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Here's A Funny, Not at All Annoying Thing, I Have Noticed...

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  • Here's A Funny, Not at All Annoying Thing, I Have Noticed...

    So the weather here is gorgeous now. Sunny, 70's, gorgeous days. (pollen, yes, but whatever). We finally finished out outdoor playspace and have been taking our group out every chance we get.

    Here is what I have noticed. Until we go out, the kids are crazy - loud, trying to run around and chase each other, general chaos. As soon as they get outside we hear, "I'm bored. I'm too tired. Can we go back in?" They are sitting on the chairs, looking miserable. I am ignoring all of this and playing with the toddler, who is loving life with all her freedom outside.

    Fast forward to coming inside for lunch or naps - and the chaos ensues. Suddenly they have the energy to run and chase each other, dump toys - all the things I don't allow inside. So inside they play, outside they are miserable.

    What is this? Do kids not play outdoors anymore? I just re-opened in January, so my older kids (2-4 yrs old) haven't been with me to know I go outside every chance I get. At least the toddler gets it!

  • #2
    I don’t have this issue in particular but have noticed that kids who have fully functioning legs to climb and play inside, suddenly stop working when they have snowsuits or splash suits and boots on! I have a 2 year old who falls down on the ground and then cries for me to help her up :confused:

    Kids are definitely not used to playing outside anymore so you will have to be the one to get them used to it!


    • #3
      Same here! I have a 3 and 2 year old that have been here for just over a year, and a 2.5 year old / 1 year old sibling set that have been here since last July. My own 1 year old girl wanders the yard, plays with sticks/ flowers, etc and cries when we come inside. I finally pulled the slide and play castle out and they're loving that, but man they will wander aimlessly in boredom if I just have the balls and small toys out- or try to go onto the patio where they're not allowed, even though there's nothing exciting there..... Inside, I have to give constant reminders not to run or throw things. Can't GET them to do either outside. It's fun 😂


      • #4
        Originally posted by Msdunny View Post
        So the weather here is gorgeous now. Sunny, 70's, gorgeous days. (pollen, yes, but whatever). We finally finished out outdoor playspace and have been taking our group out every chance we get.

        Here is what I have noticed. Until we go out, the kids are crazy - loud, trying to run around and chase each other, general chaos. As soon as they get outside we hear, "I'm bored. I'm too tired. Can we go back in?" They are sitting on the chairs, looking miserable. I am ignoring all of this and playing with the toddler, who is loving life with all her freedom outside.

        Fast forward to coming inside for lunch or naps - and the chaos ensues. Suddenly they have the energy to run and chase each other, dump toys - all the things I don't allow inside. So inside they play, outside they are miserable.

        What is this? Do kids not play outdoors anymore? I just re-opened in January, so my older kids (2-4 yrs old) haven't been with me to know I go outside every chance I get. At least the toddler gets it!

        I have this group! I have a swingset, sandbox, plastic slide and playhouse. NONE of my daycare kids know how to play. They just sit around whining about how they are bored. My own kids love it and will play outside for hours. I think it comes down to the fact that my children have very little screen time and are forced outside in the evenings to play. All my daycare kids get their very own tablet at the ripe age of 1 and that becomes their babysitter when they are at home. That’s the only thing I can think of. I love being outdoors so they better learn how to play or it’s going to be one miserable summer for them!


        • #5
          I always walked 20 min at beginning of outdoor play and 20 min at end this made them at least active for 40 min.They held onto the stroller for walks.Sometimes I had to teach them outdoor play.I think your assessment that they do not play out much is spot on.I set up relay games and had a track for bikes and cozy coupes to be pushed or ridden on.The sandbox was huge but mostly sitting.We went in for lunch wash ,diapers and to the table.I often handed out a paper and crayon for drawing and waiting for meal .Sometimes each picked a book to look at.I always prepared as much before we went out.


          • #6
            I don't have or offer any type of chair outside. They'll use it if it's there.

            I tell the kids that we can't go inside until they have all ran around for X amount of time.

            I use a timer for a lot of things so the kids understand that concept. I tell them every time they whine or ask to go back inside, the timer starts again.

            Most of the kiddos just go play without issue.


            • #7
              We have a running contest . Gets the energy out. Swings are my outside pet peeve. No, you are not outside to sit. The kids love them, I do not. I have a no swinging until after rest time rule.


              • #8
                Ohhh yeah. My FCC friend and I have often discussed how the kiddos run around inside then when they get outside they sit in the sandbox or on the patio or whatever and don't run at all.


                • #9
                  Yeah I always see things are blamed on "parenting today" and "kids today". I'm 42. I had to play outside with no parent entertaining or involvement. I also hated to be sent outside to play and I hate being outside now. But I try to pleasantly play along for the kid's sake.

                  Outside isn't comfy. Outside has wind and brightness and rocks and bugs. I don't agree that it's the fault of parents today or kids today. It's just that we (kids and adults) have had the comforts of indoor life. If we can stay there, that's easier for us. Conserving energy makes people (and any living thing) more likely to survive; we conserve energy by doing whatever is easiest. It's our innate and natural desire to take the easiest road. It's no one's fault. But we can learn to enjoy physical activity if we perhaps partake often enough and it is made to be enjoyable enough to keep us coming back for more. And since physical activity is important to our survival, it is definitely in our, and our younger generation's, best interest to keep going back for more.

                  Passive, non-physically activitie outside time does seem to have positive effects on mental state too. So, we need physical activity and we need time outdoors. Somehow we have to make it appealing or just force them to be out there and hopefully they will accept it! Either way, it's a basic need so it has to happen.


                  • #10
                    I've always noticed that with the 5 yo dcks and up. I had a group of 7-9 yos one summer who I swear, could not create 1 ounce of fun outside by themselves. Little kids love the bugs and rocks, dirt, sand and mud. But these dcks needed stimulating activities presented to them every single day or all they'd do is sit there with a glum look on their faces asking when it was time to go in.
                    So we'd make up games together, they loved obstacle courses, creating fairy house villages, parachute games although that required cooperative play and I've had some strong-willed gotta be #1 dcks in the past, play hiding games. I got sick of thinking for them though. The oldest dck I have now turns 6 this summer and luckily, she loves chasing the little ones, searching for bugs, playing in the mud, she keeps fairly busy and is very inventive. She spent many hours this winter pulling the toddlers in toddler sleds, win win for everybody.
                    But yes, I've witnessed that very thing mentioned in the OP. Kids will go nutso crazy in the house and the moment we step outside, they seriously put on their brakes and have no clue about active play. :confused:


                    • #11
                      If it’s weather permitting my class goes outside for a while everyday— morning and evening. Kids need to be outside where they can run and play and develop gross motor skills. Most of my kids love to play outside and don’t have a problem with it. Our center has a nice playground with slides, monkey bars, bike path, and climbing equipment. And they can RUN outside. No Ms. Ceri having to say “walking feet” when we’re outside. Sometimes we play games like Red Rover or freeze tag or even go on a scavenger hunt. I think that many kids these days just don’t get the opportunity to play outside like we did in the past. Some parents would rather put an iPad in the child’s hand rather than play with him/her outside.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by CalCare View Post
                        Yeah I always see things are blamed on "parenting today" and "kids today". I'm 42. I had to play outside with no parent entertaining or involvement. I also hated to be sent outside to play and I hate being outside now. But I try to pleasantly play along for the kid's sake.

                        Outside isn't comfy. Outside has wind and brightness and rocks and bugs. I don't agree that it's the fault of parents today or kids today. It's just that we (kids and adults) have had the comforts of indoor life. If we can stay there, that's easier for us. Conserving energy makes people (and any living thing) more likely to survive; we conserve energy by doing whatever is easiest. It's our innate and natural desire to take the easiest road. It's no one's fault. But we can learn to enjoy physical activity if we perhaps partake often enough and it is made to be enjoyable enough to keep us coming back for more. And since physical activity is important to our survival, it is definitely in our, and our younger generation's, best interest to keep going back for more.

                        Passive, non-physically activitie outside time does seem to have positive effects on mental state too. So, we need physical activity and we need time outdoors. Somehow we have to make it appealing or just force them to be out there and hopefully they will accept it! Either way, it's a basic need so it has to happen.
                        I don't mind if the kids sit and just enjoy the day. I understand the need for passive time. What I can't get over is the drive to try to run and yell IN the house (where is definitely is not allowed), and then sit and moan when outside.

                        I was sent outside to play as a kid with no parent involvement, also. I may not have loved it, but I found things to do and explore. I do believe that 'parents these days' are far more involved in their dks play, and it makes those littles dependent on adult direction to their play. I was an only child for 5 years in a very large family, so I'm sure I was the same way as a kid. But I firmly believe in down time (with no adult involvement) for imagination and pretend play to blossom!

                        After I posted this last week, we spent every available minute outside, and since my attention was on my 2 todds, the older kids finally started playing and enjoying their time. And were worn out for nap time, so win-win! happyface

