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Update and Missing This Forum

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  • Update and Missing This Forum

    I haven't been on here for a few months and boy I sure do miss coming on here. Just an update I had to close back in July temporarily due to my husbands diagnosis of stage 3 colon cancer. He had surgery end of July and is currently doing chemo, during that time we decided I would remain closed until he completed chemo which should be mid February. This has been the most difficult time of our lives, I am so thankful I closed, there is no way in heck I would have been able to do this staying open. It has taken a huge hit financially but bless his heart my husband still tries to work on his non chemo weeks.
    It's funny how for a couple of years I was very on the fence occasionally of whether or not I wanted to continue daycare and now that I have been closed I miss my kids every single day. I can't even tell you how hard it is to go out in my daycare area an not start crying. I couldn't go out there for about 2 months, the mess was exactly the same as the day the kids left.
    We are now talking about me maybe reopening end of January and he would do his last 2 treatments alone but I am so afraid the cancer will come back, I don't tell him this of course but that fear is there so heavily.
    Anyways I just wanted to come on and say hi and miss reading here even though I don't post too often.

  • #2
    Originally posted by tenderhearts View Post
    I haven't been on here for a few months and boy I sure do miss coming on here. Just an update I had to close back in July temporarily due to my husbands diagnosis of stage 3 colon cancer. He had surgery end of July and is currently doing chemo, during that time we decided I would remain closed until he completed chemo which should be mid February. This has been the most difficult time of our lives, I am so thankful I closed, there is no way in heck I would have been able to do this staying open. It has taken a huge hit financially but bless his heart my husband still tries to work on his non chemo weeks.
    It's funny how for a couple of years I was very on the fence occasionally of whether or not I wanted to continue daycare and now that I have been closed I miss my kids every single day. I can't even tell you how hard it is to go out in my daycare area an not start crying. I couldn't go out there for about 2 months, the mess was exactly the same as the day the kids left.
    We are now talking about me maybe reopening end of January and he would do his last 2 treatments alone but I am so afraid the cancer will come back, I don't tell him this of course but that fear is there so heavily.
    Anyways I just wanted to come on and say hi and miss reading here even though I don't post too often.
    Thank you for the update! I’ve thought of you often recently and am keeping you and your family in my prayers :hug:


    • #3
      Thank you blackcat that means more than you know!


      • #4
        Glad your husband is getting the care he needs medically and personally. Please keep us up to date on his progress. You are always welcome here on the forum.


        • #5
          I'm glad that you were able to make that decision for you and your dh. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers, hoping for the very best outcome. Having you by his side, I'm sure, has been a tremendous boost to him!! I hope you're also taking care of yourself too?

          My neighbor had colon cancer a couple years ago, 85 at the time, had radiation and underwent surgery as well but he's still going as strong as someone that's now 87, can go, with no other signs of cancer. I know it's hard to not be afraid of that other shoe dropping but try to remain positive and hopeful!!

          Best of luck and good health to you both!! And thank you for popping back in to let us know. lovethis


          • #6
            Glad he's getting treatment and you have the opportunity to be with him. Good luck when you decide to reopen. :hug:


            • #7
              Thank you for the update, we will keep you guys in our prayers. :hug:
              - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


              • #8
                Thanks for the update and your husband working still is a wonderful testament to his fortitude! I remember when you told us that in your last post and being blown away!

                I wish you guys all the best and full recovery :hug: Sometimes a break from daycare is all you need as well.


                • #9
                  Thank you everyone for all the prayers, they are needed. I will keep everyone up to date for sure.


                  • #10
                    My heart goes out to both you and your husband. It can't be an easy time for either one of you. Hopefully the chemo will do it's job well and help you to worry a bit less about a recurrence in the future. :hug:

