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Always on Another Planet

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  • Always on Another Planet

    One of my dcgs is always super spacey. She kind of reminds me of Winnie the Pooh. She focuses fine on tasks she has chosen herself. I don't see her staring into space during center time. But if we are walking in a group, she's 5-6 steps behind us. At group time, she's sitting backwards eating boogers. It takes her 10 minutes to do simple tasks like put away her belongings, wash hands, use the potty, etc. She does things a toddler might - stuff her clothes into her mouth, put her head into things, wander out of rooms.

    She responds with sadness/poutiness at being hurried along or given reminders. I try to keep it simple "Please do what we're doing. We're eating/walking/cleaning up/etc" She always knows what she was supposed to being doing and how to do it if asked.

    Its not getting any better and I feel like I'm nagging all the time. Thoughts?

  • #2
    How does she sleep? I have one right now kind of like that. Always seems to be 3 or 4 steps behind everyone else.

    Looks surprised alot when spoken to or asked to do something. Over all a pretty happy kid but one I know does not sleep well. I have always chalked her behavior up to that. Could that be your kiddos issue too?

    I also think some kids are just spacey type.


    • #3
      Is she intimidated by groups? Maybe she's being affected by lack of confidence? I wonder if she has some sort of social anxiety that could create her behavioral issues?


      • #4
        She sleeps OK here, but I dont know about at home.

        And no, no confidence issues. She's very outgoing and articulate. With friends during play, she's present and focused. But with much everything else, she just detaches.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Hunni Bee View Post
          At group time, she's sitting backwards eating boogers.
          I'm sorry for what you're going through with her, but I'm also HIGHLY amused.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Pestle View Post
            I'm sorry for what you're going through with her, but I'm also HIGHLY amused.
            She's extra fun. My favorite is when she watches herself savor them in the mirror behind me while we practice our letters.


            • #7
              One possibility is a working memory issue. It can really put a child in their own little world. Does she do better if you give the instruction in her face and make sure she heard you and understood?

              The main reason that our daughter is homeschooled is her (severe) executive function abilities. She has never been able to cope with large group instructions, and public school would even be worse of course.

