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  • Rant:

    Hey guys!
    In the past month or so, we've had 2 employees quit so we interviewed for a replacement, one girl came and interviewed and done her two week trail and during the two weeks, she made a mountain out of a molehill over something stupid so the owner called her out on it and she pulled her kids from the center and quit and we had another girl interview and was offered the job and the day BEFORE she was suppose to start, she contacted the owner and decides that she doesn't want the job, another girl that we hired just this week is great but forgot to tell the owner that she needed off certain days next week so the owner had to redo the schedule about 3 times. The administrator has been out for back surgery and just returned this week and another employee is student teaching until December. Thinking of hiring another part timer. Thoughts??

  • #2
    Unfortunately with such low pay you will get a ton of turnover. Here it is only the government funded not for profit daycares that have steady life long employees. It is definitely not good quality care for kids or staff.


    • #3
      I'm just worried that parents will start complaining and questioning about the turnover in teachers

