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Interesting Article About Feeding Styles

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  • #2
    I totally agree with the writer! It isn't just about food either. I've always practiced "authoritative parenting" with all my kids (daycare kids too). I give choice within the boundaries I set. The child gets a chance to participate i their life and I am okay with either choice they make. Red socks or blue socks? Don't care, but your feet will be warm! happyface


    • #3
      Thank you for sharing!!

      My niece is overweight at 11 and I feel it is because she was forced to eat as a child and was belittled and shamed for not eating. Now she sneaks food and hides it .

      I have to stop my own mother for saying the same things to my kids when they are eating. When I was a kid I ate whatever was out in front of me I just loved food...still do


      • #4
        Feeding a child is such a challenging prospect and to do it without running into any issues whatsoever is nearly impossible. I look back and see how I was raised and yes, I can see many issues that could've cause my current relationship with food. Unfortunately, I see issues I created when my kids were growing up too. It's so hard to do all and be all and end up perfect with perfect kids.

        BUT I also wonder how much some of this we get from our own genes. My dad always had a sweet tooth, as well as my mom and so do I. They grew up in very different households, during the Great Depression, than I did or that my kids did. So, really, who's to say which act of feeding your kids is going to work perfectly. Is it because all a parent can afford to feed their child is rice and potatoes and government cheese so your child will eat everything in sight once it's provided? Is it because you have to finish everything on your plate before you can have dessert so child will continue through out their lives emptying their plates instead of listening to their appetites?

        I honestly have maybe 50% faith in all these types of 'studies' that are out there because I think genetics plays a huge part in this type of thing, as well as upbringing, environment, peer pressure, etc., etc.. Sure, we all try to use common sense and moderation as our guide and to me, that's the best we can do.


        • #5
          Nature vs nurture. I definitely believe it impacts and influences behavior but for some one is stronger than the other. Even in the same families.

          My sister has a huge sweet tooth and can not resist anything sweet. I am the opposite. I like a sweet treat once in a while but chocolate is not my thing. I don't think either of my parents have a sweet tooth but I know out of 6 kids my sister isn't the only sibling with sugary cravings.

          As for nurture, I credit it alot for some of my odd eating habits. I eat one thing at a time in a specific order. My mom says she always fed me that way right from the beginning. I can't eat anything with green bell peppers.
          The smell invokes such a strong memory in regards to eating/meal time as a child that I just cant. But I don't necessarily dislike the taste. They just bring back memories of having to clean my plate regardless.

          I used to buy into the Two Bite Club. Even the Food Programs push it.... but I changed my views on food and how I approach it several years ago and now do not believe or support that idea any longer. So much so that it would've been a factor in choosing a care program for my children. I simply don't think kids should HAVE to take two thank you bites. At least not in daycare...

          I have rules, limitations and guidelines for how I feed the daycare kids in my care so they're not allowed to just go hog wild and not eat anything nutritious but I don't believe that most of the issues we see in regards to food really have anything to do with food at all.


          • #6
            "but I don't believe that most of the issues we see in regards to food really have anything to do with food at all."

            I completely agree with that!!

            Plus People have to get up and move. Children need to run, jump, hike, bike, all kinds of fun family stuff to love an active lifestyle. Sadly, I think many parents have developed that 'kids should be seen/not heard' mindset because they're either too busy or too tired to take care of them and model an overall healthy lifestyle.
            This nit-picking over 1 WGR a day or skim/1% milk versus 2%/'s ridiculous. That will not make a child overweight. More outdoor time, less sedentary time. And most schools need to do a complete Phys. Ed. overhaul. How much healthy movement can one expend listening to endless instructions, taking turns, etc. And that darn sugar should be made illegal.


            • #7
              I am definitely a more authoritative parent in general. My kids get in on the meal planning and menu prep. I have one with sensory issues, and although we DO eat pizza once a week for him, we make our whole wheat dough from scratch and use healthy choices for toppings, veggie pizza is a big hit around here.

              DS/10 loves fries and chicken fingers- we bake sweet potato fries and make homemade baked chicken fingers.

              I always ask if they want X or X vegetable for dinners. Sometimes they say both- so we have two vegetable choices.

              When my youngest two were in K they did this all about me thing at open house. I knew by the favorite food who my kids were- carrots and broccoli (but neither child will touch the other's favorite veggie)

              We also allow them to chose what and how much goes on their plates and we do not stress. Eating well is a long game, so if we are short on veggies one day/week, I try to load up the next.

              My biggest issue is myself- I was a clean your plate- drink your milk family. No matter how much was put on/in it. I also LOATHE milk, so I would gag my way through a giant glass of whole milk, and whatever horribly unhealthy thing my mother made (we ate a lot of hamburger and tuna helper). I often sat at the table past my bedtime forcing myself to eat cold food despite being so full I felt nauseated.

              and there was ALWAYS dessert, of course. For eating all my dinner. Over eating and portion control became a HUGE issue for me.

