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Sick Pick Up-How Long?

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  • Sick Pick Up-How Long?

    Yesterday DCB stayed home sick (shocking, since this mom rarely keeps him home)
    He came today and she said "He was just fine yesterday, didn't seem to be feeling bad at all"
    I carried him from the front door to the playroom, set him down and felt wet on my arm. He had already had a completely liquid BM blow out (in the car I assume) Changed him, cleaned him up, cleaned myself up, and notified mom that if he were to have another that she would be asked to pick up.
    DCB had another liquid BM, but very little and right before AM nap, so I didn't say anything about it. I put him in bed and he spit up/threw up all over himself and his blanket (it was mostly milk, some chuncks, but he is 16months)
    He barely slept, and had another blow out BM. I contacted mom at 12:30 and said he needed to be picked up. At 1pm she contacts back saying she is trying to figure something out, but "someone" will be there to pick him up soon. About 10 minutes later she says Grandma is coming to pick up and will be here by 2pm. At 1:52pm, she contacts again asking for my address.... :| and tells me grandma is on her way but does not know her check out code.
    Grandma finally gets here about 2:20. Almost 2 hours after I originally said he needed picked up! I explained what the day has been like (SIX liquid diapers, 3 of which were explosive. Two vomit/spit ups. Poop/vomit on the kid, me and whatever he was around at the time. A very raw bum because there was no cream in his bag. Lots of burping and pulling/rubbing both his ears) and Grandma said "yeah I noticed that/he was doing that yesterday" (remember mom said he was great yesterday with no problems...)

    Anyway... all of THAT to ask, how long do you allow for sick pick up, and what do you do if they exceed that time? I figured an hour is plenty, but when your kid is literally leaking everywhere I don't really want them in my house for even an hour

    I really want to add to my contract and say "if your child comes sick and gets me sick, I will close and you will pay double for those days"
    "And you will be responsible to compensate all other parents having to find alternate care... unless you get them sick too, then you can pay for the doctor 😀"
    "P.S. It's not teething or allergies"
    /end rant

  • #2
    I always gave an hour but that was because where most families worked, it took them 20-30 mina to get to me. I figured half hour to plan, half hour to travel was plenty.

    ...and honestly, after that whole scene, I'd probably term the family. That poor kid and you!


    • #3
      I don't have a specific time frame; a lot depends on where the families work and how far away they are from me. If they work locally and have jobs they can up and leave on short notice, I expect them to pick up faster than I do a parent who works further away and has to find someone to cover for them. I expect all of them to make every effort to have their sick kids picked up as quickly as possible, though, even if it means getting someone else to pick up for them. A 2 hour wait for a kid who is vomiting and having explosive diarrhea would upset me. I probably would have pushed her to try to find someone else who could pick up sooner than Grandma could.

      Knowing the dcb had been called out due to illness the day before would have had me calling for pick up after the first blowout. I'd also be reviewing my sick/termination policies with the parents. It's possible Grandma was mistaken about when the kid was last vomiting but if it was clear the dcm lied about him not being sick the day before, I'd be livid.


      • #4
        I don't have any formal time limit in my policy either but 30 minutes is what I expect. If a kid is "leaking everywhere" I basically put them in a highchair or playpen in between cleanups to contain the sick until a parent comes. I usually contact my husband (my emergency contact) who will leave work for a bit to help me clean up a mess or take the rest of the kids somewhere else for an activity (usually outside or in the playroom). I don't know what I'd do without him. I don't see how running a daycare would even be possible without him.


        • #5
          If you dont show in a hour, you pay $2 a minute sick kid pay, till you show up.


          • #6
            I would expect 30 minutes at most. If it happens before naptime, I MIGHT conider letting kiddo nap and parent can pick after, but probably would not do that for vomit or diarhea (how the heck do you spell that?)

            Edited to add: I do have a college professor who I might allow 45 minutes, just in case she is teaching when I try to get in touch with her.


            • #7
              I allow 30 minutes.
              Every single parent in my area has the ability to be here within that time frame.

              If child is still present after 30 minutes, a late fee may be applied depending on the circumstances.


              • #8
                I allow for up to one hour.

                I live rurally and commutes average 45 minutes one way.

                For those who work in town, I base it on their commute plus 15 minutes.
                - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                • #9
                  This child would not have made it into my entryway and if this started when they came I would most likely terminate. They dropped him off sick . She knew he was sick and didn’t give a damn about you or the kid.

                  Bad behaviour on the parents part for sure. I allow an hour but I know that all of my parents can get here within 15 minutes and usually are. Possible termination if they are not here within an hour plus I start calling emergency contacts. I cannot stress enough to parents that I cannot care for sick kids.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by finsup View Post
                    I figured half hour to plan, half hour to travel was plenty.

                    ...and honestly, after that whole scene, I'd probably term the family. That poor kid and you!
                    That's a good time period, I think that's plenty! I felt so bad for the kid, he was miserable! I was VERY close to telling her to just not return after this fiasco!

                    Originally posted by e.j. View Post
                    Knowing the dcb had been called out due to illness the day before would have had me calling for pick up after the first blowout. I'd also be reviewing my sick/termination policies with the parents. It's possible Grandma was mistaken about when the kid was last vomiting but if it was clear the dcm lied about him not being sick the day before, I'd be livid.
                    Mom was absolutely lying, and this is by far not the first time. I'm pretty sure when he was out sick the day before he was with Grandma, so I believe her way more than I believe mom (though Grandma did insult me as soon as she came in, so there's that...

                    Originally posted by Jo123ABC View Post
                    I don't have any formal time limit in my policy either but 30 minutes is what I expect. If a kid is "leaking everywhere" I basically put them in a highchair or playpen in between cleanups to contain the sick until a parent comes.
                    He was definitely contained :P I felt bad making him sit though, his poor bottom was so red. I just blocked a small play area off, but he barely played anyway.

                    Originally posted by flying_babyb View Post
                    If you dont show in a hour, you pay $2 a minute sick kid pay, till you show up.
                    I like this, I think I will add that to my contract!

                    Originally posted by Msdunny View Post
                    I would expect 30 minutes at most. If it happens before naptime, I MIGHT conider letting kiddo nap and parent can pick after, but probably would not do that for vomit or diarhea (how the heck do you spell that?)
                    I should have let her know before nap to come get him, but I was really hoping it was a fluke... he has loose BM's pretty regularly... but this was definitely diarrhea!

                    Originally posted by Ariana View Post
                    This child would not have made it into my entryway and if this started when they came I would most likely terminate. They dropped him off sick . She knew he was sick and didn’t give a damn about you or the kid.
                    Unfortunately I didn't know there was any issue until after mom left, and I carried him into the play room. Had I seen it beforehand I definitely would have sent him right back home!!

                    Thanks all for the replies, definitely things to tweak my contract (which will be renewed Monday)
                    I absolutely would have terminated mom on the spot for this, she definitely knew he was sick and could care less. (she usually blames it on teething, and brings him sick anyway.) I have had to send him home before, and had to exclude him the following day... she came and said "yeah he just cut a tooth"
                    Unfortunately, I can not afford to term her right now, but I SO wish I could! I'm trying to figure out my options to term her as soon as possible. In addition to bringing him sick, she pays late, is highly disrespectful, and has taught her child that throwing a tantrum (ear piercing scream any time you tell him something he doesn't want to hear) is the way to get what he wants.
                    I had only this child that day, I was supposed to have two but he was kept home because he "may have caught mom's cold" (this family is GREAT at keeping him home if there is any chance of being sick) I can't even imagine having the "leaking" child for 2 hours with another child here, let a lone a whole group of kiddos!


                    • #11
                      Handed dad the termination letter today. I'm a little apprehensive about finances, but man what a weight off my shoulders! Just hoping the next two weeks go well! I have definitely beefed up my sick policy though.

                      It's funny how I can point to different parts of my contract and know which parent/family made me add that part :P

