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  • Fleas?

    SA dcg came in today, I don't have her often but today they didn't have school, and tells me they have fleas at their house. Is this something I should ask dcm about? To see how recent and if they are treating it? Or is that overreacting? I haven't seen any on her, but I have pets and haven't dealt with fleas before.

  • #2
    Ugh, fleas love to come in uninvited, especially this time of year. I think, if you feel comfortable enough asking dcm about it, then I definitely would. I remember I had a family with 3 kids and the youngest would come in covered with flea bites. Grandma would tell me how bad the infestation was at dcm's house. I asked grandma what dcm was doing to combat the issue(she's the person I saw mostly) and grandma said just flea collars.

    Thankfully we never got them here at that time but 1 of my dogs had fleas another year. I merely changed flea treatment(from Frontline to NexGuard) and sprayed edges of rugs/under furniture, as per my vet's advice. (I was ready to bomb my whole house and wash every single thing) And son of a gun, they were gone.

