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  • Manners!

    What manners do you enforce?

    My big ones are during lunch:
    Chew with your mouth closed...this one drives me CRAZY! How do parents not correct 4-5 yr olds of this?

    Ask don't tell..."May I have more ____" I have a just 3 yr old who still says "Give me milk" and I correct her every time.

    What are your pet peeves on manners?

  • #2
    I enforce table manners during meal times.

    We sit nicely (feet forward), say please/thank you and wait to be excused.


    • #3
      Originally posted by gumdrops View Post
      What manners do you enforce?

      My big ones are during lunch:
      Chew with your mouth closed...this one drives me CRAZY! How do parents not correct 4-5 yr olds of this?

      Ask don't tell..."May I have more ____" I have a just 3 yr old who still says "Give me milk" and I correct her every time.

      What are your pet peeves on manners?
      All of them

      I especially dislike chewing with your mouth open and eating with your fingers. Lately I end up spending the entire meal period reminding a couple of specific children to use their utensils and close their mouth when chewing.

      The best is when the child responds "I AM" as food is falling out of their mouth


      • #4
        Respecting each other's space and choices is my biggie right now


        • #5
          One of my pet peeves is touching and getting too close to each other! I try explaining to the kids that everyone has a bubble around them and when you get too close it can pop - so stay out of their personal space

          I'm big with taking turns. I teach the kids that we take turns, not share. When this child is done with a toy, then you can play with it. I have a dcb who throws a tantrum when mom comes to pick up because he wants a book/toy that another child is actively playing with. Dcm then tells whichever child has the toy to give it to her kid because he wants to play with it. Um, no. BIG pet peeve.


          • #6
            My pet peeve used to be when kids would interrupt when someone was already talking. I'd remind them to wait their turn but many times parents would stop our conversation to listen to them.

            I really think parents have heard 'choose your battles' so many damn times that they figure a few forgotten manners are small potatoes. But I think kids using manners shows they're being taught respect for others and that leads to so many other great characteristics in people.


            • #7
              I'm HUGE on manners!

              "Please", "thank you" and "may I?" are strictly enforced.

              Table manners are taught from the time they can sit to the table. No yelling at the table, chew with mouths closed and don't stuff.

              One of my biggest peeves is the sing-songy "I'M DOOONE!!" as they try to get down from the table.......NOPE! You sit there quietly until everyone is done and you are excused.

              They actually learn very fast. Then parents start saying things "She says thank you every time I give her a drink!" as if the child has just explained rocket science...


              • #8
                Originally posted by Josiegirl View Post
                My pet peeve used to be when kids would interrupt when someone was already talking. I'd remind them to wait their turn but many times parents would stop our conversation to listen to them.

                I really think parents have heard 'choose your battles' so many damn times that they figure a few forgotten manners are small potatoes. But I think kids using manners shows they're being taught respect for others and that leads to so many other great characteristics in people.


                • #9
                  Use utensils, not fingers.

                  Keep food in your mouth - don't show it to everyone.

                  Hold the cup to drink, don't pick it up with your mouth and tip your head.

                  Only eat food off your plate, not your neighbor's.

                  If you don't like something, leave it on the side of your plate - don't throw it on the floor, across the table, or put it on your neighbor's plate.

                  And I encourage them to say Please.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Annalee View Post
                    Respecting each other's space and choices is my biggie right now
                    Yes just general respect. I don’t teach this skill I just model it and it seems to work.


                    • #11
                      I respond to "I WANT X!" with "I hear you. You want X. How are you going to get it?"

                      SCREAMING that you want something gets the something immediately put out of the daycare area. We try again tomorrow. SCREAMING about it again tomorrow gets it put out for the remainder of the week and we try again on Monday.


                      • #12
                        Kids saying I want more instead of please can i, telling us they are done when they clearly know what they are suppose to do with their plate after meals. Not listening when they are told to do something. The school agers Having electronics out when they are not suppose to and when we tell them to put them away they give us an excuse as to why they are suppose to have them out such as my mom told me to. Had an employee/parent threaten me yesterday with telling the owner because I get on to the kids when the teacher is clearly in the room


                        • #13
                          I teach my kids to say please and thank you when we serve meals and snacks.

                          We use our forks and spoons to eat. No fingers unless it is finger foods or something like pizza.

                          Respect each other’s personal space.


                          • #14
                            I quickly taught my group to not say, "I don't like ______". I have told them they do not have to eat what is on their plate, but they do not need to inform everyone that they do not like it.

                            Do not interrupt a conversation. I have one that is determined to interrupt every conversation I try to have with my husband, or anyone else for that matter. She is so used to being the center of everyone's attention.

                            Look for ways to help. If you are a big kid, try to help a little kid with shoes or walking down steps, or whatever. I am a firm believer that we teach kids to be kind by having them practice being kind.


                            • #15
                              I have tons!
                              -Face forward
                              -"Food time is not play time, it's time to eat. You can play when you're done" (I do this when baby shark song spontaneously breaks out while eating or an intense peekaboo game or whatever. Otherwise food and cups go flying)
                              -Use your fork/spoon
                              -Keep your hands/feet to yourself
                              -No feet on the table
                              -No licking the table
                              -Plates/bowls stay on the table not lifted in the air or played with
                              -no spitting (raspberry noises) or spitting food out. "If you don't like it, swallow it and take a drink"
                              -"ask nice" (use please and thank you)
                              -no blowing bubbles in your cup or with your spit
                              -ask to be dismissed from the table to wash up

                              I also am big on getting kids to respect each other's space and my space! My 3 year old is a super independent player with a good imagination so I'm constantly telling kids to give him space. The others are practically on top of him so that he's tripping over them and getting annoyed with them all day. Even the older kids. My daughter had this happen too but she usually enjoyed the attention. If he picks up a block, 6 kids suddenly want to play blocks. If he gets a fork and play food... They all fight for play food. It's weird. Anyone else have this happen with 1 kid?

                              I'm sure there's more but those are what I can think of right now!

