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Neighbor consideration

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  • Neighbor consideration

    In home providers in residential areas, or anyone with an opinion....
    If I were to move somewhere and open my own in home, should I consult with neighbors prior to? I dont want to be rude or inconsiderate, but at the same time it is my home and I am moving specifically to have a home that is suitable for childcare.

  • #2
    All neighborhoods need childcare services. As a courtesy you can introduce yourself and let the know of your services.


    • #3
      You may have to check with your local town laws too. IIRC I went around to my closest neighbors and had them sign a simple note saying they were okay with my opening a dc, then I presented it to my local zoning board. There are many things to consider with this type of business, noise, parking, extra traffic, clients. Some neighborhoods wouldn't care for lots of kids making lots of noise while others are family oriented and approachable.
      And while you're right that it is *your* home, we don't always get to do everything we want. Just to build a deck or change the outside of our homes, we have to go through all kinds of @rap.


      • #4
        Not "consult" because frankly they don't have a say in the matter. But yes- I would go around to the neighbors (especially if you don't know them) and introduce yourself and let them know what your plans are. A positive intro/ heads up can head off some potential grouches later on.

        Good Luck happyface


        • #5
          Yeah, I would definitely introduce myself. I would move to a non-HOA home, and ask the realtor (and have them speak with current owners) for help making sure there arent neighborhood rules. We have loads of home childcares in the neighborhoods so it is definitely allowed in the neighborhoods.

