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20 mo screams for Half an Hour + As Nap Ends

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  • 20 mo screams for Half an Hour + As Nap Ends

    This kid has always screamed bloody murder when waking up, but she's coming up on age 2 now and becoming bigger, louder, and faster on the trigger. Lately it's ear-splitting, which is too bad because she naps on the same schedule as the big kids but falls asleep a few minutes sooner and breaks up her nap with one long raging flailing tantrum before passing out again, then wakes up again with another long raging flailing tantrum.

    When the extra-big rages started I first thought she was in pain because her tone of voice was different, but now I think that's just come with getting older, and possibly with getting fully weaned off of formula; she's used to soothing with a warm bottle. I have been trying to soothe her back to sleep but touching or interacting with her or asking her to let me pick her up sends her scurrying to the far end of the crib, roaring and burying her face in the corner. I have tried laying her over my knees and rubbing her back in case of tummy ache, four times so far, but she HATES that.

    Sometimes it's clear she isn't awake all; other times she stands up and bellows. She'll beat me around the face and try to flip out of my arms if I pick her up during the rages.

    Has anybody else had a kid like this? What do you think? Digestive issues? Hunger? Missing home? Trying to bring the bottle back? She's always had this sleep/scream/sleep/scream nap pattern, so I don't think it's a one-off illness or headache. I don't want to call for pick up in the middle of naptime every day, especially since it'll reinforce that the rages make Mommy appear. Her older brother throws screaming tantrums when he's feeling especially sensitive, too, but I've seen Mommy in action and she doesn't reward it.

  • #2
    I'd wonder what her parents do when she wakes up at home? Is she immediately picked up and rocked, bottles given, does she get to go play toys, or do they come and rub her back until she falls back asleep? Has she been recently moved to her own room for sleep?

    I am not familiar with a two-year-old trying to hit me in the face repeatedly, though. That is concerning.

    Should you worry about your child's temper tantrum? It depends on the tantrum style. Find out if your child deserves further evaluation by a mental health specialist.
    - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


    • #3
      Sounds like a night terror but during nap. How’s her night sleep?


      • #4
        It sounds like night terrors to me.
        It can happen during daytime naps. They are sometimes a symptom of an underlying issue. I would mention it's a possibility and have mom mention it at the Dr's office.

        The screaming: I'm sorry I can't help much there. If there isn't a quieter room you can have her in, then there isn't much else you can really do for a child that age except either deal or let her go.

        On a related note: does she still get the bottle?


        • #5
          How close to 2 is she?

          Your description of her behavior leads me to believe she's coming up on 1yr not 2.


          • #6
            I think Mom is still giving her a bottle with cow's milk in the morning. Mom says she doesn't have anything like this at home.

            She'll be 2 in June. She's talking and following simple instructions.

            She's started taking an . . . interest . . . in the texture of her meals. That is, she's hardly eating anything because she's dumping it, smearing it, flipping it, flinging it. She used to eat a lot more. She has already trashed her breakfast, morning snack, and lunch today. So it could be hunger, right? She's probably just taking the edge off with every meal.


            • #7
              My son did this around 2 years of age for about a full year. It was at night and not at nap. Our pediatrician said he was too young to have night terrors but it’s not unusual for children to tantrum in their sleep. I don’t know how true that is though. It was such a rough year for us and all we could do is let him do his thing in a safe place (pack n play or crib) until he outgrew it. It usually happened twice a night and it seemed like it got worse the more I tried to comfort him so I had to just let him scream. Sometimes it would last up to 30 minutes at a time. I don’t really have an answer but I can give virtual hugs!

