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Compliance Plan

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  • Compliance Plan

    I had a surprise inspection by my licensing agency earlier this month. I just got the correction orders by certified mail. A lot of it I was expecting, but the social worker went out of her way to exaggerate things to make it seem life or death. Pans left on the stove became an imminent fire hazard. Dirty dishes became attractions for all manner of vermin and pestilence. Butter on the counter became a source of food poisoning. Toys and blankets on the playroom floor became sources of imminent death by tripping. Empty soda cans on the counter in the kitchen became lethal weapons where fingers could be amputated. I was cited in 3 separate code violations for things in a room that I don't use for daycare and that the children can't access because it is gated off.

    "Due to the totality of the concerns, the Department is requiring that you provide a compliance plan to address the violations laid out above." I only have about 12 days left to submit my plan, and I am at a loss as to what to include. The state recently took overall control of social services away from the local agencies, and the state is the party asking for the compliance plan, not my local licensing agency. It is supposedly a cost-saving measure.

    I will NEVER understand what more than one day's worth of dirty dishes, storage in a room NOT used for daycare, and toys on the floor while kids are playing with them has to do with the quality of the care I provide. The blankets were on the floor because the kids had been watching a movie during quiet time. The kids never want to leave, the parents have no complaints about my housekeeping (they can see everything I got violated for when they pick up the kids) or the care received. Most of them are sympathetic when we give them the mandatory notification that we have received a correction order and say that their houses are in a lot worse shape. And yet I could lose my license permanently if the state isn't satisfied with my compliance plan.

    I have cleaned everything and corrected everything in the correction orders. I took photos and emailed those and descriptions of the corrective action to the licensing agency. Some of them were so petty and ridiculous that I didn't really know how to respond. That was 2 days ago and she hasn't gotten back to me giving me the okay that the correction orders had been lifted. I also asked her if she had any suggestions for the compliance plan.

    My question is this: If you were writing a compliance plan, what would you include? How detailed would it be? How long would it be? My response is along the lines of, "Now that I have a good basis after cleaning to solve the correction orders, I will be able to keep up with the day-to-day cleaning outlined in the state rules." I know that's not going to be good enough, and they are going to want times, dates, schedules, checklists, genuflections, and everything else to make me want to give up my license completely.

  • #2
    These are my state's rules and regs, feel free to use any part to help write out your plan. Ours include explanations and what the inspector will be looking for so we have fewer surprises.

    Kitchen Operations

    (6) Dishwashing. Non-disposable dishes, glasses and silverware shall be properly cleaned by pre-rinsing, or scraping, washing, sanitizing and air drying. A three (3) compartment sink or a dishwasher with a sani-cycle or capability of maintaining a rinse water temperature of a minimum of one hundred fifty (150) degrees Fahrenheit and a two (2) compartment sink shall be available. Dishes, glasses and silverware shall be rinsed in the approved dishwasher or rinsed in a chemical sanitizer and air dried.


    To prevent cross-contamination and prevent the spread of infection.


    The accumulation of food residues can decompose and support the rapid development of food poisoning toxins or other organisms; therefore, dishes, glasses and silverware must be properly cleaned before reuse. Pots and pans used in the cooking process only require washing and rinsing since children do not handle these items. If the center uses disposable dishes, cups and silverware, only a two (2) compartment sink is required; however, if any non- isposable dishes, cups, or silverware are used (including children’s sippy cups), the center must meet the conditions specified by the rule. If the dishwasher does not have a sani-cycle or a rinse water temperature of at least one hundred fifty (150) degrees Fahrenheit, dishes, cups, and silverware should be sanitized for at least one-half minute.
    Adding chlorine bleach to the rinse cycle in the dishwasher is acceptable.

    The steps for using a three-compartment sink are: scrape; pre-rinse; wash thoroughly in a hot detergent solution (first compartment); rinse in clear warm water (second compartment); immerse in a chemical sanitizing agent (third compartment); air dry on a non-porous drain rack. The wash water must be kept clean and the sink refilled as often as necessary. Drying cloths should not be used to dry or drain clean dishes.


    ✓ Observe or ask staff if non-disposable dishes, glasses, and silverware are used. If so, observe that a three compartment sink, or a dishwasher and a two compartment sink are available for dishwashing. Check to ensure that the sinks and dishwasher are in working order. ✓ Observe that a two compartment sink is available for washing pots, pans, and serving utensils if all of the dishes, glasses, and silverware used by the center are disposable.
    ✓ Ask the cook (or other staff responsible for washing dishes) to describe dishwashing steps if a three compartment sink is used.
    ✓ Check the dishwasher for a sani-cycle, if applicable. If the dishwasher does not have a sani-cycle, check the water temperature during the rinse cycle or ask the Director and/or cook to describe how dishes are sanitized.

    Things for child care programs to consider:

    ▪ Follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using bleach or a commercial sanitizer.
    ▪ Encourage kitchen staff and any other staff involved in the center’s food service to take refresher food service/food preparation training bi-annually

    (7) Storage Areas. Each Center shall have a designated space for storage of food and kitchen items. The area shall be kept clean and free of accumulation of dust, dirt, food particles and grease deposits.
    (8) Containers of food shall be stored above the floor on clean surfaces protected from splash and other contamination. Containers for food storage other than the original container or package in which the food was obtained, shall be impervious and non-absorbent, have tight-fitting lids or covers and labeled as to contents.
    (9) Cleaning materials shall be stored separately from food.


    To ensure sanitary conditions. To protect food from contamination by moisture, insects, rodents, dust, cleaning materials, etc. To ensure that children only receive the food intended for them. To facilitate cleaning of the kitchen area.


    Food storage areas should be dry, clean, and well-ventilated. It is recommended that shelves be easily cleanable and at least six inches off the floor. It is acceptable for cleaning materials to be stored on a separate shelf in a pantry (such as the bottom shelf) as long as food cannot be contaminated by the materials. Once an original food container has been opened, the contents must be protected from contamination. Opened bags of flour, sugar, etc. can be placed in plastic bags for additional protection. Twist ties and firm clamps are acceptable for closing bags of food (such as frozen foods, bread, and cookies). If used, reusable food storage containers should have openings large enough for scrubbing purposes and smooth inside surfaces (such as glass or plastic). Reusable food storage containers should be clearly labeled to easily identify the contents of the container.


    ✓ Check food and kitchen item storage areas for cleanliness (e.g., no evidence of insects and rodents, and refrigerator(s), freezer(s), pantries and cabinets free of food spills and splatters, etc.).
    ✓ Observe the storage of food and food containers to ensure these items are stored above the floor and on clean surfaces protected from splash and other contamination. If food is observed in the classroom(s), check for proper storage.
    ✓ Observe food storage containers (other than the original container) to ensure they are impervious and nonabsorbent, have tight-fitting lids or covers, and are labeled as to contents. If open bags/boxes of food are observed in the original container, check to ensure they are closed.
    ✓ Check to ensure that food and cleaning materials are stored separately.

    Things for child care programs to consider:

    ▪ Add the date that the food product was opened and placed into a storage container on the container’s label as this will allow staff to monitor the freshness of the food. This helps to ensure that only quality food is provided and served to children.
    ▪ Develop a schedule for cleaning the refrigerator(s), freezer(s), and food storage areas.
    - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


    • #4
      Its so stressful when the state steps in.I always felt they needed to find "something"job preservation if you will.Sorry you are going through this .I think it sounds like you have the solution.Copy paste and send it along.This really makes me glad I am retired.

