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Bad Situation

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  • Bad Situation

    I was director at a child care center where the owners would not allow me to fulfill my responsiblities indicated in the reg book. Their license was provisional, they constantly violated the regulations and I was almost forced to resign. Then they accused me of unprofessionalism, insubordination.....

    I worked long, hard hours to bring the center up to code, was verbally abused by the owners, what can I do, our state is based on agreements at will, I am shocked at the behavior of people who treat this profession as a way to make money and nothing more. Who can I go to as someone who only worked and worked and cared and cared, and watched as rules were broken, children hurt, slapped, out of ratio, and on and on. They lie, and lie to parents, staff and the state. Please if anyone can direct me to the proper place to go. What an outrage.

  • #2

    Have they ever been reported before? I would report them to the licencing office right away if you haven't already.

    I hope you get some very sound advice.


    • #3
      I agree. Report them. I'm sorry that you aren't appreciated in a place where you clearly are the best asset that center has. The kids are so lucky to have you, try to focus on that. If all of these things are happening, that center should be closed down and if no one else is going to initiate it, you need to be the one to do it! Today. Good luck!


      • #4
        bad situation

        yes, which is why their license is now provisional. But they are still in business, making money, misleading parents and providing inappropriate care to the children.


        • #5
          How long have they been on a provisional license? Did they get time to correct things and has that time elapsed? I would document everything you can that is violating the provisional licence and call again with it. I would think if you can prove they are not following law and violating their licence and you can prove it, they should be shut down.
          Last edited by Michael; 02-15-2011, 02:21 PM.


          • #6

            I left last week after they gave me a document to sign that contained false information and after the continued abusive manner in which they treated me, I could not give them any more of my energy and time.


            • #7
              I am sorry to hear that. I am a bit surprised you have never reported them before, specially after seen kids being slapped. No matter what your responsibilities were you should have never kept to yourself after seeing these type of behavior towards children.
              If my child was at this child care I would sue everyone involved, not only the owners but all the instructors, directors who were involved in my child's care, and saw it and did nothing.
              In any event, it may not be too late for you to stand up to them and do something about - REPORT THEM RIGHT THE WAY!
              It is not about you or them, it's about those children who clearly don't have a enjoyable and safe environment to spend their entire day.
              Really sad...


              • #8
                First, call licensing. Report EXACTLY what you have seen. Leave your personal feelings and the info about how they treated YOU out of it, or licensing will simply assume it's a case of retaliation. Do however tell them you are no longer working there because the owners wanted you to falsify information.

                Secondly, I would call CPS and report the slapping and any other corporal punishment you have witnessed. Be prepared to give the names of all children involved and if at all possible, the parents names as well. You are a mandated reporter, and that reporting does not stop and end with licensing. CPS will be all over that.

                Good luck, keep us posted!!!!


                • #9
                  i'm sorry if this is taken the wrong way, but I'm a little put off by how you said you just watched as rules were broken, kids were hit, the center was out of ratio, etc...i'm having a hard time seeing how this is about the kids and not just beef with should have reported that the day it happened, and unfortunately your word won't have as much weight now as it would have when you were employed there, that said you can still do the right thing and report it now.


                  • #10
                    bad situation

                    I did not witness any abuse, however the allegations were confirmed and happened before I was employed. Other actions of non compliance occured at times when I was not present but were a result of the owner's insistence.


                    • #11
                      wow! That is scarey stuff.


                      • #12
                        what is scary is that parents have no idea of what goes on. I encouraged parents to create a committee, come into the classroom, etc. These parents had no expectations, no awareness of what was missing and that they were being lied to and mislead. I want the people who own this center to get out of this business, they have no right to be in this field without any knowledge of it, with no regard for the regulations and certainly no care of the children. So sad.

