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Medical Attention Needed

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  • Medical Attention Needed

    Mom dropped off dcb Friday. She said, "This one...he had an incident with a bath toy last night. So he's got a scratch on the side of his butt and it might hurt a little when he poops. In the back of my mind I thought we should take it out of the tub, but I didn't do it. I felt so bad. Let me know how his day goes."

    Later on at nap time I sent updates about our day to all the parents, and I immediately got a text from Mom asking how he was. Then Dad called me and actually told me what happened and sent me a picture of the toy. It was a sharp stick on a plastic boat and according to Dad it impaled him. They had to pull the toy out of his butt. Out with the toy came blood and poop. I couldn't believe it.

    Now I will say that little boy seemed his normal self and pooped normal, but had I known the whole story I would have told Mom that he needed to seek medical care.

    Dad told me what the internet said and I guess I was just shocked. If that were me I would have rushed my kid to the E.R.

    I don't even know what to think, but I'm saving texts and pictures.

    Do any of you have any thoughts on this? How would you have handled it or handle it now? I just can't believe they didn't take him to the doctor.

  • #2
    Depending how deep the puncture was- bacteria, from the lower intestine, entering the blood stream can lead to infection. Keep an eye out for a fever. I think a visit to the ER would have been warranted.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Michael View Post
      Depending how deep the puncture was- bacteria, from the lower intestine, entering the blood stream can lead to infection. Keep an eye out for a fever. I think a visit to the ER would have been warranted.
      I agree. They should have definitely went to the ER. So do you feel like there is anything else that I should do for this situation besides just monitor him and his health? It's really kind of scary to me, especially because they were even still shook up about it. I couldn't even believe they didn't keep him home with them the next day. I just feel like they handled this poorly.

      As a mandatory reporter does this constitute abuse or neglect, or would you just chalk this up to a strange accident that they didn't handle well?


      • #4
        Originally posted by TwinMama View Post
        I agree. They should have definitely went to the ER. So do you feel like there is anything else that I should do for this situation besides just monitor him and his health? It's really kind of scary to me, especially because they were even still shook up about it. I couldn't even believe they didn't keep him home with them the next day. I just feel like they handled this poorly.

        As a mandatory reporter does this constitute abuse or neglect, or would you just chalk this up to a strange accident that they didn't handle well?
        I am not sure. Maybe some of the other providers can chime in. It would bother me that an injury that should require medical attention is being ignored. You can only go by when the parents tell you happened. Reporting is up to you since you have access to the child/parents situation. I would make sure you keep records of your conversations for liability protection.


        • #5
          I would require a doctor visit and signed release to return to daycare. That doesn’t sound like something I’d want to just wait and see on!


          • #6
            I would bring up all of my concerns and tell them to see a Dr just for YOUR peace of mind if not theirs.

            Honestly what is wrong with these people?? Do they not have medical insurance?


            • #7
              I think I'd also want him to be seen by a dr., just for my own peace of mind. It could be they're terribly embarrassed by the whole situation; at least I'd like to give the dcm the benefit of the doubt with how she described the injury.:confused: I'd have to 'know' the parents to determine if I thought it constituted neglect or abuse. We all do stupid thoughtless things as parents and would hate to think I'd been reported for some of the mistakes I made.

              How old is this child and how did he end up sitting on this boat? Plus where was the parent at the time of the accident?? I mean, I used to sit right there beside the bathtub while my child was bathing, always.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Josiegirl View Post
                I think I'd also want him to be seen by a dr., just for my own peace of mind. It could be they're terribly embarrassed by the whole situation; at least I'd like to give the dcm the benefit of the doubt with how she described the injury.:confused: I'd have to 'know' the parents to determine if I thought it constituted neglect or abuse. We all do stupid thoughtless things as parents and would hate to think I'd been reported for some of the mistakes I made.

                How old is this child and how did he end up sitting on this boat? Plus where was the parent at the time of the accident?? I mean, I used to sit right there beside the bathtub while my child was bathing, always.
                They're very selfish people. They're kids are more of a nuisance to them than anything. He was in the tub with his brother and I honestly don't know where they were at the time.

                When they know their kids are sick they're the parents that wait a day or two before they take them in just in case it goes away.

                They're very frustrating people. The Dad once told me that if I was open on the weekends that he would bring the kids.


                • #9
                  Due to the kind of injury I would insist on a Drs. note. A foreign object into his body should be investigated.


                  • #10
                    “They're very frustrating people. The Dad once told me that if I was open on the weekends that he would bring the kids.”

                    So sad...:confused:


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by TwinMama View Post
                      They're very selfish people. They're kids are more of a nuisance to them than anything. He was in the tub with his brother and I honestly don't know where they were at the time.

                      When they know their kids are sick they're the parents that wait a day or two before they take them in just in case it goes away.

                      They're very frustrating people. The Dad once told me that if I was open on the weekends that he would bring the kids.
                      I wait when my kids are sick, when I do call they tell me to wait another 24/48. There is nothing wrong with waiting.


                      • #12
                        I understand waiting before calling the doctor when a child is sick, too, but a lot depends on the symptoms and their severity. Impalement, though? Especially where he was impaled?? The poor kid! I wouldn't have felt comfortable taking him into my care without a dr.'s note stating he had been checked and was ok to attend day care.

                        I'm not sure I'd report for abuse/neglect. In my opinion, they didn't use good judgement and they probably won't win any Parent of the Year awards based on what you've said but it sounds like the impalement was an accident. Is dcb old enough to tell you what happened in his own words?


                        • #13
                          I'm a little confused.

                          Did it impale his butt cheek or actually go inside of him? Dcm says scratch on his cheek, dcd said blood and poop was on it?

                          I agree that I would've taken him in if he was actually impaled. It seems like he's okay, but I would imagine that there was a possibility of internal damage? How scary, especially since he could've had symptoms or took a turn on your watch!

                          On a side note, has anyone noticed that dcds are usually more truthful than dcms? I can think of several instances where dcms have told me something, only to have dcds tell me something different that seemed more truthful. Interesting.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by e.j. View Post
                            I understand waiting before calling the doctor when a child is sick, too, but a lot depends on the symptoms and their severity. Impalement, though? Especially where he was impaled?? The poor kid! I wouldn't have felt comfortable taking him into my care without a dr.'s note stating he had been checked and was ok to attend day care.

                            I'm not sure I'd report for abuse/neglect. In my opinion, they didn't use good judgement and they probably won't win any Parent of the Year awards based on what you've said but it sounds like the impalement was an accident. Is dcb old enough to tell you what happened in his own words?
                            No he can't. He's only 1 1/2.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by CountryRoads View Post
                              I'm a little confused.

                              Did it impale his butt cheek or actually go inside of him? Dcm says scratch on his cheek, dcd said blood and poop was on it?

                              I agree that I would've taken him in if he was actually impaled. It seems like he's okay, but I would imagine that there was a possibility of internal damage? How scary, especially since he could've had symptoms or took a turn on your watch!

                              On a side note, has anyone noticed that dcds are usually more truthful than dcms? I can think of several instances where dcms have told me something, only to have dcds tell me something different that seemed more truthful. Interesting.
                              You nailed it!! This dcm totally downplays everything which is why I didn't hear the whole story until talking to dcd. She gives me as little information as possible. If Dad wouldn't have told me the whole story after dcb had already been in my care all day I would have never known. I suppose I wouldn't have even been concerned then either, so I'm thankful he told me. He even sent me pictures of the toy.

