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Notice of Non Renewal- PLEASE HELP

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  • Notice of Non Renewal- PLEASE HELP

    At the beginning of the year, I had a parent who was unhappy with my in home daycare, after her child attended for 4 total days, over a 2 1/2 week period . Many attempts were made to please this parent, ultimately however she accused me of lying about how well her daughter was doing and pulled her from my care. She then took to Facebook to troll my business page. She also reported me to DCF. When DCF showed up, things seemed to go pretty well, they did contact some current families, but then I never heard anything else from them. Fast forward 6 months, and after turning in my paperwork for renewal of registration through the state of Florida for a Family Daycare Home, I received a notice of denial. The reason behind the denial was because of the dcf incident, and that dcf found me responsible for inadequate supervision of one child. I had no clue they made that decision, or what the details were or what child (though I guess the disgruntled parents child).

    I am able to request an administrative hearing to fight the decision. I just found out yesterday right before 5pm. So I am in the beginning stages of figuring things out. I’m thinking hiring a lawyer would be best, but I am not sure which type of lawyers cover this sort of thing? Has anyone had to hire a lawyer before for daycare related things? Or been through anything similar?
    Has anyone gone through things with Dcf? I am not sure how to find out what happened and what exactly they determined and why.

    I know I’m not giving tons of detail about the parent situation, but honestly I am really struggling and I just don’t have it in me to type it all out right now. Most of the situation with that parent didn’t hold up to dcf. Nothing happened, there wasn’t one incident, she just wanted to make all the rules and control everything, and I wouldn’t let her which pissed her off. It seems like she just called dcf and told them all sorts of things hoping something would stick.
    I really need help. Any thoughts or advice would really be appreciated. I am devastated. I am a single parent and this is my families only source of income. I have been in business for 8 years. Current state is FLorida, and I’ve been here for 5 yrs. I have had a wonderful experience with providing child care, and all my families are beyond incredible. Trying to stay strong and figure out what to do.

  • #2
    Originally posted by VioletCupcake View Post
    At the beginning of the year, I had a parent who was unhappy with my in home daycare, after her child attended for 4 total days, over a 2 1/2 week period . Many attempts were made to please this parent, ultimately however she accused me of lying about how well her daughter was doing and pulled her from my care. She then took to Facebook to troll my business page. She also reported me to DCF. When DCF showed up, things seemed to go pretty well, they did contact some current families, but then I never heard anything else from them. Fast forward 6 months, and after turning in my paperwork for renewal of registration through the state of Florida for a Family Daycare Home, I received a notice of denial. The reason behind the denial was because of the dcf incident, and that dcf found me responsible for inadequate supervision of one child. I had no clue they made that decision, or what the details were or what child (though I guess the disgruntled parents child).

    I am able to request an administrative hearing to fight the decision. I just found out yesterday right before 5pm. So I am in the beginning stages of figuring things out. I’m thinking hiring a lawyer would be best, but I am not sure which type of lawyers cover this sort of thing? Has anyone had to hire a lawyer before for daycare related things? Or been through anything similar?
    Has anyone gone through things with Dcf? I am not sure how to find out what happened and what exactly they determined and why.

    I know I’m not giving tons of detail about the parent situation, but honestly I am really struggling and I just don’t have it in me to type it all out right now. Most of the situation with that parent didn’t hold up to dcf. Nothing happened, there wasn’t one incident, she just wanted to make all the rules and control everything, and I wouldn’t let her which pissed her off. It seems like she just called dcf and told them all sorts of things hoping something would stick.
    I really need help. Any thoughts or advice would really be appreciated. I am devastated. I am a single parent and this is my families only source of income. I have been in business for 8 years. Current state is FLorida, and I’ve been here for 5 yrs. I have had a wonderful experience with providing child care, and all my families are beyond incredible. Trying to stay strong and figure out what to do.
    I've never been through anything like you describe but if I were in your shoes, I'd try to speak with my licensor before going to the expense of hiring a lawyer. I'd explain the situation and ask if a mistake might have been made. If the licensor doesn't feel a mistake was made, I'd explain your side of things and ask what, if anything, I could do to rectify the situation. If you're still denied, I would then speak with a lawyer. Just my 2 cents. Someone who has more experience with this kind of thing may have better advice. I wish you luck in straightening the situation out. I can only imagine how upsetting this must be for you.


    • #3
      I would recommend that you talk Tom Copeland. He'll know what you should do and if he doesn't he will point you in the right direction.


      • #4
        Originally posted by e.j. View Post
        I've never been through anything like you describe but if I were in your shoes, I'd try to speak with my licensor before going to the expense of hiring a lawyer. I'd explain the situation and ask if a mistake might have been made. If the licensor doesn't feel a mistake was made, I'd explain your side of things and ask what, if anything, I could do to rectify the situation. If you're still denied, I would then speak with a lawyer. Just my 2 cents. Someone who has more experience with this kind of thing may have better advice. I wish you luck in straightening the situation out. I can only imagine how upsetting this must be for you.
        Thanks! I reached out to the person from the state who handles my renewal but he didn’t have much to say except to follow the instructions on requesting a hearing. . I don’t think I have a licensor, since I am not licensed, but registered. I don’t know if there is anyone else to reach out to who may be able to offer any sort of guidance, etc.


        • #5
          Originally posted by 284878 View Post
          I would recommend that you talk Tom Copeland. He'll know what you should do and if he doesn't he will point you in the right direction.
          Thanks for the advice!! I didn’t even think of that. He already responded and defiantly helped guide me in the right direction. Thanks!

