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Gassy Child

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  • Gassy Child

    DCB - almost 4 is SO GASSY.

    He passes gas so frequently and it seriously stinks up the classroom. It's gag inducing. Right now when he does it I send him to the bathroom to try and use the bathroom. I have talked to him and told him if he starts to feel like he needs to pass gas he needs to do it in the bathroom...what am I missing? Is this an age thing? I am guessing there is nothing I can do, but is there something I can do and am just not thinking about?

    I am embarrassed because I don't want parents thinking my house or classroom smell. And I am tired of smelling it myself.

  • #2
    Why not bring it up to parents.Maybe he is lactose intolerant .Maybe they are giving him to much gassy foods.You could mention that he doesn't want to be the "stinky"child at school.The Dr should see him ,there are things that he could take.


    • #3
      My daughter has gas like this and she has a gluten sensitivity. Not celiac but gluten does nasty things to her bowels.


      • #4
        Broaching the subject with mom this afternoon as it seems to be a new problem.

        Originally posted by Ariana View Post
        My daughter has gas like this and she has a gluten sensitivity. Not celiac but gluten does nasty things to her bowels.
        That's interesting. I don't notice it too much in them morning, but quite often in the afternoons.


        • #5
          I have one, same age. It really gets bad after after lunch. He passes gas in his nap mat all through nap and when he wakes up and takes the covers off, he unleashes this stinkbomb into the room and its FOUL.

          I talked to his parents and told them it seemed to be related to milk (we always have milk at lunch but water mostly at snacks). They agreed to try and send lactose free milk but they never did. I don't know how to broach the subject again without offending them.

