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Help with a Rate?

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  • Help with a Rate?

    Hi all! I'm a fairly new in home daycare provider and typically I charge a daily rate of 30 dollars a day (150/weekly). I recently was asked for service by an active duty military mom with 3 kids and I'm not really sure how to charge her. She would only need me from 4am until school starts ( I'll be dropping them off at school) or on other days i'll pick them up from school and keep them until 8:30pm. I'd really only have them for 4-5 hours at a time. How would you charge?

  • #2
    I would charge them 10-15% above your full time rate. They’re asking for flexible schedule, early mornings and/or late evenings plus transportation. That’s a lot of variables to deal with.


    • #3
      Attendance for one hour or 10 hours is attendance either way and would warrant the rate for that day. Time prior to opening time and after closing time warrants an additional cost (much higher than regular rates as it is non-standard hours) and transportation would be an additional fee on top of all that.

      I don't open early and I don't stay open later nor do I transport or take school aged kids so this wouldn't be something I'd take on but back in the day when I first opened and offered services like that, I wouldn't charge anything less than what I said in the first paragraph.

      Oh, and I would not offer a sibling discount. They don't get discounted care so no discount on the rate.


      • #4
        I would charge them the full rate, $30 per day per child. I do not offer discounts.

        You will have the additional expenses of:
        • feeding the children breakfast on morning days and snack and dinner on after school days
        • business car insurance (in my research personal car insurance doesn't cover daycare children)
        • gas
        • potential added expense of car seats to transport other daycare children while transporting these kids
        • wear and tear on your vehicle

        You should also consider the additional work:
        • You will be starting your day around 3:30am.... and the other families you will care for will likely need care until the end of the typical work day which is a very long day on a provider. Can you offer quality care from 4:00am - 6:00pm? Personally, I could not.
        • This is three spots with varying schedules which means you will likely need to hold those spots for them for the full day to not risk going over ratio. Plus schools have lots of time off so the parent will likely want them with you the full days those days....
        • Planning will require more time and require you to communicate with parent more than normal, you will have to be flexible in your plans for the daycare because of their varying schedule.
        • It could be a pain having to take other dcks to drop off or pick up these school age kids. How will it impact the other clients drop off time? The other children's naps, etc.

        I know you said you are just starting out but I would not just accept anyone..... and I would not start out offering discounts and being requested to be flexible between the hours of 4AM - 8:30PM. Know and value your worth. A nanny in my area would cost this mom $20 per hour for the three kids plus gas and the nanny would not take on the cost of food (which can really add up).

        It could also benefit you to search threads on SA care, it seems there are challenges that you should at least be aware of before you offer the care.


        • #5
          4:00am to 8:30pm it's crazy!... even if you don't have them continually because you drop them off at school, the school drop off alone will not be a pick nick..but if you're up for it, charge at least 90 x day


          • #6

            Okay, so I've done a schedule like this. It can be nice to take kids at 3:30 am because best believe they will be going straight to bed, and should be picked up by early afternoon. Do not get the mother used to you catering to the kids that early. If they need to eat SHE needs to do it before they are dropped off or give them a quick snack in the car. Breakfast is at 7:30/8 need to be able to go back to sleep right away to be ready for the clients that come at the usual time.

            Secondly, you must agree to the schedule in advance at least on a weekly, if not monthly basis. You CANNOT be expected to be available at the drop of a hat 24 hrs/day. You will have other daycare kids and you'll need time to get groceries/gas/have a life. Write up the schedule and give the mom a copy (make her sign it) so she knows those are the only times you agree to be available. If her schedule changes last minute you have every right to say no.

            On charges DON'T BE TOO NICE. This schedule WILL MAKE YOU TIRED!!!! I charge $50/day each child anytime they are here before 6 am or after 8 pm. You need to ask yourself why you got into this business. I did not get into this business to have no life and get paid less than I'm worth. The job is hard! Charge what your worth.

            $50/day for super early or late evening is a DEAL. A nanny would charge at least $100 for the overnight plus the hourly rate during the day of at least minimum wage if not $15-$20/hr. Plus Nanny's don't provide food.

            I agree with above posts (charge extra for transportation)

            Charge what it's worth to you or you will hate life. Be willing to let them walk away and go to someone with lower standards.

            I had one client like this and she was appreciative but in the end it was still not good enough that I watched her child on Thanksgiving, and took her at 3:30 am. She wanted me to be MORE available and only take what the state paid (not charge extra)

            She found someone who only takes one week off per year, and was supposedly more available, and I assume doesn't charge more than the state pays. Good for her but she told me the provider has health issues. This is my exact point: I DO NOT WANT TO BE THE PROVIDER WHOS BODY IS DETERIORATING BECAUSE I AM NOT PUTTING MYSELF AND MY FAMILY FIRST.

            I take at least 4 weeks off a year (spread out, sometimes just a day)

            I did not leave behind 3 paid weeks vacation, $21/hr, sick time, full benefits to work for less than what I'm worth, and have no life.

            Each and every one of us providers are worth it, and I hope you and all the others know your worth. I hope this helps you and others in the future.

            Remember, you are capable of getting a good paying job where you don't have to clean other people's kids poopy diapers, and deal with bratty toddlers all day...

            Be appreciated, hold people to high standards, enjoy your business and being your own boss.
            Last edited by Newprovider16; 01-03-2019, 11:07 AM. Reason: Spelling


            • #7
              That sounds hard to make it all add up. Are you normally up at 4am? How will that affect the rest of your day? How will you take them to school if you have other kids with you?

              IMO school drop off is pretty hard, and you should probably look at extra insurance for your car to cover liability. My insurance person said that if there's liability during daycare transport, my regular auto insurance might not pick it up because it's for a business.

              I pay extra auto insurance because I occasionally take kids on field trips, but I wouldn't do it if it didn't directly benefit my own daughter.

