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How Many Helpings?

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  • How Many Helpings?

    How many helpings do you all allow? It really annoys me when a kid keeps asking for more and more helpings of noodles or bread but I throw away half a plate in vegetables or fruit. I've started only allowing 2 helpings unless they eat some of the other stuff on their plates.

  • #2
    We tell the children that they have to eat more of something such as vegetables or fruit before we allow them to have more of their favorites


    • #3
      we serve family style and the children chose what to put on their plates or not. I never throw veggies away. Leftover veggies go to the kids who actually eat them (or me!)

      We offer seconds of everything, but I RARELY put out full seconds of grain servings (most often times I see menus over feeding grain, eg a whole sandwich is TWO servings of grain for 2yo's.) so their options are a small amount of grain, veggies and sometimes fruit (we do lots of double veggie choices)


      • #4
        It really depends on the kid. If this is a normally good eater I let it go if it is something they don’t really like. So if I serve chili and they don’t really like it I will give them more bread just because they are normally good with veggies and fruit for example. If it is a kid who consistently does not eat veggies and fruit I require them to try their veggies/chili before I give more bread but they only get one extra serving until they eat everything on their plate.


        • #5
          I allow seconds IF they've eaten all of their firsts. ALL.

          If they have seconds they must have seconds on veggies first and then can move onto seconds of the main dish.

          My kids are all fabulous eaters and will eat every veggie served. Both cold and hot.


          • #6
            Are you serving only whole grain pasta, crackers, and bread? That changes the answer for me.

            If not, then only one serving of starch. Fruits, veggies, whole grains and lean meats are unlimited. (at least until I run out)

            Treats are one serving.
            - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


            • #7
              We have to offer seconds on certain foods and aren't allowed to make a child finish - or even taste - anything in order to get seconds.

              I serve family style and direct the children to take up to the minimum required amount. I allow seconds of everything (because I don't remember what foods we're required to give seconds of : even if they didn't eat anything else.

              I only offer thirds to children who do eat everything. I figure if they're hungry enough they'll eat it, if not they're not hungry enough to need thirds.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                I allow seconds IF they've eaten all of their firsts. ALL.

                If they have seconds they must have seconds on veggies first and then can move onto seconds of the main dish.

                My kids are all fabulous eaters and will eat every veggie served. Both cold and hot.
                Same over here.


                • #9
                  I don't know what the requirements are for licensing/ food program since I'm license exempt. I do "no seconds unless they finish everything on their plate." If they do, they're welcome to more of whatever they choose because I know they'll eat it!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Cat Herder View Post
                    Are you serving only whole grain pasta, crackers, and bread? That changes the answer for me.

                    If not, then only one serving of starch. Fruits, veggies, whole grains and lean meats are unlimited. (at least until I run out)

                    Treats are one serving.

                    No seconds on grains unless it's mixed in with the main course and I have extra. Veggies are typically their option for seconds at lunch. Fruits/veggies are usually the option for breakfast or snack and only if there is extra.

