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Why Why Why?

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  • Why Why Why?

    I've got a 2.5 yo dcg who has developed questioning skills this week. Everything she touches, she brings to me and will ask things like, "why did you buy this?" "Why is this red?" "Why do you have this potty?" It goes on and on! I'm so glad that she's curious, and it is pretty cute, but man! It never ends! ::::::

    Any of you have such curious little minds at your daycare?

  • #2
    I have a dcb that is almost 4. He started asking ?????'s when he was about 2and hasn't stopped. If it is something we can turn into a lesson or circle time discussion we difinitely take the opportunity but if it is a non-stop slew of random questions, I just answer with a question and the inquiring mind seems to take a break.


    • #3
      yep, my own 3 yo dd! She learned to ask "why?" shortly after she turned two and I remembered asking my mom, "Isn't that a 3 yo thing?!"

      I will answer whys up to a point, as long as they seem to be legitimate questions/queries. I keep a lot of the answers really simple and matter of fact: "Because I needed it." "Because that's what color it is." "Because this is the one we bought."

      When I get bored answering the whys I say, "Because, because, because, that's why I like giraffes." and she giggles and we move on to something else. Or I will give her an exasperated, "Because that's just the way it is," and try to change the subject.

      Eventually they learn other DD is fascinated by asking, "Where did you buy this?"
      Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


      • #4
        I have not had a child in a while that did the "why", but I do remember a child about 12 years ago that did the "why" about 200 times a day. So one day i just started asking him "why" on everything. I did this about 3 days and he stopped::::::


        • #5
          ever play the why game?

          the kids wont understand it too well, but it gets the ones that are on over kill to relax a little.

          so basically instead of answering all of their questions, you ask a question in return.

          child: why is your car blue
          you: why does the moon come out at night?

          keep on asking questions to their questions.

          wait until you see their's so much fun...


          • #6
            Yes, I have one that asks 'why' and 'what is this'? it would go on for hours if I let it. I usually will ask her 'what do you think it is?' and will let her do this for about 50 times in a row and then I'll say 'okay, last one' and direct her attention to something else.

            On Monday she asked 'why' and then answered herself 'because'. I got a chuckle out of that, mom and dad must have been answering her 'because' all weekend.


            • #7
              My very own daughter has discovered the joy of the question WHY? So, yeh, it never stops, I never get a break from it. It's pretty cute, if not a little annoying at times.


              • #8
                I like the answering of the questions with a totally random question. That sounds right up my alley. Being sarcastic with kids who really don't get it entertains me! :::: I think I'll try that after nap time!

