original prescription packaging. I’m waiting to see if he tries to drop the child off today without it.


                      • #12
                        Dcd has now begun texting me that he got a flat tire on his way to pick up the forms from the doctor and plans to drop the child off before he gets the car fixed. I told him I can’t take the child without the forms and medication. And so I wait. (Insert eye roll emoji).


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Sunshine69 View Post
                          Dcd has now begun texting me that he got a flat tire on his way to pick up the forms from the doctor and plans to drop the child off before he gets the car fixed. I told him I can’t take the child without the forms and medication. And so I wait. (Insert eye roll emoji).
                          :::::: Wow.

                          I am so sorry. Super original, isn't he?
                          - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                          • #14
                            I would get a HIPPA form and mail it along with the forms to the pediatrician with a self addressed stamped envelope.

                            I would NOT take dcb without forms and meds.


                            • #15
                              Good job enforcing no papers = no daycare.

                              These are the types of parents that will crucify you to the media if anything bad ever happens... they will say you KNEW the child needed the epipen and were so relaxed in your rules that you didn’t care and will likely toss in a comment about as a good parent they ‘have’ to work and rely on providers who just don’t care.

                              I would keep enforcing no stay until you have everything you need.

