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I Should Know This

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  • I Should Know This

    After years of being a mom and dcprovider, I'm going to ask...what do you do with a 3 yo? Lol My problem is I have very few toys left in my house, and I'm no longer geared(mentally or physically) towards little ones in my life. But when I have a couple former dcks over, what can I do that doesn't require going out to buy tons of stuff? Friday I've got a 3 yo dcg for the whole day and her 6 yo sister after school.
    I've still got markers, paper, rice tub, some books, stickers, and a few assorted toys. Plus a walk and outside time. But in case they get bored, any thoughts?
    Thanks! Oh and it's the 3 yo's birthday that day.

  • #2
    Could you ask Mom to bring a few of the children's toys from home?


    • #3
      Depends a little on the three year old, but a few ideas: Have a "tea party." Make a tent with sheets over the dining room/kitchen table. Build a box fort. Fly paper airplanes. Go for a nature walk and pick up pinecones and pretty rocks and make a display in a shoe box. Make paper dolls. Or simple dolls with a piece of cloth and some string tied around it for arms or legs. Dance party. Scavenger hunt with pictures instead of words for the list. Dress up in any "fancy" clothes you have hanging around. Play cooking with real pots and pans. Make flour play dough. Have her draw a picture and then dictate a story about it. And my favorite: take a nap.


      • #4
        Both great ideas! Thanks!
        My creativity seems to have left me.
        We'll definitely be taking a nature walk, she loves that! And I've got some smaller boxes saved downstairs so we can decorate those to play with the smaller fairy dolls I saved.

        I'm really embarrassed that I couldn't think of anything earlier by myself. I needed your inspiring ideas!


        • #5
          Since it's the 3 year olds birthday, can you bake cupcakes or something? lovethis


          • #6
            good ideas

            Originally posted by Jiminycrickets View Post
            Depends a little on the three year old, but a few ideas: Have a "tea party." Make a tent with sheets over the dining room/kitchen table. Build a box fort. Fly paper airplanes. Go for a nature walk and pick up pinecones and pretty rocks and make a display in a shoe box. Make paper dolls. Or simple dolls with a piece of cloth and some string tied around it for arms or legs. Dance party. Scavenger hunt with pictures instead of words for the list. Dress up in any "fancy" clothes you have hanging around. Play cooking with real pots and pans. Make flour play dough. Have her draw a picture and then dictate a story about it. And my favorite: take a nap.
            These are good reminders of simple yet timeless activities for children - good contrast to the "more toys" is "better" mentality that pervades our culture.

            The children will enjoy doing any of these things if you are enjoying it too!


            • #7
              Your missing the obvious one . PLAYDOUGH! make your own (aka science) and let they play away.

