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Toy Cost/Budget?

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  • Toy Cost/Budget?

    Decided not to log in for this one in case my hubs reads this... WINK WINK! HA

    Yesterday I purchased some much needed manipulatives for my older toddlers/young preschoolers. I spent $225 which doesn't rock my budget too much. I typically garage sale shop/thrift shop and have been pretty lucky with what I find. I do not set a budget for the year or anything I just buy what I think we need at any one particular time.

    Does anyone have a spending budget? And if so how do you base it? Per kid? Just a set amount? Does it depend on your family budget or do you do business first? Do you include monthly curriculum in your yrl budget?

    Anyone strictly garage sale shop and NEVER buy anything from catalogs or online?

    Any tips for a thrifty provider?

    If you are uncomfortable giving actual numbers, percents would be helpful too. Like I spend XX % each year on toys, XX % on books etc.


  • #2
    I dont really have a budget, I just buy as I need/want. I spent the good part of last year buying toys and supplies even before I had my first Dck but a lot of stuff I do purchase also doubles as stuff for my son. Ikea and Amazon are my current go to places as well as CL and once upon a child consignment.

    I say I spent about $1,000.00 on toys and supplies from January '10-June '10. I dont have exact numbers as I havent done my taxes yet and havent totaled up my spending last year but I know its way over what I made in dc. I pulled in just over $3k in dc payments (my first dck didnt start till June) but am at a loss with all the toys and supplies I purchased getting the ball rolling. This year I will do the "buy as I go" approach again. As my son grows I continue to buy things for him thatll also benefit my dc kids. DS is 19mo and the two dck I watch are 19mo and under too. So all the toys fit into useful categories.

    Feel free to come over to my basement though and pillage through. Its starting to look like a Toys R Us down there. I didnt realize how bad it was till I went down there Sunday to "recycle out" toys.

    Amazon is also delivering some new stuff today. I really cant help it.
    "Being a parent is wanting to hug and strangle your kid at the same time".


    • #3
      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
      Decided not to log in for this one in case my hubs reads this... WINK WINK! HA

      Yesterday I purchased some much needed manipulatives for my older toddlers/young preschoolers. I spent $225 which doesn't rock my budget too much. I typically garage sale shop/thrift shop and have been pretty lucky with what I find. I do not set a budget for the year or anything I just buy what I think we need at any one particular time.

      Does anyone have a spending budget? And if so how do you base it? Per kid? Just a set amount? Does it depend on your family budget or do you do business first? Do you include monthly curriculum in your yrl budget?

      Anyone strictly garage sale shop and NEVER buy anything from catalogs or online?

      Any tips for a thrifty provider?

      If you are uncomfortable giving actual numbers, percents would be helpful too. Like I spend XX % each year on toys, XX % on books etc.

      I only reinvest $300.00 monthly and that is for everything except food. I spent way too much money last year each month....lets just say I spent more on daycare last year than should have....


      • #4
        I simply assign a dollar amount to each kid. I use my average attendance as a base, and hat is my budget for the month for food and supplies. I have a $200/month budget (give or take within about 15 bucks) that I allow myself for snacks first, supplies next. If I need something over and above, I adjust the next month or 2 to make up for it. If I dont spend it all, tough.

        Keep in mind, I don't provide any food other than pm snacks.


        • #5
          For 2010, I spent 5% of my gross income on toys/supplies (paper towels, wipes, cleaners, paper, markers, cars, blocks, crayons, etc) for daycare. This does not include the big things I needed for the business like shelving units, tables, big stroller, and outdoor climbing unit.

          On a monthly basis, I budget 3.5% of gross income for toys/supplies.

          I buy some at DSS, some at supermarket, some at the wholesale club, and some off CL.


          • #6
            oh my. i spent WAY over budget last year. between toys, and art supplies, it was close to $6,000.

            i have a toy problem and really need a support group

            that doesnt even include the stuff i get as hand me downs and off of freecycle.

            this year, i've offically put myself on a spending freeze. i am not going to buy anything toy or art supply related at all. for the whole year.

            of course, i have my heart set on a wooden kitchen, and we plan on taking out all the plastic crap in the front yard and putting in a natural playscape come spring.

            so other then that, no spending


            • #7
              I do not make enough to pay my bills yet!! I have a FT starting soon and then I will have some extra money

              I spent about 1400 dollars last year but I just opened last year.

              I do buy a curriculum MGT which in my opinion is expensive but I use my Food program money to buy it. I meal plan right and cut coupons so it hasnt cost my family any money to feed dcks!!

              I really need some new toys. I buy toys when on sale otherwise I look on craigslist, and garage sales. It is winter though so I am not having much luck.

              I wish my thrift store had toys worth buying.


              • #8
                hahah I have a toy spending habit too... serious issue.
                does not help that I have the worlds cutest 3yr old that has me wrapped around all of his fingers....


                • #9
                  I have a toy spending habbit too. its really bad and i need a support group. today i was tring to clean/orginize the toys and just don't even have room for them all so i am starting to rotate and get everything all figured out!

                  i spend way way to much not sure of the number but probly 100 a month but when i only care for 2 ft at the moment that is too much


                  • #10
                    between my husband, my older kids and myself we probably spend close to $500.00 a month on toys. some for daycare some not... I am so embarassed to admit not good...... this is what happens when you have a child 12 years apart from the next and was not supposed to happen..... Meaning that our little guy is a miracle baby who was not supposed to make it... hard not to spoil him with love and toys......

